Alina Vidican is in the ninth heaven and marry!

We all have heard of Alina Vidican, but if you forgot about who we are talking about, she's the former wife of the Kristi Borcea businessman. Moreover, she would really get married to the new boyfriend, and the wedding will take place in the United States.

We all have heard of Alina Vidican, but if you forgot about who we are talking about, she's the former wife of the famous businessman Cristi Borcea. Their relationship was over some time ago, but love seems to have restored its presence in alina's life. Moreover, she would really get married to the new boyfriend, and the wedding will take place in the United States.

Her boyfriend is the Pilot Claude Senhoreti, a Brazilian known for this passion, also has various business that he is under driving. The location where the wedding is in southern Florida at a renowned location called "Addison".

What will happen at the event?

And as we know that this event is important for any couple, especially for someone who is remarried, Alina wanted much to have different details. The first thing they decided is that everyone who will be present at their event will have to come dressed in black. Why black? But we do not know him, however, we suspect it is related to a theme that the young pair has in mind.

A possible reason is that there is a Romanian tradition, which says that if everyone is dressed in this color, then marriage will be protected from bad luck and other bad things that may arise. Clearly, this mystical realm has many traditions and it is nice to see how some of our habits can reach so far.

Who is the lover and how did they know?

Claude is 46 years old and some of his affairs are based in Miami. Apparently, the two were known when Claude was about to buy a 200,000 euro Ferrari. It was an event that celebrated the launch of Miami clouds. He told us that then was the moment when he first saw Alina. This was easy enough because Alina is a tall and beautiful woman that many men do not miss. He approached her and began talking though she seemed quite reserved, but when she opened the subject-related subject, he managed to capture her interest.

Since then, the two lovers, and Alina has always been next to her, even in car races, which can sometimes be dangerous. When Claude asked her in marriage, he announced his fans wearing a shirt in which he could see the name of his forthcoming wife.

Because Alina Vidican has two children, George Alexandru aged 8 years plus the 5-year-old glory in Cristi Borcea, the American millionaire took care to develop a close relationship with little ones. He understands very well with them plus he loves Alina extraordinarily.

The wedding will certainly be an unforgettable event for both of them and have all the chances to enjoy a wonderful marriage together. As long as their feelings will remain the same, and sincerity will be one of the values ​​they promote in the family, the future will certainly sound good for the two.

Categories: Entertainment
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