Michelle Hunziker and beauty tips at her soup

Puffy face even for the star here is the remedy Michelle

It is one of the most famous conductors and appreciated in Italy. Very nice, cheerful, energetic. Show girl, mother, business woman and wife, until a few days ago. After announcing in a statement late marriage to Thomas Trussardi, Michelle, who does not like to have the spotlight on the most serious and important parts of his life but enjoys sharing sun and light with its more than 5 million followers, published a video in which effective pantry as simple beauty tips! An example? Here's how to remedy the bloated face with ... a good soup!


Michelle Hunziker is one of the finest conductors, solar and (self) ironic ever! She loves to laugh and good humor of her is contagious. Watching the thousands of videos that depopulated on the web where you dispense miraculous beauty tips as if there were no tomorrow, Michelle is also unwilling to intervene. She has proposed a video tutorial on how to resolve the 'unsightly swelling of the face in the morning. And the solution is as simple as ironic and effective: a massage to the soup frozen!

It seems strange, but it works

It may seem a joke, actually Michelle's advice is very useful and effective. The low temperature of the ice, accompanied by a gentle massage, help to visibly improve skin health. The skin is firmer and toned, it disappears quell'antiestetico are mitigated swelling and redness and irritation caused mainly by impurities. A natural tonic used a lot in the East.

How you do it?

This beauty routine is very simple and you have two choices on the "tools" you can really use the large cut vegetables you have in the freezer for the soup or you can use the ice globe, refrigerants balls very easily available online as well. Gently massaging the skin for a few minutes daily subcutaneous microcirculation is activated which, together with the low temperature of the ice, it helps keep the skin toned and glowing.

45 years and not hear

Michelle seems an ageless woman. While the three pregnancies, a life super busy and just off 45 candles, she still has a physical and a girlish face. The secret of her? Well, she's more than one, but one of the most important is certainly the 'workout: exercise and postural least three times a week. Training is so important to her that during the months of lockdown has been training online to make company to its thousands of fans and in the summers of 2020 and 2021 he organized some real fitness events with Marco Basso and other personal trainer of the groupIron ciapet.

The beauty at the table

But the workout would certainly not be sufficient without a healthy diet. Rather than pay attention to fat, Michelle pays a lot of attention to sugars and simple carbohydrates. In the interview she told not to buy bread, but to make bread at home avoiding the double zero flour. And preferable by far the wholemeal pasta. Moreover, that Michelle is a diet descending: she starts the day with a rich breakfast to end it with a relaxing herbal tea or a plate of vegetables sun. Small great adroitness that allow it to maintain statuesque she has.

She self-care

Third essential beauty routine is the care of the skin. Beauty products and cutting-edge aesthetic sessions are the third trump card of the beautiful Michelle. She, to be sure of the ease and effectiveness of the products to be applied on its skin has created Goovi, his own line of cosmetics, however, has told to undergo regular treatments bioregeneration phone that seem to keep her skin in form without any surgical help.

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