Ukraine in War Time: 10 moments of humanity and resistance
Moments of courage and humanity of Ukrainians at war

It is now a week that Ukraine resists Putin's fierce attack. Days when many mothers have had to greet their husbands, gather a few essential items and flee to neighboring countries to rescue their children. Days on which many other Ukrainians were in their cities to fight, to resist and defend the freedom of their country. In a week the world has changed. At the gates of Europe, in a matter of days it has gone from daily life consisting of vitality, work, culture and entertainment in the streets invaded by tanks under the roar of bombs.
What are the moments of this week of the war that will remain indelible in our minds? There could be many, but we have chosen 10, came to us through the story of those who remained in Ukraine and through social shares with the world its new, tragic everyday life.

In metropolitan shelters life is born
While outside began to storm the Russian attack against the city of Kiev, many have had to seek refuge in basements, in public shelters or in the metro stations. It was the same for a girl of only 23 years, with his belly to the ninth month of pregnancy, she was forced to find a safe place for himself and his fragile life she was carrying. The little Mia (that's her name), regardless of bombs and tanks on top of her head, came into the world in the capital's subway, during the first days of the war. A true miracle of life and resilience.
Marriage at war
Yaryna Arieva and Sviatoslav Fursin, two young Ukrainians aged 21 and 24, had planned to exchange vows in May. Then Putin invaded their country and the two instead of losing heart, they anticipated their marriage with a lightning ceremony in order to fight together as husband and wife. They married under the bombs during the first day of war and ended the ceremony, they removed the beautiful bridal gowns for the rifle and defend Kiev, their city.
The Ukrainian anthem louder than bombs
The Ukrainian national anthem played by a young trumpet player to the balcony, while all around you can hear the explosions of the bombs, an image is as powerful as disarming.
Among the thousands of crazy propaganda nonsense that Putin is shooting from the rooftops these days, there is a truth: Russian and Ukrainian are brothers. And despite the "betrayal" right away, the Ukrainians have demonstrated on several occasions. At one Russian soldier after he surrendered, he was allowed to call his mom as she rifocillava with something warm and something to eat. An act of profound humanity.

The tape on the windows
It is a gesture that would seem foolish, but that shows how the people of Ukraine does not intend either to surrender or to leave their homes. Put the tape on the windows is one way to prevent the glass shatter if there were an explosion nearby.

Picking up the pieces, singing the anthem
But not everyone is able to solve with a little 'of scotch. Many have found themselves a home destroyed by bombs or by the shock wave of the explosion. And yet we do not give up: you collect the pieces, it gets back into order, in tears, proven by the injustice of the violence, singing the national anthem of Ukraine.
Shelters and always ready backpacks
There is one thing that highlights the precariousness of the moment in Ukraine and unites all those who stayed to defend their homes: the shelters and always ready backpacks. Entire families seeking shelter in the subway, in public shelters or in house cellars, with few belongings stored in a backpack to take the last moment before leaving, in case there was no other salvation but to flee.

The sunflower seeds
Anger and courage. Is this what you get watching the Ukrainian woman who faces uncovered face a group of Russian soldiers, offering them the sunflower seeds (one of the symbols of Ukraine). In the video shared by newspapers around the world he feels the woman said to the soldiers: "Take these seeds and put them in your pocket, so when you die at least grow sunflowers."
The hope of the bar (or resistance)
There are very few shops still open to Kiev, but among these there is a bar than despite the bombs, death and destruction around continues to not lower the damper. With an antiaircraft shelter in the basement, the owner tries to resist offering the very few passers-by a parvent of normality.

How to help
Without a doubt, the world is with Ukraine. The humanitarian and private associations are incalculable that in every part of Italy and the world have been activated to collect basic necessities, food, medicines, hot clothing to send to the hundreds of thousands of Ukrainians who, from day to day, They were forced to fight or escape from an unjust and useless war. In addition to humanitarian aid, to help the military remained to defend their land and freedom, you can make a donationhere (