17 male actors who were totally changing their weight for movies

Eating this! At the SCOOP on which male actors have endured rapid weight loss and fast weight gain for roles in some of your favorite flicks.

When we have recently heard about how Mark-Paul Gosselaar (Aka Zack Morris has a lot of you) had to earn nearly 20 pounds of six weeks just six weeks for his role as a baseball player / receiver in Fox'sGroundThis made us think of all the other men who had to sacrifice the comfort areas of their body for their career. Unlike most jobs in civilians, actors not only need to be incredibly talented in their respective fields, they must also be willing to distort their appearance if a role calls. Read on to see which guys won or lost several books to portray their characters - and do not miss our final list of the50 best men's food!


Bradley Cooper

bradley cooper

"Dang, Bradley Cooper has put ona lot weight. "

I remember thinking about that when Bradley Cooper makes his first appearance in the movieAmerican sniper. And me, with others that I'm sure, was not wrong with this observation! The actor won an impressive 40 pounds in just 10 weeks to play the Burly Chris Kyle. This seal of the Navy, which is known for its record of 160 confirmed victories in Iraq, was a person aged 230 pounds. Before the movie, Cooper was 185 pounds - but with the help of a Celebrity coach Jason Walsh, he was able to become big in a small amount of time. The actor had to eat nearly 6,000 calories a day to put this impressive amount of weight. At its peak, Cooper timed in five sets of eight heavy rack pads (a type of death exercise) with more than 400 pounds! Shortly after finishing filming, Cooper had toLose 10 pounds In two weeks and again another to play a chef in another film calledBurnt.



christian bale

Perhaps one of the most intense and intense breaks and frankly one of the most dangerous weight loss cascades has been interpreted by Christian Bale for his role as an insomniac Trevor Reznik in theThe machinist. Bale lost 63 pounds running and reconstituting with a meal less than enough of an apple and a tuna box a day. This act of famine is so incredibly prejudicial to your metabolism; and to aggravate things, as soon as he finished filming, he put nearly 100 pounds in the five-month period to play as Batman inBatman begins. We understand that Bale did all this for his work, but here's here12 realities of your plan for yo-yo you have to hear.


Hugh Jackman

hugh jackman

Another actor who turns offbig belly was Hugh Jackman for his role inWretched. His training was brutal, because Jackman had to keep a considerable amount of muscles to represent Fort Jean Valjean. In order to achieve this emaciated but muscular look, he had to eat sparingly seven times a day and make a mixture of cardio and force training for three hours a day. It is not surprising that the actor was accused of grumpy on the whole - he was probably borrowed!


Ryan Reynolds

ryan reynolds

Reach his abdomen torn in the movieBlade TrinityRyan Reynolds had to wear 25 pure muscle pounds in just three months. He has accomplished that with a lot of workout and about 3,200 calories every day. He had to eat a wealth ofHigh protein snacks During the day to maintain this epic muscular gain!


50 cents

50 cent

Another cascade of drastic weight loss was executed by the 50 cents rapper, which paid 55 pounds for the filmAll things fall into pieces. His role involved playing a university football player who had been prey to cancer. To reproduce the patient look of the character, he exercises several times a day and took a liquid diet for nine weeks. Yes,nine weeks.

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Jared Leto

jared leto

You may recognize it as the Frontman of the legendary rock bands, 30 seconds to March, but Jared Leto also has an actor career. In his role inChapter 27, Leto gained an impressive books by eating a diet rich in extremely fat snacks. His favorite? Oh, just your usual microwave clamps mixed with soy sauce and olive oil. Yuck! If it was not obvious, it's like the extreme version of40 bad habits leading to a big belly. Leto has so much weight so fast and so unhealthy he had to move in a wheelchair because her feet hurt so badly.


Colin Farrell

colin farrell

The Irish actor dropped from 44 pounds for his role in the filmTriage. In order to master the skeletal look, Farrell has survived black coffee, diet coke and two tuna cans a day. Of course, it's a step of the only bobbin of tuna and apple that Christian Bale bite to nibble - but still, these small food rations do not exactly do your favorite body.


Matthew McConaughey

matthew mcconaughey

Very good just right! We all know that Matthew McConaughey plays the charmer in most of his movies, but did you know that he dropped 38 pounds to Ron Woofroof parallel AIDS disease in the movieDallas Buyers Club? The archives of its diet include egg whites, a little chicken, a small portion of pudding and two cerctometers a day for three or four months. Wowza, it's not surprising why it dropped 25% of its body weight.


Russel Crowe

russell crowe

For the part of Russell Crowe in the movieLie bodyHe had to win 63 pounds! With the help ofcheeseburgers For breakfast, cupcakes and a sedentary lifestyle, it was able to put the weight at the time of time. Unfortunately, but without surprise, his body hated fast weight gain and his cholesterol levels flourished on a perilous territory.


Matt Damon

matt damon

Matt Damon has successfully put 30 pounds for his role inThe informant. The wrong side? He predominantly went to his intestine. Excessivebig belly This concerns more than storing weight in the hips and thighs, because this visceral fat is the precursor of a long line of heart disease and even type II diabetes. Fortunately, he paid it when he had Waltz in the red carpet!


George Clooney

george clooney

Good Ol 'George Clooney may have won an Oscar for his role in the political thrillerSyrianaBut he was not terribly eager about the pounds he had to pack for that. He claims to put on the books - as well as the bushy beard, made him feel like he had aged a decade. Does it put a price? You decide.


Tom Hanks

tom hanks

The most remarkable transformation of Tom Hanks must be his loss of 50 pounds for classical successWrecked. In order to prepare the film, Hanks took a slower path compared to others listed above and dropped the weight over a year. At the same time, he grew up a long beard to improve the Scraggly look. Hanks also lost weight 30 pounds for his role in the movieCream Philadelphia. He developed type II diabetes, which he accredited his massive weight jumps over the years for these two films. Depressing? You bet. On a lighter note, read on25 world's most robust men's weight loss tips To make sense of how to lose weight healthy.


Ben Kingsley

ben kingsley

The British actor Ben Kingsley fell 20 pounds to play Gandhi, who was broadcast in 1982. He wanted to fully air with the character, then he even decided to lose weight on a strictly vegetarian style style. Gandhi. This guy did his research.


Jake Gyllenhaal

jake gyllenhaal

A GylenHenhaal Jake formerly lean fell from 30 extra pounds to imitate the crime photographer Pig derange, Louis Bloom, inSomnambulist. Gylenhenhaal felt as if his character was synonymous with a hungry coyote, he wanted to explore the idea of ​​being hungry and run lots. The cardio is great and everything, but too many of them and with a little or no formation can not leave you a little emaciated, at least in the most extreme case. To verify25 best foods for a toned body So that you can get a strong idea about foods best reconstruct your body after an intense workout!


Robert de Niro

robert de niro

Robert de Niro has defined the bar for these younger men players with regard to weight transformations. NIRO actually changed weight, but twice for the same movie! It's true, from Niro broke his buttocks to play the iconic Jake Jake Lamotta inFurious bull Then decreased all the hard work by winning 60 pounds to play the character in his last years. NIRO has developed cutaneous rashes and post-weight respiratory problems.


Chris Hemsworth

chris hemsworth

After making her mark like a thor incredibly music, hemsworth then dropped 33 pounds to embody a shipwrecked man at sea in the movieIn the heart of the sea. In the month preceding the movie, he dropped to consume as little as 500 calories a day, Oshing on nothing but hard worms and salads. It certainly looked like a man who had been sinking for 90 days, at least.


Chris Pratt

chris pratt

Last, but certainly not the least, Chris Pratt suffered an incredible transformation to play Peter Quill, that is to say Lord Star, inGuardians of the galaxy. So, just how much weight the old portly andy dwyerParks and leisure publication date? He lost 80 pounds by adopting a strict paleo style diet and developed every day to reduce and sculpt his body. If you are inspired, consult the23 Best Protein Recipes For weight loss to see which your palate appeal!

Categories: Weight Loss
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