10 fun ways to burn calories

It is not always easy to sport. Whether to keep fit or lose weight, sport is a good way to achieve its goals.

It is not always easy to sport. Whether to keep fit or lose weight, sport is a good way to achieve its goals. We will never say enough but you have to eat and move. Then byebye drastic diets, the ideal recipe for getting convincing results, it's to eat balanced while moving frequently. It is true that we often want immediate results but you will see that the best results are those who are durable. For this, you must be patient and regular. When you practice a sport, the first thing we think is burning calories. Burning calories often rhymes with weight loss. In order for this calorie loss to be effective, you must arrive at a level of effort where you spend more calories than those brought by your meals. Your body is forced to draw on your reserves. You may not have time to make intensive sports sessions but you can on a daily basis do fun actions that will help you burn calories. In this article, we offer 10 fun ways to burn calories?


It is sometimes said that we must try to link the useful to the pleasant. Walk inevitably allows to lose calories, but you may not have the motivation to walk without purpose. Enjoy a phone call to make the 100 steps from you or outside.

To dance

Dancing allows you to let go, distress and have fun. Put a rhythmic music and dance without thinking. Dancing for about 1h can make you lose up to 600 calories.

To laugh

And yes laugh, also losing calories. You do not have anyone in the surroundings to make you laugh? No worries, learn to laugh at order. Laughing, your abs contracted and you burn some calories. Laughing is also good for morale and health. So laugh throughout the day without moderation.

To chew gum

The very fact of chewing something can make you lose calories. That being, it is true that if you do only eat, it will be difficult to keep the balance. There is a solution, chew a chewing gum for 1h and you will lose some calorie.

To watch a horror movie

You are surely wondering, how can we lose calories while remaining static? At first, it's not any type of movie. Here, we talk about horror movie. When we are afraid, our heartbeat increases as well as the consumption of oxygen and dioxin, in this way you can burn up to 200 calories.

To concentrate

Did you know that our brain uses more than 300 calories a day to think? So, if you have stand-by topics that require a small reflection, go, it's time to help you.

To sing

When we sing, we use several muscles. By singing for 1h, you will burn about 200 calories. So sing in your shower, sing to tuke and at any time of the day.


You do not know how to dance for example? No problem, gigotate in every way. Gigotate on your chair, get up to get something and start again.

Go shopping

You will be able to heat the credit card and burn calories. You can even do that window locks, the essential is to be active. Go from shop in store. Pick up a garment, try this garment, walk again and again.


In the same line as laughter, you can make tickles or let yourself be tickled. In both cases, it will allow you to spend yourself while laughing.

Categories: Beauty
Tags: weightloss
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