What was Brigitte Macron in his youth

Today we will know some data on the youth of the French first lady, Brigitte Macron.

The wife of the president of France, Emmanuel Macron, is an influential and admired woman both inside and outside her country. Married in second nuptials with the current French mandamás, Brigitte has her own life and career outside the Elisha. In this article we review the fascinating biography of her.

Your childhood and training

Brigitte Marie Claude was born in 1953 in Amiens, north of France. The single surname of her is Trogneux, surname of her father, Jean, who run alongside her mother, Simone, a famous chocolate shop in the town, owned by her family for several generations. In France, this tradition is still preserved that the woman adopts her husband's last name when marrying, as seen in her name change.

After finishing his studies, Brigitte began teaching in Strasbourg in the famous Collège Lucie-Berger. She later served as a French and Latin teacher in Lycée the providence of Amiens, where she met her current husband, Emmanuel Macron.

A relationship in the eye of the hurricane

The relationship between the current president and the first lady of France began in a unorthodox and conventional way, since Brigitte was Emmanuel's professor at the Lycée providence. If we unite that she was married at that time and that they separate the 24 -year -old a whop, we have the perfect ingredients for a most controversial love story.

As expected in a relationship of such caliber, her families caused a total rejection and disapproved since they learned, even transferring Emmanuel to study outside Amiens to get him away from her was the teacher's teacher.

Brigitte had married in 1974, three years before the birth of Emmanuel. From that first marriage, which lasted more than 30 years, her three daughters were born: Sébastien, Laurence and Tiphaine. A year after divorcing her first husband, André Louis Auzière, Brigitte married an already adult Emmanuel.

Her relationship began when he was only 15 years old and she, 39. In fact, one of Brigitte's daughters is of the same age as her current husband and were classmates. Years after those complicated beginnings, she left everything for him, ending her first marriage. They met again when Emmanuel fulfilled the age of majority and married after she obtained the divorce of her first husband.

Nothing to be apRimeradlove in the shadow

Mrs. Macron is one of the most beloved and respected women both inside and outside France. Some dare to affirm that she is the most admired first lady in the history of the Gallic country.

Be that as it may, knowing how, the kindness and culture of Brigitte has made it, at 69, one of her husband's fundamental pillars and, therefore, the government of the nation, but without ever reaching Giving up his role as a free and independent woman, provided that he can logically allow him for his obligations as First Lady.

As commented on source close to Elyseo, Brigitte is one of Emmanuel Macron's main support points, especially in everything related to diplomacy. They also "blame" her in much of her husband's success, who is said to call her very frequently and consult her essential aspects for the country's government. Brigitte is one of the people closest to the president, not only on a personal level, but also professional, since she advises and accompanies her in her day to day.

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