What your eyebrow shape says about you

Eyebrows are an important element of the face that determines the overall expression of a person. In addition, experts for physiognomy say that the shape of your eyebrows say a lot about your personality type and you in general.

Eyebrows are an important element of the face that determines the overall expression of a person. In addition, experts for physiognomy say that the shape of your eyebrows say a lot about your personality type and you in general. Many business experts recommend taking this important element to consider if you start a special negotiation with someone, but even when it comes to very simple personal relationships.

For our readers, we have determined the most common types of eyebrows that can help you better tailor your communication to your opposite.

Short eyebrows

Short eyebrows make the face very seriously and strictly look. In fact, some of them may be exactly so interested in the rational part of things, rational, without drama. They tend to be loyal and cultivate close friendships, but are just as proud and do not want to rely on the help of others.

Straight eyebrow

In general, it's hard to avoid eye breakage. To a face with this kind of eyebrow you will remember for a long time. These eyebrows frame not only the face of a person, but also pull the eyes inward in the middle of the face. They are like arrows showing on the middle of the face. According to psychologists, such a person is usually very calculating and logical. They rate things cool and are rarely impulsive. They are a good resource for hard and difficult negotiations.

Queen eyebrows

This type of eyebrow beautifies the face, just like a crown a queen characters. A person with this property is either a perfectionist or a very nice person or both. According to experts, the handling of such people is usually difficult, especially because their claims are high and it is very difficult to make them happy. They are also very stubborn, but at the same time fragile, as they focus only on exceeding themselves and the others. Therefore, you can make false decisions and be very hard to yourself.

Long eyebrows

Facial listing experts believe that long eyebrows make up a person who is very friendly and likes to be with many people. Normally such people are very strong and do not like dramas or emotional outbursts.

Thick eyebrows

Some like to contradict us, but bushy eyebrows are always popular. You define the face of a person naturally. People with such eyebrows are self-confident, natural communicators. They are confident that nothing they can prevent their plans to realize. At the same time they are considered very logically thinking people and are determined to achieve something. They also tend to be very active and love physical activities.

Conical eyebrows

In this type of eyebrows, the inner part is much thicker than the end of the brow. They are very thin at the end, which is considered by many as the perfect shape because they mediate the illusion of a long, full brief. Seen from the personality, people with such a face feature are balanced and it's fun to be together with them.

Diagonal eyebrows

An oblique eyebrow arises when the ends of your eyebrows are higher than the front part. A specialist for reading faces told us that such people usually express their emotions extremely. More: The stronger the corner of the eyebrows, the more the person is affected by extreme emotions. This eyebrow form is considered a sign of an emotional imbalance and people with this type of face features should be careful because they can hardly make decisions.

Hard curved eyebrow

With this kind of eyebrows, it's hard to forget someone. You will remember such a face for a long time. When it comes to reading faces, these people are considered something restrained when it comes to contacting others, and they need a bit of time to get along with other people. For business negotiations, you are usually hard to handle, but if you have them on your side, they are forever you.

Thin eyebrows

Facial listing experts look at people with this kind of eyebrows, the natural thin eyebrows, usually as people with little self-confidence. They therefore recommend careful when designing the eyebrows to give no false impression of themselves.

Pointed eyebrows

People with sharp eyebrows are considered people whose emotions overlap the rational thinking. They tend to make a decision in a big hurry. They are fast, reactive and many of their decisions are rarely rational. They love it when things happen quickly and do not take time for rational subtleties. Take in front of a person with lace eyebrows in eight, because it can be very difficult to handle, especially in critical situations.

What do you think? Which type of eyebrow are you?

Categories: Schonheit
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