6 Highlights of Russian invasion to Ukraine

Many moments will be for posterity after such a critical situation as lived in the Russian invasion of Ukraine

A war always leaves a deathworm and destruction impossible to forget and leave behind. But in the middle of the barbarism, there are always stories that make us recover faith in the human being and excite ourselves.

In the case of the war provoked after the invasion of Russia to Ukraine has not been different from other occasions. Death, desolation, sadness ... Negative feelings crowd for the Ukrainians and for all those who support them.

The life that opens up in the middle of a war

During one of the bombings of the Russian army over the city of kyiv, the young mother, just 23 years old, took refuge in the city subway to protect himself from her. But the little Mia decided that it was time to make an appearance. Assisted by a police officer who came in the help of her, the proud mother was able to give birth and be transferred in ambulance to a hospital in the Ukrainian capital to finish recovering from birth. An image that has traveled half a world, in which life and hope open a hollow between the barbarism.

The brewery that manufactures molotov cocktails

A well-known beer factory of the capital of Ukraine decided to paralyze production and change its objective: manufacture molotov cocktails so that citizens can use them to repel the attacks of the Russian army. Undoubtedly, an original way of being useful at such hard times as those who are living.

Music against horror

On the night of last Monday, February 28, a Ukrainian musician excited half the world when he touched the national anthem of his country while, along with hundreds of fellow citizens, took refuge in the kyiv subway. People put towards the subway tunnels to prepare another night of cold and terror. At the Obolon station of the capital, an anonymous musician decided to put his grain of sand to fight the terror, playing with his trumpet the hymn of Ukraine.

The crying after the most bitter victory

The history of Dayana Yastremska has been very emotional for the international community. The Ukrainian tennis player managed to defeat her rival, Romanian Ana Bogdan, just a couple of days after getting to escape from the horror of the war of her home. After rising on victory, the young woman collapsed between tears, totally inconsolable. Undoubtedly, the most bitter victory of her professional career.

Solidarity against Barbarism

Wars never contribute anything positive, but they do get the best of many people. Such is the case of Nataliya Ableryeva, a Ukrainian woman to which a male of the same nationality entrusted him to the 2 children of her to put them safe. Man, military age, could not leave the country to join the National Army. The woman traveled for hours to meet with the mother of the little ones, traveling from Italy to meet with them and put them safe. To the epic of the operation, he joins the fact that Nataliya herself had to leave there to her children, who by age could not leave the country either and fight against Russian invasion.

Date separation from reunion

Many are the families that have been forced to separate because of the war. Men between 18 and 60 can not leave the country to join the army. So refugee convoys are full of women and children looking for a safe place. The train stations have witnessed many tears and farewell without reunion for thousands of Ukrainian families.

If you want to collaborate by helping the thousands of refugees and victims of the conflict, you can enter any of these two links and leave your contribution. Thanks!https://savelife.in.ua/en/donate/ https://uaelp.monobank.ua/

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