7 signs that your boyfriend is not ready to become a parent
Often it happens that a man declares his readiness for marriage and children, but in fact it does not want it, or specifically, or specifically with you, or never. What signs will help withdraw it to clean water?

The main meaning of relations lies in their natural development. Of course, it has its shade for each pair. For someone this is a traditional marriage and children, for someone just a marriage, for someone only children, for someone joint property and mutual support. In any case, the connection between partners should organically grow and deepen, constantly changing in something more until it reaches a comfortable for both points of destination. So, beginning a relationship, it is very important to discuss this point so that it coincided. Unfortunately, it often happens that one of the partners (most often man) declares its readiness for marriage and children, but in fact it does not want it, or specifically, or specifically with you, or never. However, in a relationship it is convenient and changing something he does not want. As a result, you are printing in Oman, lose time and effort. The following features will help you to tell whether your partner has a desire and willingness to become a parent whether the truth hides you that you do not like.
1. Someone else's children
Please observe how your boyfriend behaves in the presence of strangers. If he simply goes away, then this means that the theme of children is absolutely not interesting. If his life is annoying children's crying or some caprices, then children are not interested in principle. Let them be, but a person is configured to his children, at least minimal empathy. This is one of the most unmistakable features.

2. Ready to allocate time
If your boyfriend is chronically busy and he does not have time even on you and some common activity then the child is unlikely to be. In addition, if you also feel that it only prevents its schedule, then it is unlikely that it is generally on the road.

3. Funny to your attention
If a guy constantly needs your attention, you can not step without a step without a step and generally behaves like a praskiff, a nervous child - it's signs of an infantile, immature personality, he simply found himself a comfortable "mumus" in your face. To a child who in the first months will absorb all your attention to it definitely, as well as responsibility.

4. Unpleasant Themes
If a man is lying that children wants with you, then the conversation about them will become unpleasant for him, as a stroke of current. Mention, to the example, myself in my childhood when they promised mom to take up for weeks, and no desire to do this. What were the feeling when my mother has a conversation about cleaning? Everything is analogy here. A person who is planning and wanting children will definitely discuss it with his partner, and not to tell "Oh God, again she begins!".

5. Gumor
If a guy when talking about children and your future constantly translates everything into jokes, then this does not mean that he is so funny and smart. Just humor became his peculiar shield from an unpleasant topic. Of course, such a reaction does not intersect readiness to become a loving dad.

6. Attitude to parents, grandparents
Carefully take a look at how your venue communicates with your parents and relatives, the attitude to the old grandparents will be particularly indicative. After all, the saying is known: "Old as a small", in the people it was invented. If a guy can not show care, patience, love and empathy to existing closest people, then he will not be ready to show this and to a future child.

7. Savings
It is important here not how much a guy earns, but whether he saves money. This, in fact, is one of the most indicative features. All of us know that the child is an expensive pleasure, because both pregnancy and childbirth and a baby require significant costs. Accordingly, a man who deliberately prepares for parenthood to accumulate for this as possible as possible, create a so-called "airbag" for the family. And if your boyfriends boldly spends funds for all their trasks, continues to live from salaries to salaries and does not delay anything, then, most likely, the child does not enters his plans.

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