Eating habits to avoid if you want to lose weight, Dietitians Say

Pass these bad habits to support your weight loss goals.

If you try tolosing weight, it's not just your diet that needs to adjust - youreating habits Can also play a major role in helping (or sabotage) your weight loss goals.

"Many people know what they should eat, but tend to fight when implementing healthy habits around eating," saysRoxana Ehsani, MS, RD, CSSD, LDN, Nutritionist and spokesperson for dietitians recorded for the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics. "For example, I saw a number of frustrated patients because they ate commonly and exercising regularly, but do not see the desired weight loss results and do not know why."

Seems familiar? According to Ehsani, it is about discovering theeating habits that hurts their weight loss attempts-What is not exactly as easy as it may seem, because all "bad" habits are not obvious. "Sometimes the person has quickly eaten all his life or always eats everything in distracting or from," says Ehsani. The good news? "Once we discover these unhealthy eating habits and we start to adopt healthy habits, we can start seeing a change of weight."

Whether you are aware or not, you may fall into some of the same unhealthy habits that hinder your weight loss. Here are some habits to avoid if you want to lose weight, according to the dietitians. Read it and for more things about how to eat healthy, do not miss7 healthiest foods to eat right now.


Do not have meals during a day of work.

Young woman is using laptop and listening to music.

"Most people always work from home and are closer to their kitchens, but a recentinvestigation Found that most people still do not take a break for lunch. Many of us might be tempted to work throughout breakfast and lunch in a work effort as quickly as possible, "explains Ehsani.

"Do not take a good meal break can actually do more harm than good. It can reduce our productivity, our mood and guaranteeing that we listen later in the day, which can lead to weight gain over time . "

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Cut meals.

Woman pushing plate of vegetables away from herself because she is skipping a meal

"The biggest mistake I see people do when it comes to losing weight, it's thinking that the meal jump is the best solution," saysKristen Smith, MS, RDN, Nutritionist and spokesperson for dietitians recorded for the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics. "Many people do not really understand that you have to eat enough calories to keep your metabolism active - to skip mealscan actually slow down your metabolism down. "

She adds that this can also lead to extreme hunger, which can lead to overinding, which requires you to consume more calories than you would not have jumped the meal.


Eat at your desk.

woman eating lunch at desk

Many of us can eat meals on our desk in a multitasking effort. This decreases not only the pleasure of our consumer experience, but it also reduces our awareness of what we eat and we eat, "says Ehsani." Instead of paying attention to the flavors, the aroma and sight of The food in front of us is distracted and we can find ourselves quickly eating food without having noticed what we just eat. "

RELATED:Eating habits to avoid if you want a lean body, say dietitians


Choose a fast diet plan.

juice cleanse

"I have never advised clients to address weight loss with a rapid reaction plan regime. The implementation of regimes such as the diet of the lemonade or the soup regime of the cabbage is premised only for Frustration and failure, "says Smith. "Of course, you will lose weight, but there is a fairly high probability that you will not keep it. With regard to your eating habits and weight losses, it is important to find a plan that ensures a nutrition. adequate and you can stick something with for the long distance. "

RELATED:The best and worst diets for weight loss


Eat in front of a screen.

woman is chewing pizza, while laying on the white sofa. She is watching TV shows, being on blurred background.

"When we eat in front of a screen such as a computer, a TV or a phone, it can alsoGuide To gain weight and prevent us from losing weight, "says Ehsani." We are more focused on the screen in front of us rather than our food! This brings us to eat without distinction and not in our signals of fullness and hunger. We also tend to eat more when we are distracted and can also increase the period we eat. "


Go the way to low fat.

milk and cookies on a plate with crumbs

"Try to erase the mindset you need to choose low-fat versions of food when available. Our country has followed the low-fat diet trend for several decades without seeing improvement in the general weight of weight, "says Smith. "While you should always keep the fattening foods with moderation, the full version of a food fat can actually help keep you more satisfied. FAT can be a satisfying item of food. And some fats likelawyer, Olive oil and peanut butter can offer advantages for your heart when they are consumed with moderation ".


Eat too fast.

eating breakfast

"Eating can quickly drive too much to eat and weight gain. It takes about 20 minutes for your brain to register that you are full, but if you eat faster than that, itcan drive too much"Said Ehsani. He can also bring people to meet gastrointestinal problems such as more bloating, eructations and stomach ache. If you notice that you are a fast eater, try taking some deep breaths before starting your meal and make an effort to put your utensils between two food bites ".


Eat a gluten-free diet.

Woman refusing to eat bread

"When other gluten-free products started hitting the shelves I saw more of my clients reach for them in the hope they would provide another tool for weight loss. Unfortunately, there is absolutely no scientific evidence in support of a gluten-free diet for weight loss will help, "says Smith. "With the rise of more transformed and prepared in trade in gluten-free products available, many of these gluten-free products contain a significant amount of calories and grease. »

READ MORE:5 main mistakes you make on a gluten-free diet


Fasting too long.

hungry man

"Intermittent fast has become popular in recent years as a method for losing weight. However, allowing you to eat during a defined time windowdoes not allow yourself to pay attention to your internal indices of hunger "said-Ehsani. For example, if you allow you to eat 12-8 hours, if you are hungry at 10 o'clock or 10 am? Do you want to ignore your hunger signals? Or since you only allow you to eat 12-8 h, you could have too much eating meals because you do not want to be hungry and eat during your fast period. "


Drinking smoothies for a meal replacement.

woman pouring a smoothie into a glass

"smoothies Can do a great meal, but they can also add calories quite quickly "said Smith. Including excessive quantities of added greases of avocado, rich fat or peanut butter can certainly add calories quickly. Juice Adding or other sweet ingredients can also calorie content. Given most of the ingredients are already partially split, smoothies can not always be the most costly food. You can be let feel of hunger shortly after consuming a whipped drink ".


Go without sugar.

cola carbonated liquid fresh and cool iced drink in a glasses

"Something labeled without sugar does not necessarily mean without calorie," said Smith. "I often see people make the mistake of eating excessive quantities of sugar-free food (such as cookies) with the state of mind they eat foods without calories. Calories can always add fast-based foodsnon-nutritive sweeteners - They still contain other sources of carbohydrates and fat ".

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