The worst soda habits for your size, expert

If you are looking to become slim, keep these habits in mind.

There is nothing more American as a hamburger, on the fries and ice creama soda. While some parts of the country call it "pop" or "coke", the calorie content is such. In general, this type of carbonate drink is not ideal for aHealthy and balanced diet. And if you try to lose or maintain weight, the soda often has the opposite impact on your size. In reality,Gaseous drinks are the source of several serious health problems because of thesugar contentAccording to Dr. Kathleen Winston, the Dean at the College of Nursing at the University of Phoenix. Not only do these drinks have non-natural substances, but they do not offer minerals, fibers or vitamins. Really, these are just empty calories that pack on books - especially if you regularly participate in one of those worst soda habits.

If you want a drink here and there occasionally, you are probably good. But if you regularly participate in these worst soda habits, it's time to change. Then make sure to read our list of the112 most popular sodas classified by how toxic they are toxic.


Thought diet soda is better


In order to prevent weight gain, many people decide to exchange regular soda for the variety of regimes. Although it decreases somewhat sugar, Dr. Winston said that research has shown thatSoda Diet Drinks are linked to more belly fat, obesity and development ofmetabolic syndrome.

"The" diet drink "is misleading," she says. "Like its sugar drink counterpart," dietal soda "is also carbonate, which has been found to increase the appetite and increase the desire for sweetness and causes the individual ofcrave sugar. "

In fact, according to a study in theNewspaper of the American Society of GeriatricsMade more than 10 years, people who have dropped regularly Diet Soda had a four-time trickler than those who abnterate.

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Drink regularly super dimensioned sodas


In case you are not familiar, a great soda of a fast food restaurant could contain about 390 calories and 77 grams ofadded sugar. It is more than double the recommended daily amount, which for women is 25 grams a day and 36 grams for men, according toSerena Poon, an authorized nutritionist and chief of celebrity.

"Researchers find more and more added sugar to contribute to various health problems," she shares. "Constantly, too much eating added sugar could not only lead to weight gain, but it can also contribute to the development of conditions such as inflammation, chronic diseases and heart problems."

here isThe difference between sugar and sugar added to a nutrition label.


Do not think about how soda can increase depression

pour soda out of a tap at a bar into an alcoholic cocktail drink

In most diet sodas, you will find the ingredientaspartame. This added sugar crosses the blood-cerebral barrier and can increase depression, according toShelia Forman, PhD, psychologist andaware instructor.

"Aspartame can increase the number of certain chemicals in the brain that inhibits the release ofFeel good neurotransmitters like dopamine and serotonin"She explains." Without large quantities of dopamine and serotonin circulating in our brain, we can become depressed. "

Although studies around neurological effects, aspartame can have on your brain remains necessary to perform an appropriate assessment, it is always important to note the connection betweenFood and mental health desires. Instead of soda, turn to thesePopular foods that support your mental health, declares expert.


Drink soda instead of water when you are thirsty

drinking soda

When you are dehydrated, your body signals your brain to remember to drink. However, if you reach the soda instead of the water, you do not help your symptoms, but rather hide them.

As explained Poon, our bodies consist of 60% of the water content and we need toStay hydrated For all our cells to work properly.

"If you like drinking soda, it's important to drink these sweet drinks in addition to your daily water consumption," she says. "The soda is not a moisturizing drink and the research suggests that it can be detrimental to your health to drink soda instead of water by a hot day."


Forget how many calories are in the soda


While we covered what the largest offers of great offers in terms of calories, playing it on the tiny side is not ideal either, warns upon. In fact, even a small soda contains about 150 calories.

"Although it's not much clean, if you drink two to three sodas a day, these calories can be in fled," says Poon. "Many people do not consider drinks when they think about their overall consumption, in which case you could drink hundreds of calories on your recommended daily consumption."

In addition, since the sodas are null of any nutritional advantage, they are simply empty calories that cause you wander Early.

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