20 beautiful new uses for old slits, you must see
Which is old is new again - and looks great, too!

At some point, as safe as the rain, a city is just short of space. And when this inevitability comes to pass, the architects and the planners of the city are confronted are two options: demolir and-start-de-scratch or work in the existing setting to offer an updated and fresh design (which is known as An intestinal renovation, or "Gut Reno", among the elite design). While your city would make a large part of the old one, there is a type of building that seems to be a premium and frequent candidate for these: the punishment of Midcentury.
Yes, these twentieth century relics - which were once-defunct, but now serve as well as hotels in art galleries, depending on the depths of its coffers, private residences - are exemplary exhibitions of the way of taking the past and getting it swinging, with breathtaking beauty, in the present. To taste a serious architectural ingenuity and creative reconstruction, we have compiled the 20 most amazing uses for Bygone-era era slots here. And for more architecture of the jaw to digest, be sure to visit these17 American cities so beautiful that you think you are in Europe.
1 San Francisco Fire House N ° 33
117 Broad St., San Francisco, California
Built in 1906, thisfoyer Is now owned by SFFD by members of the Historical Society of SFFD and "flamboyant buffs" Robert and Marilyn Katzman.
2 Historic lights of Duluth No. 1
128 E. 4th St., Duluth, Minnesota
This former historic firefighters house in Duluth, Minnesota has been converted into a desirable homewood residential unit - now called theSlot foes. And for more design inspiration, see these10 more opulent palaces than the Buckingham Palace.
Image via Zillow
3 Logan Circle Engine N ° 7
931 R Street NW, Washington, DC
Logan Circle Motch House n ° 7 is one of the original slots established in Washington, D.C., in the 19th century. Now theRenovated slot father Is a $ 2.6 million domain and comes with original furniture, such as a brass firefighter, wooden lockers, a roof bridge and an exposed brick masonry.
Image via Sotheby's
4 Boston fire station is
64 Marion St., Boston, Massachusetts
Built in 1860, this slotted room is a real historical mark of the east of Boston - and is now theresidence a few tenants very lucky. And if you hit the tarmac this summer, checkThe 10 worst American airports for summer travel.
5 Historic engine of New Orleans 24 Firepouse
2711 Dauphine St, New Orleans, Louisiana
A truly unique stay,to book a room At the historic 24 Firehouse, located near the French New Orleans. With a lot of original furniture still intact - not to mention a private bar - this tentacular firefighters is ideal for parties and events as well.
Image via rent by the owner
6 Loft of Sailor in Newport Historic Firehouse
Downtown, Newport, Rhode Island
With hidden rooms, a vast bell and a decoration inspired by the twentieth century, staying at thisgoods is like taking a step back in time.
Image via Airbnb
7 Lambertville, worst of the nineteenth-century New Jersey
12 North Main St. Lambertville, New Jersey
This two-bedroom converted slot is more than just a place to rest your head at night. It is a complete destination with bizarre collectibles and inimitable designs.
Image via Airbnb
8 Detroit Foundation Hotel
250 W Larned St, Detroit, Michigan
For just over a year, the former seat of Detroit fire departures has undergone amazing transformation. Now you canBook your room At the Detroit Newly Minted Foundation Hotel, which has an impressive restaurant and a magnificent view of the city.
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9 Community Television Center of the city center
87 Lafayette Street, New York, New York
Founded in 1972, the community television center in downtown Manhattan, formerly a New York firefighter party,hosts A number of filmmaker events and workshops throughout the year.
Image via Wikimedia Commons
10 Anderson Cooper's Greenwich Village Home
84 West 3rd St., New York, New York
The CNN anchor has spent a lot of time and effort to make sure that its Greenwich village at home, once a New York City slit room, a perfect mix of vintage and nine years - and itglance Superb. And for more inspiring architecture exploits, see these23 Castles of the jaw, you will not believe that they do not go to the United States.
11 Black Ocean Offices
611 Broadway, New York, New York
This converted slot, built in 1895, now serves avant-gardeHeadquarter For the black multi-faceted Ocean technical startup, in Manhattan.
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12 Sanford Fire Station
This firefighters of Sanford, Florida restored, now an opulent house, sold for more than half a million dollars.
Image via Zillow
13 Firehouse Brewing Co.
553 Philadelphia St., Indiana, Pennsylvania 15701
First Brassum of South Dakota,Firehouse Brewing Co., is housed in the oldest buildings of one of the fast cities - a fireplace built in 1915.
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14 Watchitch hook and Nbr scale company. 1.
33 East Street, Annapolis, Maryland
First built in 1885 as one of the Annapolis' slots, while Waterwitch Crown Hook and Ladder Company NBR. 1., this beautiful architecture building now houses the luxuriousCondominiums Watchitch.
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15 Old Firehouse n ° 6
2200 Harrison Muskegon Avenue, Michigan 49441
This Firehouse-House-Home Muskegon is really unique - and only sold for $ 199,000 only last year.
Image via Coldwell Banker
16 Engine 44
3816 22nd Street, San Francisco, California
Built in 1909, the chemical engine 44 in San Francisco has been real estate of candies since its renovation in this dollar of $ 5.7 million.residence.
Image via Instagram
17 Cumberland Fire Station Home
Rolling Mill, Cumberland, Maryland
This renovated fire station in Cumberland, Maryland, resisted the test of time - as well as some changes, including the addition of beautifully paneled garage doors and a pair of wrought iron artistic balconies.
18 Station 3 Wedding Place
1919 Houston Ave, Houston, Texas
The fire station 3 is the original slot of Houston, built in 1903. Now the fire station was transformed into aevent space.
Image via Instagram
19 Museum of Plaza Fire House
501 N. Los Angeles St, Los Angeles, California
The old Plaza Firehouse is the oldest firefighters in Los Angeles - and it is currently used as aMuseum Welcome fire artifacts.
20 Montreal History Center
335 Place d'Youville, Montreal, Canada
The Montreal History Center is anotherFirehouse-Museum, presenting the history of the city in a way that feels familiar to the cultural mecca - with a pure sophistication. And for more summer destinations deserved to the fulfillment, check these50 so magical destinations that you do not believe they are in the U..
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This state has just changed its name because of slavery associations