This beautiful city in Italy will sell you a house for a dollar

As you can imagine, there is a catch.

If you've ever dreamed of moving to Italy (and really, who does not?), And you need that extra incentiment we have here. Not only isMayor of Candela paying people to move At its beautiful small town in the region of Puglia, but now Ollolai, a small village nestled in the mountains of Sardinia, sells historic homes for a single dollar.

Now, to recap, Sardinia is not only a beautiful little island in the Italian coastline with white sandy beaches and turquoise sea. It is also one of only five Blue Zones - a name that better writerDan Buettner gave to describe five geographic areas where people live statistically longer. recently loads of journalists traveled there to extract the secrets to a long life (which you canread here), And now you can be one of the people enjoying their healthy approach and exciting existence. Not to mention, they are rumored to have better food and wine that the continent. NoWonder Italians consistently noted the happiest and healthiest people on earth.

Dab Ollolai is smack in the center of Sardinia, in the area of ​​the mountain Barbagia, which is famous for its amazing multi-day tours through the caves and cliffs and rivers of Baunei. This is a very historic city, full of romantic, cobblestone alleyways and tiny restaurants that flow in their wine cellars. Many traditions there préambrent to the Roman Empire and the local shepherds still make delectable cheese Casu Fiore Sardo, as the region is known.

But over the last fifty years, it has also seen a major growth in population, from 2250 to 1300 years, while the young flock to cities in search of greater financial opportunity. The stately homes that have been abandoned are relocating, gathering dust. So, the mayor, Efisio ARBAU, proposed a solution: he will sell the houses as little as $ 1, with the provision that the buyer has three years to renovate housing, a project that probably cost only $ 25,000.

ARBAU hope that his plan will work, andpositive attitude is one of the personality traits that have the Sardares which helps them to live so long.

"We offer prehistoric origins"CNN says. "My crusade is to save our unique traditions from falling into oblivion." The pride of our past is our strength. We have always been difficult people and will not allow our city will die. "

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