13 most dangerous aircraft tracks in the world

Brace yourself for landing.

Have you ever been on a flight that it seemed to be about to land, but at the last minute he picked up the altitude and make another circle? Yourpilot could have done something called a "race", a procedure performed frequently when approaching some of the most dangerous aircraft in the world. Difficult landing conditions - like short tarmacs, dangerous lands and media bad weather and confident drivers. Here are the scary landing peppers to be careful.

Princess Juliana Airport, Sint Maarten

princess juliana airport with plane landing close to people at the beach

In Sint Maarten, a narrow beach and a fence separate the water from the short track from Princess Juliana airport. All incoming aircraft must make a low altitude landing on the beach of Maho, which has become a favorite gathering place for visitors to take death - defying aircraft photos over the head. So, if you want to switch the maritime landscape for a more exciting adventure, this is the place for you.

Tenzing-Hillary Airport, Nepal

tenzing hillary airport on top of a mountain

Like the gateway to mount Everest, it should not surprise that thisairport is as dangerous as the mountain taking into account the recording. The extremely short track is on an inclination with a steep cliff at the end. Only small shots and helicopters are allowed to land here andapproachingThese aircraft more resemble toys compared to the Gargantune scale of surrounding Himalayas. Always wander on the side of caution, the airport frequently closes without warning due to the modification of wind conditions and cloud cover. However, passengers can find comfort in the fact that pilots are rigorously trained in short track landings and takeoffs.

Barra Airport, Scotland

barra airport in Scotland where planes land on the beach

The slopes (which are marked by wooden poles) at Barra de Scotland airport are located on the beach itself - the pilots can only land when the tide is out. The airport schedule depends completely on Traigh Mhor Bay's ebbing water levels. When high tide rolling in, the three tracks are completely overwhelmed in water. Located on a remote island in Scottish Highlands, the airport serves aflight route Glasgow, who arrives and leaves twice a day.

Courchevel Altipor, France

courchevel altiport on top of a snowy mountain

If the icy alpine location of this airport was not quite scary, the short track on a large inclination will sealer the agreement. The landing at Courchevel Altipor isconsidered more dangerous, because with so many surrounding mountains, there is no room for an approach turns. This means that if the pilot will land, they must be ready to do it at the first try. This also means if there is low visibility, because of clouds or fog, landings become almost impossible. Even in good visibility, things can go wrong. In 2019,A plane failed the touch zone And crashed in a snow bank, injuring three passengers.

Congonha Airport, Brazil

congonhas airport in Brazil with heavy rain

Unlike other airports that have mountains and sea cliffs to lead, aircraft land at Congonhas airport mustshelter On large buildings that make up the urban sprawl of Sao Paulo. In addition to having a short track, theairport Still struggling with slippery conditions and has seen many fatal accidents since its opening in 1936. After themost dead accident In 2007, resulting in the death of all passengers and all the crew members, as well as 12 people in the field, the airport reduced its number of flights and forced waist and weight restrictions For incoming aircraft.

Juancho E. Yrausquin Airport, Saba

saba airport on an island

Only 1,300 feet long, Saba Airport Trail is the shortest commercial track in the world. On a piece of flat coastline that jails in the Caribbean Sea, the track is surrounded byRocky cliffs On all sides, requiring drivers to stop fully after landing. Only trained drivers and regional aircraft are allowed to land here.

Tioman Airport, Malaysia

tioman airport with a charter plane on the runway

Although Tioman Airport of Malaysia is open only to the flights of the Charter,The approachAt the short track is quite heartbreaking. The drivers must erase several mountain ridges, then make an acute land tower on the track parallel to the beach. To make things more difficult, the track is one way, which means that the arrival and departure plans have only one direction and the road to take.

Tonontin Airport, Honduras

toncontin airport from a bird-eye view with a plane about to land
Enrique / Flickr

The mountainous ground surrounding the airport of Toncontin is extremely dangerous for planes, especially on theApproaching the track 02, which requires a hairstyle and a steep landing. The airport was even more dangerous until 2007, when a large part of the neighboring hill has been flattened and the track was expanded. Nevertheless, the track is considered extremely short compared to other international airports. Because of its high altitude, takeoffs are also very difficult to shoot because they require the plane to use a lot of power and quickly climb 9,000 feet to clean up the neighboring mountains.

Paro Airport, Bhutan

paro airport in between the himalayan mountains

As the only Bhutan international airport, visitors have no choice but to land at Paro Airport. Surrounded by the dominant Himalayas,The approach of the airport Is considered so difficult that there are only eight pilots in the qualified world to do so. These are not just high peaks that make this landing so delicate. The high winds of the valley also constitute a challenge for the pilots, which must carefully guide the plane through the neck of the mountain and on the top of the houses located near the track.

Madeira Airport, Portugal

madeira airport located on the very eastern coast of the island

Although the short track at Madeira Airport has been extended, the new addition is on a platform built on the ocean and retaining 180 columns. TheLocation of the Nateau also means violent winds and bumpy landings. In order to be allowed to land in this airport, the pilots must first pass advanced training on a flight simulator.

Telluride Regional Airport, Colorado

telluride airport with plane ready for takeoff
John Weiss / Flickr

With thehigher elevation For a commercial airport in the United States, Telluride Regional Airport is the most dangerous airport in the country. With only 1,000 footsteps and steep cliffs at each end, it's a nice approach to the plateau, but the drivers must have a serious skill to stop the plane before it reaches the end of the track, where the cliff awaits. Note: Although Telluride is a popular ski destination, the airport is only served.Commute airlines De Denver.

Gibraltar International Airport, British Territory

gibraltar airport that has a highway going through it

In what seems to be a bad choice of urban planning, the interverse Gibraltar airport track with Winston Churchill Avenue, the main highway of the region, to its advantage, the track is quite long but the circulation must be stopped at Whenever an airplane must land or take off. In winter, high winds coming from the mountain also add to the difficulty. The airport has seenA small number of accidents Since he opened in 1939, but fortunately, no car has never been touched by a plane in the opposite direction.

Gisborne Airport, New Zealand

train crossing an airplane runway
Gisborne Airport

On the North Island of New Zealand, Gisborne Airport is the only one in the world that has a railway line that crosses its main track. Trains and aircraft intersect all day and are carefully managed by the air traffic controller who signals the train to go after the plane has landed. As we would expect, the tracks were already definedWhen the track has been built All the way back in 1966, and both modes of transport have been in a coexistence without peaceful accident since.

And if you are afraid to fly, you may want to be careful at these13 The worst airports to fly, according to the pilots.

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