17 horrible myths on the rooms of the hotel 100% true

Your suite hides shocking secrets.

There is a lot of myths on hotels: cleaning does not makereally Clean or rooms are never really sold. But the question remains. What is a fact and what is the fiction? To answer that, we made the hollow and found the truth behind the tales - and it's not pretty. (Index: Avoid the TV remote at all costs. Trust us.) Creepy Crawly bugs at horror cinematographic hidden cameras, here are the shocking secrets about what could hide behind your doors of hotel. And for more dirty details,These are the most sprouts in a hotel room.

The coffee maker has never been washed.

small coffee machine in a hotel room

Coffee makers boiling water and are always clean, right? Wrong. Germs specialistKelly Reynolds say itHuffington position only becausecoffeeys Are a humid environment, they are subject to a large number of molds and bacteria. When the household cleans your room, it would take too much time to completely disinfect each coffee maker. So you can bet they jump. Some may even check to see if it has been emptied, forcing many disgruntled travelers to post a prettyGrinery photos on TripAdvisor.

The mini bar secretly offers you.

hotel room mini bar filled with different snacks

Among all items in your hotel room, the mini bar is the one you have the most afraid. Not onlyprices Quite high enough to crawl your skin, but some hotels have been noted to use programmed sensors to detect each time a snack is removed. In 2014, a representative of Doubletree told theSentinel newspaper That, "Our mini bar-bar and snack bar are activated sensory, so if a guest gets to pick up an article for a few seconds, they can be billed wrong for something they have not eaten. "

The remote control is the dirtiest object in the room.

hotel room tv remote

Among all the raw things from your hotel room, the remote is by far the smartest and the most forgotten. Cite a study on contamination levels in hotel rooms,Reuters Reported in 2012 that remote controls are the dirtiest element. After all, when is the last time you have washed your hands because you were about to use the remote control? And when is the last time you gave your own remote at home a good wipe yourself? It's easy to see why thatinfested germ The article is so often neglected.

Someone could hack the lock to you.

man scanning his key card on his hotel room door

Another fault of a digital key card on an analog metal key is that they can bepirate. In 2017,Cable Exposed a thief who has exploited a vulnerability in designing a specific type of locker of the hotel room. Stories like these are all the more reasonable to use the string lock at your door and keep your valuables nestled in the hotel safe.

The leaves are not as clean as you think.

piles of dirty laundry

It depends on the price of the hotel, but it is certainly not cleaning the leaves every time a guest goes away. According toTRAVELTRUTH.COMMany maids are formed at the "ocular globe" of beds, only modifying them when it seems necessary. In reality,most hotels Use white leaves because it is easier to spot stains. (Ew!) If the sheets of your hotel are anything but white, it could be a sign they try to hide something.

There could be a hidden camera.

camera hidden in flower pot

It's rare, but recently, there were more reports on people who findhidden cameras Staying in a hotel. When you save, keep an eye on unusually placed objects and think that someone hiding a camera wants to capture. The camera will need a breathtaking view, so you can make a quick scan of the bathroom and a sleeping area to see if something is out of order. If there is a hidden camera, it would probably not have been placed there by the hotel, but by an author who has typed from your room. Wondering if you can get your hotel room for free? To verifyThe best way to make your hotel room understand.

The room will never be as good as online.

hotel room with two single beds put together

It's a well-known industry trick that hotels use big shots so that their rooms and pools appear larger than they are larger, but not everyone knows how much the point. Artificial lighting is to make a hotel room so perfect. Photographers will sometimes replace all the lights of the hotel so that the room is better than ever. It's likely that even thatamazing views Outside the window has been Photoshopped.

Tap water may not be cautious to drink.

hand filling glass cup with tap water

Pro advice: You should always brush your teeth with bottled water. You may have heard that if you have already traveled to a country with notoriously dangerous drinking water, but it's a good rule to follow wherever you are. If you are in anew cityThere may be bacteria in the water that your body will not be used to. It is also possible that the water supply of a hotel can be contaminated because it was in 2018 atA four-star hotel on the Dead Sea This has since been arrested. Regardless of the amount of money you pay, you can never be sure where your hotel will get its water from or what is in it, so it's better to be sure that by sorry.

If the walls could speak, every suite would have a story.

hotel room

The rooms of the hotel are ripe for Miss and all the people working in a hotel probably have a treasure of wild stories. For example,A hotel client in Vancouver left his window opens and returned to his room to find about 40 ripping seagulls in his suitcase, which was full of pepperoni.Hotel employees are constantlyReport hundreds of crazy guest stories To find remnants of satanic rituals, the soils of the bathroom covered with mayonnaise and even a dead fish hidden in a lamp.

The shower could give you foot mushrooms.

regular shower head

Sure,Housekeeping Can give the bathroom with the bathroom a good deletion, but that does not mean being disinfected. In 2017,Inside the edition Survey of the New York Hotel Cleaning Plan leaving traces of their stay in the form of their logo in the bathroom. When they are returned to the room after checking, the logo was always detectable by a UV light on the toilet seat and in the bathtub. This is a classic example why you should wear flip flops in the shower.

The couch has cootes.

hotel room armchair couch with leg rest

With eating, sleeping, and everything is between two, many things come down on the couch. That's why it's so terribly rude how much they rarely undergo deep cleaning, they certainly need. If you think it does not matter, you rarely clean your own sofa, remember that you have an idea of ​​what is happening at home. In a hotel room, there is no way to be sure of what this sofa saw. And for more scoops inside, check the20 secrets employee of the hotel will not tell you.

The bed could be crawling with bugs.

woman using magnefying glass for bugs on her bed

aLuxury Five Star Hotel With the world class household can not avoid bed bugs, which can cling to clothes and could have been brought by a previous guest. Hotels do not have to make checks in detail for bed bugs and most maids do not seek them either. You should always check you by removing the leaves and looking for small black dots or dark red spots.

The carpets are not sucked very often.

carpeted hotel room

If dirty carpets give you the thrills, you should not walk in a cheap hotel room. WhileHigh-end hotels Vacuum and clean daily stains, we can not tell the same for low-quality hotels. Like sheets, the dark carpet in a hotel is usually a sign that they try to cover dirty stains - especially if it is a hotel "accepting pets".

Laundry costs a fortune.

hotel maid carrying clean laundry

The only thing more ridiculous than the price of the mini bar are thelaundry prices. Most hotelsOutsourcing their laundry servicesThat's why you end up paying a lot more. Even if they use their own equipment to wash and dry your clothes, they do not manage a laundry business and can charge you what they feel. Save money by buying a detergent travel kit package and wash your essential the old way. Or you can find a local laundry.

Someone else could have a key to your room.

8 varying hotel room keys

Electronic key cards are the standard in hotels nowadays and a divine fortravelers who are subject to losing their keys to the hotel. However, they are not a proof. The hotels make mistakes and with electric keys, if your room is accidentally reserved, you may have strangers to walk. The worst part is that they really think that you are the author, and you both will return to the reception to straighten it.

The household could steal your things.

hotel main cleaning a desk

It does not happen often, but that happens. Most housekeepers are smart enough to realize that if a laptop or camera will disappear, it will be reported. Smaller items such as money or jewelry are more likely to go unnoticed for a long time, so be sure to keep these objects nestled in theHotel safe or take them with you.

Someone can be dead in your room.

dim lit corridor in hotel

Unfortunately, hotels can sometimes be the scene of a crime or a sad death. Suicide researcherSteven Sack callsHotels and Motels "Lethal Rentals" Which means that they are a place to go where no one will be around to intervene. If this happens, most hotels will order in depth cleaning of the room and can even tear the carpet and throw the furniture.

Now that you probably want to avoid hotel rooms forever, discover 10 cool campers who beat a hotel room any day .

Categories: Travel
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