I took Viagra every day for two weeks and that's what happened

What it's like walking in the world at full sexual load.

According to the official Viagra website, men should enjoy the small blue pill at most than once a day. SoThat's exactly what I did: I took Viagra at the more than once a day - only I did it for exactly two weeks straight.

Now, I realize that it may seem a bit excessive to ingest the upper pill of erectile dysfunction in the world as if it were every dayIbuprofen,But I was determined to discover what it was like. Will I turn into a sexual god? Would my mood soarly mounted? Am I relocating hallucinate? Does the blood flow to the bottom affect my brain? Well, there was only one way to discover.

Some relevant backstory: I have 40 years old and fortunately very sexually sexually active and have experienced Viagra for many years (although only sparingly). But for this article, I grabbed unocalized waters. Nervous? A little. Excited? Absoutely. More than anything I had curious to know what it would be to travel the world at full sexual load. This is what I learned. And for more advice, check theways to spice up your sex life.

A little can go along manner.

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Viagra comes in three different sizes: 25 mg, 50 mg or 100 mg. In the past, I discovered that 25 mg has always done the job very well. However, my trip starts with a bottle of 100 mg tabs that I chose to cut third parties. (A full tablet of 100 mg is quite hardcore. According to a writing on LittleBluePill.com, "it will give you a complete ginsu sculpture knife which, if it is used ultimate, will make it appropriate for burning a coffin in Shape of Y. ")

During my 14-day experience, there were a few nights when sex was on the cards and had too many drinks. As I expected, the dose certainly did the trick - and then some. In fact, I found myself very subject to sudden herd erections for most of the next days. The reason? Viagra does not stop working after four hours. The efficiency decreases rather than 50%. Another four hours and it falls by 50% again.

Even at my usual dose of 25 mg, I always woke up every morning with enough Viagra in my system to give a penis so hard a cat could not scratch it. (For more ways to improve your sexual health, here'sThe 11 natural ways to have an erection hard rock.)

Viagra could be a placebo (very effective).


Over the two weeks, I had to take Viagra, I could not help but note that my erections feel more difficult, full and more breathable during a sex party. However, according to the urologist Dr. Arthur Burnett with Johns Hopkins, I mise maybe. Burnett says that guys like me who have no physical problem to reach and maintain an erection is essentially of their money using Viagra in a recreational way.

"If the erections are really intact, Viagra does not make a better erection," he says. Could this mean that a mental problem rather than a physical problem made my natural erections less impressive than those chemically assisted?

Yes. A lot of time being in your head.


Stress,depression,trouble, low self-esteem and sexual performance anxiety often get the best erections. They have certainly been known to get in the path of some of mine. The psychotherapist, the sex counselor and the author Ian Kerner PhD suggest that Viagra can help in these cases.

"I find a higher percentage of hindering men from sexual anxiety and sexual problems related to erectile quality. There are therefore more men to deal with the situation and taking Viagra," A-T -he declares. "The effect often for these men is a firmer, more coherent andReliable erection. "

There are many side effects - and they can be serious.

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When I took the Viagra, I lived rinsing: a warm sensation in my cheeks and my ears that was also accompanied by a notable redness. Another unfortunate side effect of dilated blood vessels was the sudden and severe nasal congestion that made it impossible to breathe through my nose or feel my partner - things I really like doing when I wear sex. (To mitigate this, I learned to use a nasal spray with oxymetazoline hydrochloride when saving my pill.)

In 2015,A meta-analysis of 150 testsDetermined that, although VIAGRA is the most effective of the various drugs on the market, it also presents the highest impact of side effects - headache, upset stomach, loss of vision, view of blue-tinted, pain On the back, muscular pain, nausea and vertigo, just to name a few common few. Another rare side effect can have a hard erection of rock that does not diminish. The medical name of a perma-rigid is called Priapism. Although the priapism can seem attractive to an interested guy to have his best sex, it is important to know that an erection that refuses to move away can cause permanent damage - including amputation. And yes, it's one of theThe fastest side effects of the common drug.

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I realized that and how much I ate had an effect on the speed with which Viagra went to work. On an empty stomach, I felt blush and if it is lit at an erection within twenty minutes. If, however, I was eating a hamburger and fries, it was more like forty. This is confirmed by theWebsite of the company, who says that a fat meal can lengthen the amount of weather Viagra takes at work. No word about what happens if you combine viagra withThe 7 proven foods to strengthen your libido.

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I also noticed some other benefits of taking as many Viagra, including shorter refractory time (meaning: the duration between ejaculation and being able to have sex). "Some have used [Viagra] to allow faster recovery of erectile capacity after ejaculation," explains Dr. Burnett, thus supporting my observation. In fact, Dr. Burnett on the use of Viagra's leisure by men without ED is perfectly encapsulated by a 2003to study Title: "Sildenafil does not improve sexual function in men without erectile dysfunction, but reduces post-engineering refractory time."

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Do not have control of my orgasm rarely been a personal problem. I chalk it to my discovery of a masturbatory edge like a young teenager. That said, I noticed that, during this experience, I really had to make an effort to make me go on orgasm - despite a thrilling and sustainable erection that felt both great to my and my partner.

This phenomenon was examined in 2005 when researchers were seeking to determine if Viagra also contributed to premature ejaculation. Theto study Concluded that Viagra "builds confidence, the perception of ejaculative control and global sexual satisfaction, and decreased the refractory time to reach a second erection after cumshot in men with PE." Anotherto study Starting in 2007, showed that the greatest ejaculatory control was more than just perception and proved that Viagra can be both effective and safe in the treatment of EP. Talk to have a lot of bang for your money. Of course, if it does not work, learnThe 5 best ways to make sex (a lot) longer.

Everyone does not appreciate the marathon sex sessions all the time.

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A great power involves great responsibilities. And if you have a penis like a cornet, an increased ejaculatory control, a less distracted mind by the anxiety of performance - and the refractory time of about fifteen, you can perform the risk of your partner who wishes or had to call on a certain point.

"I want you to come now," is basically a good way to say, "That's enough, I'm bored / rubbed / exhausted / too busy to do it all day."

During my experience, this line was told to many times. How long do people like to have sex are incredibly varied, of course, but, according to a 2008 study in theSexual medicine newspaper, sex therapists have defined sexual intercourse from 1 to 2 minutes as "too short", 3 to 7 minutes like "adequate", 7 to 13 minutes like "desirable" and 10-30 as "too much long". In my case, the more time passes, the previous requests to stop and offer are entered. And here are some other warning signs of your partner.might not enjoy sex as much as you are.

Youcan in fullwill be bad.


Given what Viagra, leisure, can do - and do for me during a very fun experience of two weeks - you would have been forgiving to jump at the conclusion that the dose means that the dose means at height of good times. But take note of: unless you really do not suffer from Ed, you probably do not need it. And if you take it because you drink too much, well, I drink less than trying to fight it with the pill.

And, for what it's worth it: Internet is angry with stories of men who go beyond Viagra and ended up with a heart attack, death and, in the case of a 66-year-old farmer in Colombia, requiring emergency surgery on a penis become gangreous following an overdose of Viagra. (Truth.)

The largest erection the largest and most proud of the world is not worth taking a risk of this.

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Categories: Relationships
Tags: medicine / Sex
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