7 Top Millionaire Expert Meeting Tips from the Silicon Valley Valley
Including the ultimate power game of the first game.

This seems to be a curiously analog idea in a family world with meetings of meetings: hiring an old-fashioned sleeve, flesh and blood. But when you are a single millionaire of Tech-World, it is likely that you need a slightly more refined meeting strategy than just downloading bumble. And that's where Amy Andersen, founder and CEO ofLinx dating, join the game.
She has worked with many the biggest names in Silicon Valley to help make their personal lives better than their professionals. And, for what it goes, she is really,really good at it. She is responsible for more than 100 flowering relationships and weddings, and her clients can pay more than $ 500,000 for her expert instructions.
Over the years, she iscompiled a big list ofGo-to dating advice that everyone can apply to their lives - regardless of the size of his bank account - and, with his help, we all compiled them here. But if you go to the road of the app, do not miss our final collection ofThe best should use.
1 Do not ask questions that you do not want to answer
During the first dates with someone, it is natural to ask a lot of questions. One thing Andersen really wants you to avoid, however, ask for those you do not want to really redo your return to you. "First of all, we have the impression that you hide something," she explains. "It also looks like a very relaxed question if you ask someone to someone, they came back to you and ask you the same thing, and you refuse to answer that. This is like very unilateral and unfair."
So, if you do not want to talk about your childhood, your job history, your religion or your political opinion, you simply do not ask your appointment about these topics - although Andersen is quick to emphasize What to talk about these early things is often your advantage. Better to know that not knowing, right? Talk not to say things, here are someSecrets It's okay to keep from your partner.
2 Power game
"A movement" Power Play 'would be to open first of all of oneself, then volleyball back, posing your date the same question you just reveal yourself, "she says.
For example, if you are divorced, it is almost inevitable that you end up talk in the first dates. Instead of waiting for them to ask you in your story about your story, Andersen says that you can actually return the situation to his head and approach the subject before asking.
Here's how: "Be the first to approach it with something like:" So a little bit of me. I had been married for 10 years. We got married rather young and retrospects, I should have waited until I learned more about myself. We had really good times, a beautiful child together, and all I am not perfect at all, I will enter my next relationship with enormous ideas and wisdom about what makes a relationship with an excellent relationship. For that, I am so grateful. And you? Do you consider yourself to be in a good place now? '
See? Easy. Apply this technique to any great developer you want to get out in the open air and you will end up watching both confident and honest. Now, here is more tTricks that you should definitely say the first appointment.
3 Make questions about the past
There is a lot of time to learn more about the past of a potential companion if you continue to see you, but what you care early, should be their present and their future, Andersen says. Keep the questions and conversation at present and future time as much as possible, does it recommend.
"You never want Dilly-DiCal in the past. Face invites your date to project and talk about what you want to do together in the future, as opposed to concentration in the past, which was clearly not together." And for more good dating advice, here is30 things that women still like to hear.
4 Be yourself ... but really
The first mistake you can do on a date? Deform yourself according to Andersen.
This is because it can come back you bite in the line. "In order to find a relationship, you must be honest about yourself. View an onion. On the first date, the goal is to remove a layer or two-maximum - on yourself. Share your values, your back. Plan that shaped these values. Values and some of your interests. Invite your date to share their values and passions in life, "she suggests.
At each successive date, you remove another couple layer. It is not that you need to know everything if you have immediately possible, but more authentic is more likely to lead to a happy and sustainable partnership than to claim that you have interests or preferences that you do not have Not really to keep a new relationship go. That said, here are someMore princely dating wisdom for you.
5 Do not fall into the trap "ex"

"You never want to enter the Quicksand territory by talking about previous relationships beyond a 45-second 45 seconds short-style," she says. "If you are in this slippery slope, hit yourself under the table, dreate your tongue and plan forward immediately."
If you accidentally travel in this topic, here's how to light: "... and she was smart and generous, and I can tell you that you are very intelligent and extremely warm. For that, I am grateful to get to know you tonight. "
Bring it from the past to the present, then go about next, as soon as possible. And for even more good dating advice, here'sHow to impress any woman.
6 Pay more attention to feelings than facts
Of course, you could have a specific idea of what you are looking for, but instead of simply considering the work of your appointment, where they grew up and that their favorite author is, give more weight to the way you Feel really. "Focusing on facts can feel like an interrogation or an interview," says Andersen.
The key here is to learn to balance your IQ with your equation. "Use colorful stories to open up yourself. Invite your date to open on your reflected and poignant conversation. Express a certain vulnerability and you will be fine on your way of finding a significant relationship," she adds .
7 Do not be caught up in the boxes
Sometimes smart people get caught in every dating detail, which can make it difficult to find an appropriate partner. "My clients tend to approach the meeting with the very features that made them extremely successful at school and in their high-pressure analytical analysis jobs," she says. "And they getmannerIn their head and this can implode their love life. "
In other words, they try to think that their way through dating instead of letting emotions guide the way. Seems familiar?
"Whether long lists of indispensable descriptors of an ideal match or lack of willingness to look beyond small things that might not have to gather in a potential correspondence, many of my clients have Need coaching to learn to exploit their heart, "she explains. So, instead of evaluating the potential dates based on an attack on each of your "desires" in a companion, Andersen suggests that you give them a chance, go on the date and pay attention to what you feel about them, Not only what you think.
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