The 15 most boring things he does in bed (and what to do about them)
We can all accept: these socks must come.

Your sexual satisfaction. Chances are something that your partner is cared for deeply, but that does not mean that he has no really troublesome habits. Maybe it's stuck to make old tricks (finished and more), reluctant to give up the things that worked in the past. Maybe he works with too little information or just not on your unique needs and needs. Anyway, here are the 15 most boring things that men commonly do in bed, each with a fix which will leave his ego unscathed ... or crazy just the right quantity. And for more ways to spice up your sex life, do not miss the60 sex stations that each couple needs to try.
1 It is totally without purpose.
Countless men are hated to ask for instructions in bed and often the head head leads to losing desperately lost. "I like to ask me," Do you want me to tell you a little about my body? "" Says Relationship CoachEffer. "I never had anyone to say no to this question. I then explain where I like to be touched and how. Sometimes I will demonstrate it on their bodies by touching them in places where I like to be touched The same way. It starts the conversation. Once I share, I often end with "and you?" She adds that the practice of your words in advance is a good way to minimize clumsiness. Now, for you guys: here is here10 major red flags, it is not satisfied with the bed.
2 He did not renew his underwear collection.
Many men have a propensity to keep underwear until they fall practically. Devil can worry? Sure. Sexy? Barely. If you do not think you can buy underwear that it will love - or that it makes you think about creating a sexy and diluous drawer pinterest table that you can look together. He will get the allusion. And if you are simpler, refer to one of theThe 50 best pairs of men's underwear.
3 It is too concerned about your orgasm.
Psychologist and sex therapistDr. Lori Buckley suggests telling a partner set on the goal that you like the feeling of intense excitement that occursbefore Orgasm and you like to delay orgasm as long as possible. From there, it will be easy to rotate something closer to the truth: that you have more orgasms when you are in the moment and you try to have an orgasm. And while you appreciate his efforts, it's hard for you when he works so strong.
4 He keeps his socks during sex.
Although no one suggests that being completely naked is the only way people should engage in sex, a pair of socks and nothing else is generally considered sexy. If he liked the feeling of being partially dressed while getting it, suggest another element of more attractive clothing. If it is concerned about getting literal cold feet, it may be time to invest in electrical coverage and spend some time warming up before the law.
5 It relies on a signing movement. (And eventually mentioned his ex.)
Humans look like other animals - are looking for motive. We carry out an action, this action has an effect and a connection is formed in our minds. The reliability of this connection is vacating when certain variables are introduced. Things like a completely different sexual partner. As you know, insist that their ex used to respond favorably to the maneuver they bother you will not make any difference to the way you feel.
"One way to approach it can be to understand if there is something you like on its signature move and if there is a way to be improved / personalized for you," says blue and offers an example . "I like you to keep my hair as I'm about to enjoy, it would feel even better if you do not hold so hard." Talking about new movements, here's6 Change of play to your favorite sexual positions.
6 He asks for verbal insurance.
Here's a difficult problem: you want to help him help you, but verbal constant insurance that he is on the right track you take you out of the moment. Intimate communication Maven Effy Blue's Consulting? If you do not want to talk over too much, you have to speak even more before sex. "Make sure all your bases covered and all parties understand the boundaries and desires of all people involved," she says. "Also make sure you feel ability to stop things if you do not like the way they go."
7 But does not follow nonverbal indices.
Ooohs, ahhhhs, oh my gods ... yes, yes !, Yesses ... Even the stunned silences occur when what he does is doing it for you. It is not, it might not know what each of these statements - or unsecued - average.
So help him help you by talking about what kind of sounds you do when you have a good time. "For some people, it's obvious and for others no," says blue. "Some people are absolutely silent when they are excited that can be confusing. Make sure you treat all that before."
If your man really wants to make sure you have a good time, it's a good thing. But if his questions take you from your head, create another way to tell him if he is warming up. The blue suggests tightening a hand. Dr. Buckley suggests using your words if he is unable to intui to non-verbal indices to communicate what you like and you do not like, what's ok and What's wrong, is extremely important. "Use a positive language and try to say something you like too," she says. "Instead of saying" I do not like when you _____ ", tell him what you would like" I would like (or it would feel really good) if you ________ ".
8 It allows you to do all the work when you are at the top.
Girl-sur-high allows women to take full control over the pace, angle, depth and level of stimulation. A complaint that some women, however, raise that man uses this position as an excuse to take five. If it leaves you cold, take his hands and place them on your breasts, your ass, tell him to pull your hair, to smother you or what you like. You can also try to stay motionless and encourage it to push you in you while you focus on looking for an angle that works for you.
9 He always screams.
Many women I mentioned mentioned that many men, when they have sex in the missionary position, tend to bury his head in the pillow and pump, the above, which precedes the Visual contact. "Communication is always the key!" saidDr. Rachel Needle From the Matrimonial and Sexual Health Center of South Florida, "Tell him:" I want to look in your eyes. "You can also redirect his head to deal with yours and show him that you want to look in his."
10 He goes straight for your clitoris with his fingers.
Data from theOMG Yes Report of sexual pleasure: Women and Touch Demonstrate - for the first time, in a national representative sample of American women - how important clit is to female orgasm. Nearly three-quarters of women stated that clio stimulation during sexual intercourse was needed for their orgasm or made their orgasms better.
But while cli oral stimulation is important for many women, timing issues and too much cli-off stimulation can be more intense than you want. "During the sex, you could try to attack your hands elsewhere - bringing his hands to your breasts or your buttocks if they start wandering below before you are ready," says "Debby Herbenick, PhD, Professor at the University of Indiana School of Public Health and author ofBecause it feels good. "When you're there, guide his hands back to your clitoris. You can also try to talk outside the bed leaving it how much you like (or need) cli, and more precisely when you Wish. "
Dr. Buckley offers a more tactile solution: "Tease it by not making his penis directly. Kissing all his body while getting closer, with a few light touches and licks to his nipples, penis and bullets until he is out of his mind with desire. So tell him how much you like the same thing! "
11 He recreates what he saw in the porn.
"Watch the porn to learn how to have sex is like watching aFast and furious movie to learn to drive, "says the sex coachKenneth Play. Yet many men are eager to implement the acts they have seen in the porn and a part of it can be good, provided that the two partners are in and that it feels authentic to your relationship . When it's more of a monkey case, the monkey does, it can make your feeling further from your partner instead more closely.
"It can feel clumsy (and even scary) when a partner springs sex acts on you that you are not in, is not ready for it to hurt, if not that feels aggressive," says Herbenick. "It's totally good to say," Let's try something else, "I'm not in that," or "it hurts", for unwanted pussy. "Herbenick adds that it's as well to stop the action if you are really not in him and you want to make sure he gets the message." Too many women mingle with sex, they are not In, she says. "Since you've been likely to have an incredible good sex, it's just just just telling him when he's out of basis.
12 He tries to initiate anal without preparation or lubrication.
In their book,Sex: How to do everything, Em et Lo,, Describe how there is a good way to engage in an anal room and a bad way defined. They recall the readers who unlike the vagina, the rectum and the anus are not lubricated themselves, adding that there is also a pretty sharp curve in the rectum that you will not find in the vagina. "For these reasons, lube is a must", they say. "It is therefore a slow pace with a lot of communication because painful pain will mean zero anal in its future." The absolute preferred advice of Em et Lo is to be folded andreceive anal attention from you, Whether with a finger or a toy with buttocks with, of course, a lot of lubricant, so it can feel about itself how nice the right way can be.
13 It is too ordered.
Fifty shades of Grey May have played a role in people who play with what is called the exchange of power in the rooms around the world. But even if you like to play with a submissive partner, it is quite separate from not having said to say in the types of sex you want to experiment at any time. "Start a conversation on sex when you do not have sex, over dinner in a restaurant to create a little of nothing to experience," recommends in Lori Buckley. "Ask him for his sexual fantasies and his tours. What things would like to try to do with you? Then tell him yours." The idea here is to create an equal time for sex dynamics that works for each of you.
14 He tries to do last sex forever.
No man wants to be described as can not have to have sex well enough for his partner to reach orgasm. There is so much stigmatization around premature ejaculation that some men are locked up to have sex as long as possible, as long as their partners end up getting bored and / or sneaked. "Honesty-Gentle Honesty-is always the best policy", let's say Em et Lo. "You can be initiated about your desires and desires [including sex duration that works best for you] without making species of delicate ego." After all, the more women speak, the more they can find with their partners, which ultimately means the more mutual satisfaction that they will get in the other!
15 He does not undertake afterwards.
As mentioned above, more and more people engage in BDSM practices. Exploring new aspects of your sexuality is great, but those who are new in Kink may not know how important the signature is. Follow-up, in this context, means the process of attending the other after intense feelings of physical or psychological nature relating to BDSM activities. BDSM experiments can be exhausting, draining participants of mental, emotional or physical energy. However, Kinky your sex becomes, make sure your partner knows that being affectionate and reconnecting is an integral part of the experiences you share. Now, for larger tips on the pin of your sex life, here'sThe 5 best ways to get your best sex tonight.
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