You are "significantly less likely to catch Covid" if you eat this

It has been shown that a factory-based diet is capable of helping to prevent Covid.

The best way to avoid gettingCOVID-19 [Feminineis to getvaccinated And now, researchers also noted that eating in a certain way can only reduce the severity of your illness, but possibly dispel the virus. It's no vaccine replacement, but this is research on the opening of the eyes. "Search Teams in Zoe, Harvard Medical School and King's College London have found that people who eat high quality high-quality diet are less likely to catch Covid-19 or become seriously ill, while those who eat the The least nutritious foods are more in danger, especially if they live in the poorest areas, "according to the report." On the basis of what we know about nutrients and foods, the higher quality diet could reduce Your severity of Covid, but this is the first study of all time to show that the chances of having Covid, "said Dr. Sarah Berry, who joined Professor Tim Spector, Emily Leeming Rd Kings College London and Professor Andrew Chan of Harvard, in a webinar, to discuss the latest discoveries of Spector'sReport Zoe. "And I think that the level of risk change also, considering that we have just had all these other dietary factors, it is really very important." Read exactly what to eat to improve your health - and to ensure your health and health of others, do not miss these Sure sign that you have "Long" Covid and may even know.

Eat a plant-based power supply with few processed foods, says a study

There was a study "published last week, examining the effects of different types of diets, dietary diets so different," said Berry, referring to a previous study inNutrition BMJ, prevention and health. "So someone is on a keto diet or a plant-based diet and consider how they examined how it was associated with the severity of people, once they had Covid. And what they have found in this search is thatPeople who followed a plant diet had a low gravity of COVID. What we have also found with our research. It also minimizes your chances of becoming Covid if you follow a herbal diet. And the reason we know that it is the specific score of the face that we used in our research was the HPDI score, which is a healthy plant index score. And this is a recently developed score by the Harvard group, which examines the quality of herbal foods in the diet of someone ... and what we have seen was that using this HPDI, This is where we have seen this risk reduction and this reduction of gravity too. "

"So, I think a really important message to people is yes, we should all try to improve our diet, but that does not mean you have to go to the wild," said Berry. "You do not have to go crazy and deny me of just as long as we includeAs much as possible unprocessed healthy foods in crocheted plants. It's enough to reach the level we see this tray. "

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The results are important, a historical study, declares Harvard's teacher

How did they get these results? "It was a regime and lifestyle questionnaire that was implemented in the Covid symptom study application," said Leeming "and consisted of three key elements. It consisted of a Quality Quality Questionnaire. This consisted of a food questionnaire and a lifestyle questionnaire. And this was asked all our users and we were really lucky to have 1.1 million people answering this questionnaire . "

"It was really a historical study in many ways, because many patients we see asked this question:" What can I eat that will really affect my risk of Covid-19? "Chan said." Because I think we all struggled with, you know, what can I do personally to minimize my individual chances to get Covid? So when we did this study, that was really the question we wanted to approach. And we have found that people with a highest quality diet, those who ate healthy plant foods were about 10% less likely to develop CVIV-19 compared to those with the worst diet and Even more impressive, they were less than 40% less likely to get a severe Covid-19 disease and go to Covid Hospital 19. "

So, eat this plant-based diet, be vaccinated when it becomes at your disposal and protecting your life and the lives of others, do not visit any of these35 places you are most likely to catch Covid.

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