It's the best way to terr your child

You will need to play the part of a hostage negotiator.

When I take care of an armed person holding three people at the Areignonnie in a store, I sometimes remember what it is to lift three teenagers. I have to pay attention in both situations, because what I say in high stress times can be critical. My 31 years with the Sacramento Police Department were a valuable training to guide a time resolution at a peaceful resolution. Here's what I learned, thanks to my boys, Christopher, Taylor and Dylan, and all the armed and desperate people I dealt with in northern California. And for more indispensable parenting, be sure to checkThe best way to raise emotionally healthy children.

Always preserve the dignity of the subject.

Apologize, kid

The minute you told them they are a non-stituted life and have no power in the situation, you lost them.

Never impose anything, but let the subject be part of the decision-making process.

mother and daughter on couch

The whole negotiator can do is options put on the table and encourage the other party to do the right thing. For example, let's say something like: "You really have a choice on how you want it to go out. You can do that better or you can do that worse."

Listen to ranting and hiking.

dad ground kid

He or she discharges stress and could transmit some key information.

Do not try to negotiate when the subject is upset.

son and dad yelling ground kid

Wait until it returns to what we call "a normal operating level".

Be firm when you encounter punishment, but secretly double the quantity, then trading down.

mom and daughter ground kid

When you decide for a grounding period, for example, propose a period of two weeks and let your child speak to a week (what you wanted, of course), and you would have given them a feeling to control on their destiny. And for more sterling parenting tips, learnThe secret tour to educate healthy children.

Larry Chavez is a former hostage negotiator with the Sacramento Police Service.

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Categories: Relationships
Tags: kids / Parenthood
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