20 hilarious things that boys were informed of dating 50 years ago

You must protect your lady from the Russian mountains!

If you think that the dating rules in 2019 are confusing, you should thank your lucky stars that you were not single50 years ago. Although hippies and "free love" had taken the counter cultureIn the late 1960s, most of ordinary America was still respectfulDating protocol of the old school. For most people, there was a formality to date that made the process feel like for a real estate loan. The same rules of encounter could not all apply today, but they are always fun to look back and laugh at retrospect. Here are 20 surprisingly absurd things that men have been told half a century ago on the bad and bad ways to run the opposite sex.

1. A girl flirted if she repaired her garter in public.

Apparently, it was difficult - if not impossible, to identify a womanFlirting 50 years ago. Fortunately, an article from 1952 published inGirlfriend and boyfriend The magazine offered young men a preview. A tellation sign that a woman was trying to attract your attention was if it would wear "an adjusted sweater and a well-adjusted skirt that was boldly [described] his figure," wrote the authors. She could also invite a boy "light his cigarette" and then look "at the bottom of his eyes all the time".

And here is a real doozy: "[if] she corrects her garter in public, where anyone who is likely to see it (and she hopes they want)," It means that it is definitely in you.

2. Respect the color of a girl's hair was a must.

As theRolling stones reminded people with theirpopular song at the timeYou can not always get what you want - and this includes the choice of the woman's hair color you meet. It may seem obvious now, but it was apparently not in the 1960s.

"Do not openly prefer blondes when you're with a brunette," wroteBetty Allen andMitchell Pirie Briggs, Authors of the 1964 dating guideThink your ways.

3. No woman loves a Jester of the Tribunal.

All these rumors that women love a man withsense of humor Apparently did not apply 50 years ago. "Do not try to realize the popularity by continually acting on the clown", "Allen and Briggs punched their readers." Even if your Saginging is good, does not worry it all the time. Others may not appreciate your efforts. ""

4. It was the work of a boy to make a protected daughter of the mice, spiders and Russian mountains.

Today, any conscientious man must consider that his potential girlfriend can befear of thieves, murderers and other sketching subjects.

But 50 years ago, women obviously do not only have these rational fears. Women were scared, all the time, everything. Thus, men were invited to be "attentive and protective," wrote Allen and Briggs. "Even independent modern girls like to be reassured mice and spiders, Russian mountains and thunderstorms."

5. Be notified: A film date could be incredibly complicated.

Take your daughter at the movies may seem like a relatively simple business now, but likeEvelyn Millis Duvall explained in his OME of 1958The art of the meetingHe was everything except.

Just arrive at your seats requiring strict decorum. "The boy precedes the girl in the driveway, find two seats and margin aside for the girl to be sitting first; he then follows and lying behind her", writes Duvall.

An acceptable condition during the film understood the hand of the girl "if she has no objection, nor [place] his arm on the back of his seat." The couple was allowed to "murmur their reactions to the photo or commentary to each other on the characters or the plot".

When you leave the theater, according to Duvall, "The boy helps the girl envelops and waiting in the driveway until the girl emerges and precedes her out of the theater. Then, the boy can suggest stopping a fountain Soda, if he wishes, or if it's early, the girl can invite her home for "cake and milk" or whatever she and her family have agreed for an evening snack. " seems exhausting!

6. Whatever a guy behind the steering wheel was the fault of the girl.

Men can still be held responsible for their own actions, especially when their hormones rage. Like Duvall reminded young datesThe art of the meeting, "When you enter a car, [a girl] as responsible for the driver for what happens. If [a girl] allows the boy to drive too fast, she shares guilt if an accident occurs." You have been warned, ladies!

7. Men could never expect women to be "difficult as boy" as well.

"It does not matter the amount of Gamboy a girl can be a girl, she can not be supposed to be as robust and difficult as a boy," according toFrank Howard Richardson, Mr.D., who wrote this advice in his 1952 meeting guideFor boys only.

"Instead of teasing and trying to make it feel lower, a guy shows himself a much better if he gives him a break and a careful hand from time to time," said Richardson. Although he never came to go out and say, "Women are weaker sex," the involvement was there.

8. Boys had to withstand their "presses" with sports, chore tasks or homework.

What is a poor boy to do when he goes stable with his best girl for weeks and there was nothing but the hand holding hands? "Channery your energies inconstructive sockets, "Chronicle of Famous Advice SuggestedAnn Landers In his book of 1961Since you ask me. "Get out for football, basketball or baseball. Play tennis, golf, ping-pong, football or handball. Improve your swimming, wash the car, paint the garage, practice the paper clip, build a boat, Do your homework, Tone the Lawn, cleans the attic. "

9. Virillis subjects were out of bounds on a date.

Half a century ago years ago, men had to bear the weight of everythingDate Night Conversation. But that does not mean they had to stick to topics that attacked only a virile brain. On the contrary, they were encouragednot To.

"Remember that all girls do not share your enthusiasm for ignition caps and cylinders," warned Allen and Briggs. "And do not expect his hair to be held at the end of pure excitement if you rehabilitate a football match, play by playing. At least a part of the time, try talking about things she is interested. " They do not mention details, but you can use your imagination to fill the whites.

10. Or, you did not have to talk at all - you can simply play music. Aparcel of music.

It's all said, there was no need forCrack jokes Or continue an annoying conversation if you had a large vinyl collection. AuthorArt Unger boldly suggested in its 1961 relationship primerThe cool book: a teenage survival guide in a square society, the way to a woman's heart 50 years ago was to "play files constantly." Yes,non-stop-Is in, a constant flow of the last hits.

And if she was tryinginitiate a conversation Anyway, "tell him the bat that you have laryngitis," advised unger.

Couple Kissing in their Car at a Drive-In in the 1950s {Dating 50 Years Ago}

11. The boys had to be wary of the old loud handbag tower.

If a man walked today in the street and a woman dropped his bag in front of him and he leaned over to help him, she could be worried he tries to steal something from her.

But 50 years ago, an abandoned handbag was considered a tactic flirting. According toGirlfriend and boyfriend, "When she drops her handbag and leans to pick up the spilled content with her knee dress, she teases."

12. A boyalways I went to the door of a girl to look for it.

Some of the things we do not think twice today - like a man picking up a woman for a date should probably knock on her gateway - was not a data for men 50 years ago.

Fortunately, Allen and Briggs have been crystalline about the importance of not being a fool before the date even started. "Do not" Yoo-Hoo "or Klaxon under Janie's window just to let him know that you are ready to leave now," he wrote.

13. And it was his work to dominate the conversation.

In the 1960s, it was common knowledge that at a date, the woman was supposed to be seen while the man was supposed to be heard. "Let it speak first,"Monthly household Women recommended in 1955. "Do not forget that his conversation topics are more important than yours."

14. Financial situations aside, he paid.

"Do not be a heart", "Allen and Briggs have scolded their male drives." Pay your own way of your daughter. "

But if a woman was more than able to pay and reallywanted to pick up the check? In 1969,Abigail van Buren, the tips columnist is known otherwiseDear Abby, offered a simple compromise. "If a woman has" as much or more money "than man, she will invite him to her place for meals cooked at home andBuy the few gifts, "she writes." Everything opens. "

15. Double dating with the family was a way to avoid your impulses.

"A judicious way to stay bad trouble is to stay active and busy," said LandersSince you ask me. "You do not come to sit down with nothing special to do or even worse, ride without destination." Why? This is what leads to "parking" and inevitably "to the peak".

When the hollow becomes "the major interest and sport n ° 1, you play with fire and you could be sang bad," warned Landers.

A good way to avoid the embrace pitfalls was to invite along some very clumsy companies. "Dual rang With your brother or your sister, "suggested unger". If there is something that will remain at a minimum, it is the presence of a family member. "

16. A man has never spoken or admitted to having emotions.

Meetings can be an emotional experience, but the Smart Fella of the end of the 60s has realized the importance of keeping these sentiments bottled. AuthorGay head explained in his 1960 bookHi there, high school: "Do not wear your feelings outside. If they come out like a needle of a porcupine, they will face a lot of problems."

17. A man has always had to use the discretion when you call a girl on the phone.

When a phone - and a fixed line, no less - was the only way to keep in touch with someone, there was always the possibility that the composition of a girl's composition meant that you would finish talking to his parents. That's why the discretion was so important.

In their dating of the Bible, Allen and Briggs advised their readers to never call a number "and start your approach with" Hello, baby, suppose who it is! "The sweet husky voice you thought to recognize can belong to his mother." Yikes!

18. A man had to leave his girlfriend talking to other boys without becoming jealous.

"Even if you areconstantly go, do not close with "private property, no intrusion" signs ", warned Allen and Briggs. And frankly, it's really good advice, even for today. Women, as a rule, n ' Like not to be covered with signaling indicating that they are the equivalent of real estate strongly kept.

In addition, Allen and Briggs noted that you should "give him a chance to speak at least to other boys". It's a sweet feeling, especially since, like that or not, talk to boys is a necessary part to cross the world. After all, there are male restaurant servers, male colleagues, and you know, brothers and dads, even!

19. A boy was encouraged to be polite, even if he made her feel like a "sissy".

Today, most people would say that being polite does not make you less than a man. But in the 1950s and 1960s, it was a major concern for young men looking to court a lady.

"Proper behavior Do not tag a Sissy, "Allen and Briggs advise." You can be a quarterback of stars and always carry your ways. "

20. And if the boys were unlucky in the meeting, there was always the army!

The dating scene was difficult during the last half of the twentieth century and not only because of the rejection. Some people, like a 18-year-old frustrated boy who wrote to the Consulting ChroniclerHelen Bottel In 1970, could not land a date because his parents would not allow it.

The Board of Bottel? "Nothing will solve your problem faster than the project",wrote. "The army may not be the easiest way to cut deck chains, but it's the most effective." And if you want more nostalgia, check out these 30 things every year 70 children remembers .

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