6 women reveal the biggest oral sex mistakes of men

"35 seconds half-cap, then demanding praise ... super lame."

If you like to fall on your female partner, you are lucky - and more importantly, that is to say because a lack of enthusiasm for cunnilingus is the most difficult obstacle to overcome if you want Never perform this convincingly and satisfactorily. And we should all want to be good because, well done, it is more likely to end in a curling orgasm for her than vaginal relationships. According to a meta study, only 25% of women are still orgasmic duringsex.

The thing is that many women complain that cunning linguists make many common mistakes. We know it because we asked them and compiled some of their most common answers below. So, read to make sure you are not neophytic in the high art to please the most intimate way in the ways. And for more hot tips, learnThe 5 ways to make sure you will have the best sex of your life tonight.

1. Assuming all women like the same things.

"Once, I had a guy getting down on me and I used the line," said my ex I gave the best head. "- A, Vancouver, BC.

You had a past lover that ravaged the way you came down on her. Your ability to make it feel good make you feel good and it's great. But that does not change the fact that each new partner comes with its own set of tastes, and does not like. So, while you think about rave critics, your ego manna, which gives your partner the oral boiler is not in your best interest. Instead, so tap verbal and non-verbal indices of her as a sponge. Although it is advantageous to have a proven and tested techniques cache at your disposal, the only way to get it where it wants to go is to mitigate what works for it. And if you need a little extra boost, learn30 ways the exercise exercise your sex life.

2. Think about cunnilingus as a preliminary.

"35 seconds half-cap, then demanding praise ... super lame." - J, Brooklyn, NY.

Dr. Ian Kerner, author ofIt comes first: the guide of the man of thought to please a womanWe encourage you to think of Cunnilingus not as preliminary, but as Coreplay, the centerpiece of a complete act of post that culminates in his orgasm. "Many men approach the cunnilingus as an optional aperitif," he says. "However, this approach does not give a woman enough time to become horny and ready for the direct contact of the clitoral, nor a few shots here and he provides persistent and coherent cli stimulation that intensifies excitement." Continue that and, before knowing it,You will be a paceful god in the room.

3. Being little powerful.

"We know when you fascinate it. If you hate to come down on a girl, just say it. We can not guarantee that it will not be a prefereaker (because nothing is worse than a guy who gives you are A gust of wind with a facial expression similar to a child who hates broccoli, then darts thinking he did "guy". uh, no guy. We can say time. "- E, Seattle, WA.

Back to the body Was a retirement of women traveling around the world by sex educator and author Pamela Madsen. She explains that many women wear feelings of shame of their vulva and worry about the way they look and sentence. "The best orgasms occur when women know that their partner loves their pussy," she says, adding that the partners would do well to verbalize their enthusiasm and excitement when you are close and personal with the vulva of a woman . It's a feeling echoed by Dr. Kerner. "Cunnilingus is an extremely vulnerable act and many women feel a lack of genital self-esteem," he says. "Make sure to reassure it that its smell and taste turn you and enjoy being there and that there is no hurry; it has all the time in the world."

For the last point of Kerner: it is important not to be too objective objective. You completely run the risk of screwing completely. And anyway, you should be enthusiastic. Go down on it is one ofthe ways of surefire to make sex (a lot) longer.

4. Tangue-striking clit as a speed bag.

"Do not check to make sure it has the right pressure. Cunnilingus is like a massage ... It is important to have the correct pressure so that it is satisfactory but not overwhelming." - B, London, United Kingdom.

Of course, everyone is different but many of the women I interviewed mentioned that too much direct pressure on clitoris can be too intense to be nice. "The head of the clitoris is homologous at the head of the penis, which means that they come from the same embryonic fabric," explains clinical sexologist and video series creator online, "Sexplants, "Dr. Lindsey Doe." In the same way that you probably do not want to suck me, play and rub the head of your dick is the same for my clitoris. Run your tongue along the length of the clit shaft. Use the clit hood or foreskin for the massager without direct stimulation. And for kindness love, pay attention to corporal signals because I could may be less, more or something different. "We each have our own pressure preference," adds sexologistAmy Levine. "The clitoris is nervous nervous endings that all the penis and that some women can love a firm touch, for the others it's too sensitive. Take note of its verbal and non-verbal indices."

5. Do not use your fingers or use them as a proxy for your penis.

"Straight fingering, instead of covering the fingers upwards to the front of the basin to hit the place G, like a small penis. It does not do much." - B, London. UK.

All women like their cunnilingus are accompanied by fingering, but many of the women I talked about to say that having their spots g rubbed with a mouth on and around their vulva made for a more powerful and more reliable orgasm, especially When the "comes" motion and rubbing the spongy region of one to three inches on the front wall of their vagina. "Do not think about your fingers like a proxy for your penis; it is not the thrust; it's more about penetration and pressure," says Dr. Kerner. "The vagina naturally tents and contracts, so insert one or two fingers into the vagina; press up against the point G, leave its vaginal muscles nestled against your fingers."

6. Do not take a clue.

"When you say," mmm, it's so good, I love it ", and they pass it immediately. If something is incredible, please oh, please continue to do it like that . " - L, Brooklyn, NY.

While his thighs my be on your ears from time to time, listen to the verbal and non-verbal indices it gives you to know if it is impatiently awaited or frustrated by the oral you give it. Typically, moans, "yeah" and "oh my god" s means "keep doing exactly what you do", although, according to many women, I spoke with these are often interpreted as requests to change things. Another respondent, J of Brooklyn, expressed it in this way: "Returning to the preliminary style movements, like lick the inner thigh once a model and a rhythm have already been established. I try to focus on An orgasm! "

Prolonged silences on the other hand, my need to open you other communication channels. Do not be afraid to ask what she loves. So do this thing. And while you have these conversations, make sure you do not say any of thethe sentences you should never tell a naked woman.

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Categories: Relationships
Tags: Sex
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