6 natural ways to remove black spots on the face

Actually the condition is not so dangerous, but if left to make the skin become more dull, making us not confident to appear in front of the crowd.

Dark black spots or black spots on facial skin are calledEphelis What happens because there is an increase in skin melanin. These black spots can appear on other parts of the body which are often exposed to sunlight.

Actually the condition is not so dangerous, but if left to make the skin become more dull, making us not confident to appear in front of the crowd. Therefore, this time we will discuss about 6 natural ways to remove black spots on the face.Then, check it out below!

1. Bengkuang

Everyday routines make us hard to avoid exposure to dust, pollution, and sunlight. That made the face susceptible for acne and black spots. The first solution is to use the yam as a face mask containing vitamin B1, C, and Zinc. The yam can also brighten the skin because it hinders melanin formation. In addition, Melanin is a pigment on the skin that causes dark colors on the skin.

How to make the yam mask quite easy. If done correctly, it will get maximum benefits. The first step was peeled and wash the yam until clean. Then grate the yam until smooth and can be squeezed.

Then, add enough water and squeeze using the filter. Separate the juice to the bowl and let stand 20 minutes until there is a white deposit on the bottom of the bowl. Then, separate the white deposits with water. Well, you can use white deposits as a mask. Apply deposits to the face and let stand for 15 minutes. After that, rinse with clean water and do it for 2-3 times a week. Good luck, yes!

2. Lemon.

Drinking lemon ice while sunbathing on the beach seems to be a pleasant activity. But be careful, if you don't use sunscreen cream, black spots will appear on the face. Well, one solution to overcome it is using lemon that you just drink.

Lemon contains citric acid that is very powerful to brighten the skin. To make a lemon mask, squeeze half the lemon and mix with one spoonful of honey, stir evenly, and apply to the face. Let stand for 15-30 minutes or until the mask dries. Then rinse using clean water and apply moisturizers to the face. Do once a day so you can feel the most optimal benefits!

3. Aloe vera

On the third list is a very famous aloe vera in the world of health and beauty because it containsAloesin which can inhibit excessive melanin production. So that aloe vera is one of the most effective natural ingredients to remove black spots on the face.

If you don't want to bother to process your own aloe vera, you can buy aloe vera gel or aloe vera which is sold by a market. But if you are in doubt with the authenticity of Aloe Vera gel fromBrand. Skincare, then you can make it yourself at home. The method is quite easy, apply aloe vera meat to the face and let it sit for 15 minutes. Then rinse using water until clean. Do it between 3-4 times a week and feel the results!

4. Green tea

Green tea has many benefits for beauty and health. For health, green tea drinks can prevent dangerous diseases such as the heart, cancer, diabetes, and many others. But it turns out, green tea is also very effective to remove black spots because of anti-inflammation and antioxidants. How to use?

The method is quite easy, wetting cotton with cold green tea cooking water. Use cotton as a mask in the face area and let stand for 15 minutes. After that, rinse the face using water until clean. So that the results are maximized, also consume warm green tea regularly, huh!

5. Potatoes

Do you like eating potato chips? Or maybe fries? If you like, you should need to know other benefits from potatoes. Besides being able to function as a substitute for rice, it turns out that potatoes can also be used as a mask you know! How to?

It's easy, the first step is washing potatoes clean, then cut the potatoes into thin parts. After that, put the potatoes on the face that is often exposed to the sun, including the parts that have black spots. Let stand for 15 minutes then rinse with warm water. Do it regularly and feel the benefits.

6. Papaya

The last list is papaya! This fresh fruit turns out to contain enzymes that can exfoliate the skin and make it look brighter. So, papaya becomes a natural mask that can overcome black spots on the face. Indeed how do you process papaya into a mask so that the effect is more maximal? Follow the steps below, yes!

The first step is to select the cooked papaya fruit. Then cut 1/4 papaya into small pieces, then puree and mix with 2 tablespoons of green tea, then stir until smooth. Apply to the face that has been cleaned face soap with warm water. Let stand for 30 minutes or until the mask dries. And last rinse with cold water. Do it 2 to 3 times a week to get maximum results!

Well, that's 6 natural ways to remove black spots on the face. Have you ever done the ways above? If it's already done, is there a result after using a natural mask.

Categories: Beauty
Tags: skin care
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