14 subtle signs A guy really likes you

There is much more than if he blushes when he speaks.

Unless you have superhuman powers, it is impossible to know what another person think. And generally, we are totally ok with that. But if you try to decipherIf a guy has feelings For you or not, it can be incredibly frustrating, especially ifYou crush hard. Fortunately, there are signs supported by the experts to find out how to say if a guy loves you. So, that you will flirt with a colleague, you wonder if a folition is transformed into a real or consider adding benefits to an existing friendship, take a look at these signs ofRelational experts To find out if a guy loves you. Although there is no real science to find out if a guy loves you, these signs will put you on the right track.

1. He asks you for questions to see if you are available.

Is a guy in your life askingSome personal questions? It might be interested, says a relationship expertJustine MFFULAMA. "When a guy loves you, he will try to know if you see someone," she says. "He will put subtle questions about your life that tells him if you are available or not. That helps him decide if he can make his move." Questions about your family, which you have roommates or what are your plans for the weekend, you can all indicate that you have a potential crusp on your hands.

2. It does a lot of visual contact when you speak.

It's not just a stereotype, it's science: visual contact is one of the most coherent scientific attraction signs have found. For example, a study published in theSexual behavior archives found that when the men wereRomantically interested in someoneThey tended to look more on the head or chest of the person, while they were just interested in friendship, they were more likely to look at the legs or feet of the person. The study, which used an ocular follow-up device to monitor the movement of the eyes, also found a clear relationship between the eyes of the eyes and the romantic interest.

3. It slows down its rhythm to meet yours.

Okay, it could be difficult to take if you do not have a typical walking pace of a memorized guy, but still should be mentioned. A study published in the journalPlos a I found that when men walking with a woman they are attracted, they will slow down their roller to match his pace. On the low side, the study revealed that when men walk with platonic feminine friends, the man and the woman adjust their speed to meet in the middle; When they walk with male aleteological friends, each friend speeds up and that the pair moves faster than by their own.

4. It always tells you jokes.

Men and women find the humor an attractive line, which is why it is not surprising that a man who can not stop making jokes around you, probably try to make a good impression. "Humor is one of the many ways to flirt people," says Mfullama. "A guy who loves you to try to be funny and hire playing teasing. He will do that to convince you that he is funny and attractive."

A study published in thePersonality Bulletin and Social Psychology I found that men and women are more likely to initiate humor with a person they are attracted to a person they have not been. The researchers also found that men are more likely to make fun of a woman's joke that they are attracted by a woman they are not (although this correlation was stronger when the situation was returned And that he was a man making the joke.)

5. He proposes to help you.

Especially if you do not know a guy as well, an offer to help you with something you need could be his subtle way to report his interest to you. Move and need a little muscle to help you pack? Hoping a friend of the study and getting an offer of a good knowledge? An act of service is a reliable indicator for knowing how to say if a guy loves you.

6. He turns his body towards you.

It's human nature so we wanted to turn our body to people who are interested in. This means that if you are in a group and notice that your crush pivot of its toes towards you (and do not just turn your head when you speak) or that it crosses its legs in your direction when you are sitting side by side, It can very well be interested.

7. His friends try to leave the two of you alone.

Sometimes the index of your guy's heart can be through his friends, "saidChristine Scott-HudsonAuthorized psychotherapist and owner ofCreate your life studio. "Another index that a guy loves comes from social psychology," she says. "His friends are trying to leave you alone with him. If you suddenly drag in a group and his friends suddenly get up and leaves you together, they may have more information about his crush on you than you do!"

8. It takes the smallest details of your appearance.

If a guy notices a small change in your seemingly insignificant appearance of your outfit, it is probably totally struck. This means that he takes into account, not just the big picture, but little things about you that most people might not notice. If he notices your shoes, a haircut or new glasses, it might be interested (and a goalkeeper, start!)

9. He finds a reason to touch you, even if it's always slightly slightly.

Touch makes a huge difference in our mutual attraction. A simple hand brush or a soft touch on the shoulder can bridge the gap between friend and flirt. A study published in the journalSocial influence Even that women were more likely to give men their number if these men combined their flirting game with a light touch on its forearm for one to two seconds.

"A guy who holds his hand or puts his arm around you an interest," saysTherapist and Social Worker Alisha Powell, PhD. "We do not tend to touch people we do not like, then touch can be an indication of attraction."

10. He remembers every detail you tell him.

Is there a man of your life who remembers that you are specialized in literature in the subcontractor and that your dream work had to be a veterinarian when you were a child? It could just be interested in you, suggests Powell. "A guy who takes the time to notice small details or things you told him by the way is a sign that he is interested," she says. "The details count, and when it makes an effort to remember, it shows that it gives you the priority."

Wedding and family therapistAllison D. Osburn-Corcoran accepted. "A simple sign would be if he remembers little things about you-As your order at Starbucks, "she says." This shows that you take cognitive spaces in his mind and he wanted to learn about you.

11. He uses your name often in the conversation.

"A subtle sign of a guy who loves you is that he often uses your name," says Scott-Hudson. "It's also useful to pay attention to the way he says your name. A great sign that he is interested in you is that it smiles a lot when your name said. Think of these secondary school days Juniors When you write the name of your crush on and over. We always give subtle clues to the way we feel people when we speak their name. "

12. He made some remarkable efforts to try to impress you.

Expect a confident man to let a leave around you. "There are two ends of the spectrum for men:those who are confident and those who lack confidence in itself, "saysRobert Kandell, a growing expert and the author ofBadly displaying: a book for men and those confused by them. "The prerequisite will show interest in trying to impress you" and "to be strong and draw your attention (also called" peacocking ")."

This does not mean that you should tolerate no obnoxitude, but if it is excited to show a little (whether in a game of darts or its personal finance chops), you are probably the subject of a major affection .

13. He takes an initiative when it comes to getting into contact.

If you wonder how to say if a guy loves you, it's a good sign if you are not always the only initiation contact. "A guy who takes the initiative to make a phone call or SMS first shows that you are in the lead," says Powell. "He wants to talk to you and make an effort to do it." Guys do not often lose their time chatting, so if you talk frequently, it's often for a romantic reason.

14. He wants to see you during the day.

When it comes to disturbing how to say if a guy loves you and what are his intentions, the time of the day counts, saysAPRIL BEYER,A dating expert and the founder and CEO of the private matchmaking serviceLevel connections. "The guys who are interested do not just want the sexy date of Friday night with you," she says. "They also want to see you for a hike, a day cafe or a weekend walk. In other words, your company uses it and your personality."

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