A new report says that the use of Tinder will not lead to occasional sex

The myth "seamless for sex" was just totally exploded.

In our company, Tinder is an excellent application for occasional connections, such as a real seamlessness for sex. But according to a new study published in the newspaperPersonality and individual differences,Although there are many people looking forOne night is on the application of popular meetings, not that many people actually have it.

More than 600 Norwegian university students aged 19 to 29 were invited to complete a questionnaire on their use of mobile dating applications based on images. Nearly half of the students have described as users of dating apps and current dating applications, and these men and women have been deemed more "sociosexual" -Méden: comfortable with occasional sex And picking up foreigners, that those who were old with their meetings of meetings. However, researchers have found no evidence that these participants actually had more occasional sex.

"Applications have become the new public arena for the meeting. But to a large extent, people who use them are the same as you find dating other means"Leif Edward Ottiesen Kennair, a professor in the Department of the Psychology of Ntnu and the Copyright of the Study,said in a declaration.

Bendixen mons, an aggregate professor at the NTNU department of psychology and co-author of the study, reiterated that, while Tinder can provide a new possibility of connectors, "" Dating applications users do not have more than occasional sexual partners than others with the same preference in the short term. "

Those who have experienced the culture culture culture can easily speculate on the reason why this is the case. The illusion of a rotation of seemingly endless options plays in the paradox of choice, a psychological theory that argues that people are less likely to make a decision at all when they have too many options to choose. In the past, the thought goes, people might have been more likely to get to know a person well before shooting them down, while today's online files are fast mutually snapped into the Pursuit of another new option, becoming trapped in an infinite litany of the first dates. This tactic can bring a packaged schedule, but it does not bode well to make it in the bedroom.

The fact that meetings make people both disposable is also encouraged a series of new terrible behavioral standards, such asorbiting, ghost, album and bread bread.

Based on recent research, it seems that technology does not just our sex lives many favors in general. AA recent study revealed that more and more people are watching Netflix late at night instead of having sex. Sexually active couples have gone to have sex average five times a month in 1990 to three times a month in 2010. (At this rate, no one will bear sex by 2030.) on the other hand, A recent study revealed that people over 65, who areNotoriously tech-acid, y in others like rabbits.

Another interesting discovery of the new Norwegian study focused on different ways that men and women use meetings. Women take longer to consider the candidate, while men accelerate through the options. "Women are more insightful. Men are more impatient. This has clear evolutionary reasons. Women have more to lose by engaging with sexual partners of poor quality than men. That's why men slide more often May women do it, "Kennair said.

While boredom is high on the list of both sexes, men are more inclined to use applications to secure sexual partners, while women seek validation for their appearance, said researchers.

"Women use dating applications to feel better than men," Bendixen said.

The study, however, shot down the myth that men on dating sites seek to get.

"Men tend to report a desire for occasional and short-term sex as a reason to use meetings of meetings. But it should be noted that the myth that men on dating applications are looking for only sexual relations. occasional are not accurate. Men who use these applications are also looking for long-term partners, but to a lesser extent that short-term partners, "clinical psychologist and co-authorErnst Olav Botnen noted.

If there is one thing that is suitable for application dating is that they have provided an analytical way of collecting data on how the dating standards reflect the current mutation society. Studies have shown that women todayare not as interested as they were in flashy men, andMen are more interested in women with high power jobs That in the past years - a sure sign of living in a time that celebrates independent financial women. Other studies have shown that women tend toPrefer sensitive men for long-term relationships and believeAn ideal sexual partner is the one who is in touch with his feelings And the emotions of those around him, adding fuel to the current movement against toxic masculinity.

Now, if we could just Spend less time on our phones , we would all be golden.

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Categories: Relationships
Tags: dating / Sex
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