20 things you should never say to a single parent

Please remove immediately "Baby Daddy" from your vocabulary.

For single parents, big and invasive issues simply come with the territory. In fact, between gossip neighbors, curious colleagues and "relevant" friends, single parents are quite used forJudgment comments And seems thrown their way. However, this does not mean that the constant comment is not put on the skin of single parents. All this incessant and insensitive questioning makes asingle mother Or Dad has the impression of being labeled unfit and after all that single parents undertake to ensure that their children have the best possible life, this is the last thing they deserve.

So, before opening your mouth and say something you do not want to say offensively, read about things you should never tell a single parent.

"Well, you decided to have the baby."

Parent lies

It's not because someone has chosen to have a child alone does not mean they sometimes do not struggle sometimes. And yet, asBrandice Taylor-Davis, a single mother and creator of group coachesThe Taylor-Davis agency, notes, it is a sentence that is projected quite often by other people who have no idea what it sounds like being a single parent.

"You must takeanother Day of leave because your child is sick? "

father with sick child things you should never say to a single parent

AsNatasha Peters Epic Mommy Adventures Last, single parents often have no one else to turn to when their children are sick - and it's never something you should default. "Never say that to one mother; does not even imply," she wroteon his blog. "Because guess what? She must do it! Who else goes?"

"You are so young, did your husband / wife have an accident?"

dad and daughter outside of school back-to-school tips

According toGisela Hausmann, a single parent and the author ofNaked determination: 41 stories about overcoming fear, one of the questions she has often asked is the way she could possibly be singleand Have a child at a young age. "As crazy as it may sound, these are somewhat typical questions that people pose," she says. Of course, there are cases in which a parent ends up lifting a child alone because of a tragedy - but even if thatis The case is not your business.

"You must like to have a break from your children when they are at home of your ex."

older men arguing things you should never say to a single parent

"This is insensitive and does not take into account the quantity of [single parents] probably missing their children when they are not with them," saysHeidi McBain, expert from the mental well-being of women and author of the bookMajorityChanges: Stories of Maternity, Hope and Healing.Unlike popular belief, single parents do not feel their children - they are missing when they left.

"It must be nice to make parenting decisions alone."

woman talking to young boy, parent divorce

Although less impactful decisions, such asWhere to shop for your child's clothes Or which movies help watch your kids look, are quite easy to do solo, the more substantial can be difficult to do as single parent. Of course, there is no one toto argue with-But on this same token, there is also nobody there to bounce ideas from or to reason with you when you have a fight fromindecision.

"It can be very stressful not to have a partner to bounce parental ideas, as well as not to have this important support in their lives when parenthood becomes difficult," said McBain.

"I do not know how you do it!"

friends talking about children things you should never say to a single parent

You do not see all the disturbing moments that take place behind the scenes of a single parent. After all, it is not easy to explain, a career, a child and a semblance of a social life. However, single parents are wondering how they manage all that often by themselves. It is therefore not necessary that you need to crank and question their capacity as a parent. For your part, you should support them and do not question their choice of life.

"Where is the father / mom?"

friends talking things you should never say to a single parent

Why is it important where is someone's mother or father? If a parent is not on the picture, it is very likely that it is for a reason. Or if if the mother or father of someone's child died? You never know what the circumstances of someone are - and if they wanted you to know, they would tell you.

"I feel like a single parent when my husband / wife left."

two friends drinking at restaurant things you should never say to a single parent

Wow, your week away from your partner must beso hard! Could you imagine doing that, like full-time?

As a word of advice, do not try to compare your struggles to those of asingle parent; If you are someone who raising children with the help of a partner, you simply can not understand their difficulties.

"Why do not you fight for child support?"

friends having discussion about children things you should never say to a single parent

Do not assume a single parent needs children's alimonyfinancially survive. Many single parents make stable and sufficient living lives on themselves, and their pay checks are more than enough to cover theThe costs of raising a child. And, seeing that this is often a very personal question, it is better not to pry; Just because a parent does not get the alimony does not mean that they did not try to get.

"You are lucky that you do not have a partner to fight with. »

group of friends laughing things you should never say to a single parent

There are so many reasons why you should never tell a single parent. First of all, simply because both parents are not together does not mean that they do not yet support their child issues. And it is unfair to call a spouse "luck" parent because they do not benefit from the support of a co-parent. Before you pronounce this sentence, remember that to have anyone to discuss with anyone who has a parent.

"It must be difficult to be both parents. »

divorce over 40 things you should never say to a single parent

Single parents should not assume the roles of the mother and the father to be the guardians successfully. Every child if they are raised by a single parent or have both a mother and a dad-has a support system that surrounds them, in addition to their parents, and if they need something that only a male guardian Or female can provide, they can always turn to someone in this family group and friends.

"It's sad that your children will grow without a positive / female male model. »

women arguing about parenting things you should never say to a single parent

Once again, just because a child does not have a mom or dad does not mean that they are not the two positive male models and women in their lives. Family members,teachers, And the exemplary adults of the community can all serve as positive models in or not if a child's life, they have both a mother and a father.

"Why are you not attending? »

Woman arguing with mother things you should never say to a single parent

Between finding time away from work and hunting for aBaby sitterOne night out of turns out to be incredibly imposing and expensive for one parent. In addition, only one parent takes the introduction of a new person in their child's life very seriously. When someone dates you, they are also the attendance of your children and that's why, as a single motherAndrea Arterbery RecountParents, Dating is not always on the table.

"I understand that you want to make trying to connect with this beautiful young man in your church," she says. "But I really say when I say I'm perfectly happy and happy to be alone. And if you are a single parent ready to go back there, check out the40 Tops Dating Women More than 40.

"Do you ever ask for what kind of career you would have if you had never had children? »

friends talking on couch things you should never say to a single parent

Most parents could not and do not want to imagine life without their child or children. Even if they could have had a lucrative career without children, these moms and the dads would take being a single parent on being a successful businessman all day.

"I'm not worried and I'm not sitting and thinking about the state of my career as a single mother," said Arterbery. "Everything has (and will continue) to work very well. »

"Do you ever regret having children? »

friends talking to single parent things you should never say to a single parent

Many people believe that single parents are "stuck" with their children, but the Arterbery notes that this is not the case. "In most cases, especially mines is so far from true. I love my son and there is absolutely no regret, "sheParents.

"You do not hang out with me. »

friends talking on a college campus things you should never say to a single parent

Naturally, single parents have less free time to do what they want. It is therefore important to understand that sometimes hanging with friends falls lower and lower on their task lists. In addition, parents alone free moments have passed are probably doing things thatmitigate stress In their life as energytake a nap Or take very long baths. Although they appreciate your friendship, single parents also have to start when they can, or no one will do it.

"You really have your hands full! »

Woman Making a Grocery Shopping List {Shopping Tips}

Just because a single parent daresgo to the grocery store With their children does not mean they have "got their full hands. It turns out that, single parents also have complete banal capacity and tasks, even difficult if they have to do it themselves.

"What about your baby dad or baby mother? »

Boyfriend Meeting Girlfriend's Friend things you should never say to a single parent

In the eyes of most single parents, using terms like these to describe their children the father or mother is incredibly disrespectful, likeThese expressions often have a negative connotation. It's just as easy to say "mom" or "dad" -so in case of doubt, being respectful and aware of the feelings of people.

"Where is their mother's father / family? »

friends arguing with baby things you should never say to a single parent

Why should this import? The child is clearly good with the support system they have - and it is not necessary to bring anyone to the photo that does not really want to be there.

"Do all your children have the same mother / father?"

woman talking with friend about children things you should never say to a single parent

The worst thing to ask oneRelative of several children is whether all their offspring comes from the same father or mother. "When you see a single parent with several children, it's really the slightest thing to ask if they have the same father or the same mother. It's really none of your business," said Arterbery.

In addition, he has several families who make someone less able to be a great model for their children? Absolutely not! And if you want to show your children how to do good in the world, start with these33 small acts of kindness that you can do who are totally free.

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