13 things to do with your children at least once, according to therapists

Make souvenirs that last these perfect engineering activities for parents and children to do together.

For each adorable family photo, you get, there are one where your children tear their hair. For each golden star at school, there is a phone phone at home to inform you that someone has thrown a science class. Yes,Parenting is full of ups and downs. And even if it is easy to get caught in the chaos of the day, there are many simple ways ofmake memories that you and your children will cherish. Read on to discover thethings you should do with your children, according to higher therapists.

Play Hooky.

black father and daughter watching movie
Shutterstock / Fizkes

Of course, you may not have to love the idea of ​​your child's cutoff class to go out with their friends, but have a parent approved parent of the school to do something pleasure can Being a great way to bind yourself with children of all ages. "They will remember one day that you allowed them to stay at school for the day and watch movies together more than it was that they would have been taught at school today "", "said the clinical psychologistMelissa A. Jones, PhD, HSPP, from Evansville, Indiana.

Or better yet, "wake up children for school one day and take them instead of a day," Suggests Jones.

Or take a day of mental health together.

white father son walking on beach
Shutterstock / Epicstockmedia

Adults are not the only ones to use a slog pause from their routine from time to time. Even young children can be submerged by their schedules, as well as your children at least oneMental Health Day a year, suggests a certified professional clinical advisor and a therapistStefanie Juliano, LPCC, Rio Rancho, New Mexico.

"We all need it at some point, so give them the same opportunity," says Juliano.

Eliminate them somewhere that feels extremely growing up.

young white girl in sunglasses drinking coffee outside
Shutterstock / Mnstudio

Give your children a chance to feel real adults well before their 18th anniversary by allowing them to accompany you on a resolutely adult exit. Juliano suggests a fancy dinner, a spa treatment or a movie, as well as to make the day by saying them, "I appreciate you and you are special."

Let them choose your outfit.

young asian mother and daughter choosing clothing
Shutterstock / Palas Ronnatai

Parents often spend tons of time -Assemble children's cabinetsBut children rarely have the opportunity to release their internal stylist on adults of their lives. If you want an excellent collage experience for you and your children, try to let them choose your outfit. "It's incredible how much they will have pride and how much they think you think!" Juliano said. "It gives them control, trust and stupid happiness."

Or let them choose all meals for the day.

asian mom and young daughter making pancakes
Shutterstock / Dan76

Similarly, give up a little control in the kitchen can give memories that will last a life. Even if your child's choices are not exactly aware of health, let them feel that these decisions can be very fun. "Pizza at breakfast, pancakes for lunch and grilled cheese with peanut butter and chocolate cake will not kill you," says Juliano.

Volunteer together.

white dad and daughter raking leaves
Shutterstock / Alfa PhotoStudio

There is nothing like restoring to your community toTeach your gratitude to your children. Volunteering is an amazing way to spend time with your children anddo good in the world. "Volunteer work is one of the ways your child can learn about compassion and generosity while binding with you," says the psychologistAna Sokolovic, MS, ofPod.

To make sure that the volunteer opportunity becomes a darling memory instead of a point of conflict, Sokolovic recommendsFind charity together With your little one, and adapt the experience to a cause that is passionate, whether animals, the environment or a local park cleaning.

Stay awake late.

white mom and daughter watching movie in a pillow fort tent
Shutterstock / vgstockstudio

Although most parents know that, allowing children to stay until the small hours every night can have beneath consequences, having designated evenings when your children can stay late can be a great way to entertain. "Allow a child to stay late with you is a recognition of their maturity and an act of confidence that the privilege will not be used," says Sokolovic. "It's also a chance to bind around the activities that you may not have time during the day, such as watching movies or your favorite shows together!"

Go to a concert.

young blonde girl at concert on parent's shoulders
Shutterstock / HurricaneHand

If they likeAriana GrandeWhereJojo SiwaEach parent should take their children at least one concert of their lives. And if your budget allows it,John Duffy, Psyd-a Clinical Psychologist Based on Chicago, Parenting Expert, Certified Life Coach and Author ofParent the new teenager at the age of anxiety-Suggesting taking your children to a concert of their choice and one of your choices as a great way to bind. "I find that many links and resilience can be created in the parent-child relationship sharing and sharing music with each other," he explains.

Take a trip on the road.

black mother and father and two young kids in car
Shutterstock / Monkey Business Images

Take long readers with your kids when they are babies can be a recipe for screaming hours, but once they are a little older, aThe journey can be an excellent opportunity to make memories You will be both relatives for years to come.

"Getting out of the context allows a parent and a child to consult each other in a cool light," says Duffy. "Jokes are inevitably created that you can share when crossing a raw patch in the family. "

Read an adult book together.

white father reading book with daughter
Shutterstock / Veres Production

Reading should not be an activity you stop doing together once your children in college. Duffy suggests that parents are trying to read a book with their children when they are in high school - or beyond - to instill a love of literature and offer a little liaison time. "By creating a group of de facto books, you can talk a lot," he explains.

Paint a room in your home.

black father and son painting room green
Shutterstock / Rawpixel.com

You want a great activity with your children that they will have a reminder every day? "Give your child a brush and let them paint!" suggests a pediatric mental health expert and psychologistROSEANN CAPANNA-HODGE, LPC, CMHIMP, from Ridgefield, Connecticut. By painting part of your home together, "your child felt pride each time they enter the room," she says.

Make a photoshoot goofy.

white mom photographing young daughter
Shutterstock / Yuganov Konstantin

Is there anything better than having your favorite moments with your children caught on the movie? If you want to make souvenirs, you will cherish forever, put aside a little time to channel your self on the camera. "There are many opportunities to be serious in life and it is worth having some reminders of the lucology that you wear inside," Sokolovic said.

Ask your child to teach you a game.

indian family playing board games
Shutterstock / Szefei

You and your children have enough time to debate the chess strategy or to determine who is a betterBattleship player. But if you really want to bind with your kids, try to let them tell you the rules ofone of their favorite games And have it.

"Children love teach adult games they can play together," Sokolovic says. It adds that it is also a great way to better understand what kind of activity do your children enjoy.

Categories: Relationships
Tags: kids / Parenthood
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