This is the N ° 1 way to deal with a red flag, according to experts

This is the most mature way to approach the red flag of a partner.

When you start dating someone and find that you have a great chemistry, one thing that can stop this flower relationship in its tracks: a red flag. If you recognize something in your partner who is alarming, but not important enough forrupture, you probably feel stuck on how to move forward. Well, according to experts, there is only one way to treat with a red flag:be in advance and have an honestDiscussion with your partner on how you feel.

Before addressing your other question on the issue that gives you a break, you must first decide whether the conversation is worthwhile to have. Some red flags report a bigger and more meaningful issue, while others are a little more frivolous. "If it's aDifference of fundamental values (Someone who believes in monogamy vs non monogamy), there is no point to move forward. If it's a bizarre personality, as a partner being more tidy than the other, there is a better chance that it's not something that goesput an end to the relationship, "saysAlisha Powell, PhD, LCSW. In the end, you must decide on your spectrum the red flag of your partner falls.

Understand,Carla Marie Manly, PhD, author ofFear of fear, suggests logging, which allows a "greater objectivity as to the question or the question" or to talk to a friend or a professional. According to Manly, "the goal is to gain as many opportunities as possible to know how to effectively treat the problem of the red flag."

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Once you are convinced that the red flag is something you are willing to work around, you can have a productive discussion with your partner. For the conversation to be constructive, you should appear prepared with what you want to enter, but also be open to hear your other. "When you talk to your potential partner, be clear and live," says Manly.

It recommends using statements "I" to express your thoughts and feelings. "For example, if the potential partner is often late for dates, you could say," I noticed a schema I wanted to talk to you. I feel bad about them when you are systematically late for our dates. If you are "I'm late, it's important for me that you call me to let me know what's going on," "Suggests Viril.

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Once you have expressed, the reaction of your partner will guide the conversation. "Your potential partner's answer will help you to know your next step right. If the individual is combative or indifferent, it is probably a sign that there will be important problems to come, "says Manly. "However, if the individual takes responsibility and wants to improve the situation, it is possible that the red flag question has really served a positive goal."

Whether you and your partner decide that the question is worth using or you decide to go in your distinct way, an open and honest conversation is essential for both parties in the long term. And to learn whatnotdo during the meeting, checkIt is the deactivation n ° 1 for men, according to a therapist.

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