20 crazy precious things that you probably have and threw

The basket of a man is really the treasure of another man.

It turns out that, against all odds, these "objects of collectors" who "could be worth worth something of a day" are actually worth something one day - and that day today. Loid memories and novelty memories at Dusty Books and Spunct Electronics, here are all the crazy items you put aside without a second thought over the years. Hope you put them in storage instead of the trash.


holiday decor

It's hard to go to a garden sale without seeing a few heavy glass ball mason pots with waterproof joints at the height of a taste for any coffee or home decorator nowadays. But check to which direction the name of the brand is placed on the pot. From 1900 to 1910, the company created versions upside down so that it can double as a distributor. By some reports, there are only a few dozen on the left, each of themworth up to $ 1,000 each.

Lunch boxes

superman lunch box valuable things

Few items encapsulate pop culture obsessions of their time better than lunch boxes. And in part because of this, these articles, which tend to have short production cycles and disappear from the market shortly after their release, can skip value over time.AOL, aJet The 1963 lunch box can remove $ 1,650 these days, while rare 1954Superman The box can be worth up to $ 16,000.


postcards valuable things

You still have old postcards your great-grandparents received from friends during their travels? They can be worth more than you expect. Deltiologists (the term for someone who studies and collects postcards) will separate withhundreds of dollars For those who are particularly rare, in good condition or include an interesting message on the back. In 2002, the oldest known postcard is sold for nearly $ 50,000; Needless to say, these things can really get up there.

Perfume bottles

perfume worst gifts

You would think that the perfume inside the bottles would be the most precious, but the hand-blown bottles of the big names, like the New England Glass Company or the Boston & Sandwich Glass Company, can go until $ 1,000.

Christmas decorations

holiday decor

You have probably clearedThis box of ornaments A few years back, but I hope you have not decided to throw this handle of glass ornaments because they looked obsolete. Collectors stillpay pretty good money For classic ornaments, with German or Italian hand-blown glass ornaments attracting hundreds of dollars on eBay and elsewhere.

VHS tapes

vhs player

You have a good chance that you dropped your old VHS collection when you bought your DVD player. But you may have given a few a few cents if you were not careful. ANumber of videos worth hundreds or even thousands of dollars. For example, the "Black Diamond Edition" printing of Walt Disney's101 Dalmatiansestimated at $ 750. The same edition ofThe fox and the hunting dogis estimated at $ 1,495. The darker stuff can be worth good too:The Title Ultra-Rare GrindHouse Hitch Hike H & LL has an estimated $ 400 value.


Vintage cereal box
Image via eBay

Most people simply eat their cereal boxes and empty boxes, but it turns out that there is a large market for classic cereals, with thousands of thousand tens of thousands of dollarsOn eBay and elsewhere. From a "holography printed" cereal ranging from over $ 8,000 to a crude fruit monster cereal box ranging from $ 11,500, there is a lot of money at breakfast.



Of course, you can not really get out of the silverware of your grandmother, even for special occasions, but you will want to think twice before giving it. Cutlery in sterling silver companies as canvas or gorham can go for thousands of dollarsOn eBay and elsewhere.

Coin banks

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They hold your money, but it turns out that these fun or odd figures with currency slots in their vertices can also make you a little good money. A basic piggy bank might not argue that many, but a more unusual thing, especially one with a mechanical feature, could, according to theMechanical Bank Collectors of America, valez tens of thousands.

Joyful toys

mcdonald's happy meal

It is unlikely that you buy all these happy meal toys when your parents let you have McDonald's as a child. But if you had, you can afford to allow you many great Macs. A complete set of underwater monsters of 1979 or the TEENIE BOOS knitting of 2000 could shoot in aa few hundred dollars, if they are in good condition.

First publishing books

things you should buy on black friday

You may want to take a second look atThis box of old books You will go to the library and make a donation. There may be a lot of money in books, especially those who are rare or early editions.Buzzfeed has brokensome of the most valuable ones available on eBay, a first edition ofTom Sawyer's adventures Go $ 92K, to a fourth edition of theBook of Mormon with a price asked close to a million dollars.


For most of us, the writing machines went the way for Dodo with the arrival of the computer. But those who occupied these vintage products could find that they are more valuable than they are useful. Although the vast majority of writing machines are just as rare (after all, most households had one during the beginning of the product), there are a few rare that might not look like a lot, but could look for a good amount of 'money. For example, the Luxury Luxury Luxury Portable Write Machine is $ 374. An extreme example of this is theLettera 32 Olivettri, who received more than a quarter of a million dollars at auction.

Vintage Costume Jewelry

Black friday

We generally think of costume jewelry such as made of inexpensive materials that mimic the whimsical stuff. But some types of costume jewelry have become very useful in its own right, recovering thousands of dollars in auction. There is abrand handle This is particularly money for sellers, including Weiss, Eisenberg, Hobe and Coro. Chances are you might have suggested that it was just cheap balls.

Vintage guitars

don't play guitar at a holiday party

This old gibson can collect dust since you have abandoned your dreams of Bob Dylan after a college, but the brand guitars in good condition can go for thousands of dollars or more on sites likeReverberation.

Obsolete computers

pc 80s nostalgia
Image via Wikipedia

This Apple i computer may not seem very useful for current technological needs, but it is safe (in 2014 one of the $ 905,000 auctioned 1976 models). Pity the woman whodonated his own machine At a California recycling center in 2015, estimated at $ 200,000. There is a surprisingly robust market for vintage electronic devices - partially because most people empty their old models as soon as they benefit from new.

Video games and game systems

vintage video games valuable items in your attic

Like old computers, some types of vintage game systems are surprisingly valuable when they are still in good condition. For example, an original playback boy (the 1992 version supplied with Tetris) can pull more than $ 1,500. Rare video games can go even more. The gold version of theNintendo World Championships 1990 cartridge (only 26 copies were produced) is worth more than $ 26,000, whileThe Atari game forE.T. The extraterrestrialCaught over $ 1,500.

Vintage lamps

tiffany lamps outdated home design

This old fashioned lamp can be faced with the rest of your modern furniture, but you should have thought it twice to throw it. The brand names like Handel, Paitpoint and Fulper can order considerable price on the resale market. For example, a new artHand lamp goes for nearly $ 1,000 on eBay, while aHandel Slag lead We were going to $ 950 at the time of this writing.


Furby 1990s Facts

You have probably given this frightening pivnal doll with eyes and a moving spout, because it gave you nightmares, but one of those toys struck by the 1998 Christmas season could pick you hundreds,Even thousands of dollars.


Vinyl, secondhand

YourCollection of dad files could hide precious valuers. As the vinyl appreciated a renaissance as music fans come back to a more classic sound, the value of many archives has risen - and others have been engraved. For example, according toRecording manifold,A rare album David Bowie is worth $ 3,000 (about $ 3,800), while a first press of Beatles' White album Can go for £ 7,000 (about $ 8,900).


toolbox, over 40

Most tool hangars have their share of random junk food, but the tools themselves might be worth more than you expect. Classic tools will look for a fairly impressive price, and this is especially true of a few Particularly high value articles . For example, a Chapplin No. 1 plane has recently spent $ 7,700, while a rare key John Deere (only 100 were manufactured) sold $ 16,500 last year.

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