How much sex is really too sex

Learn the signs that your relationship with sex is unhealthy.

Sex Has various health benefits: it can increase your immune system, reduce your blood pressure, reduce the risks of incontinence among women and prostate cancer in men, increase your pain threshold, reduce the risk of attack cardiac,help you sleepand facilitate stress. A June 2019 study on adults between the65 and 80 years old found that a small room activity can even give yourbrain a boost. And a 2018 study on college students found that sex canmake life more meaningful. It is enough to say that sex is a healthy part of the lives of people of all ages. But is there such a thing thattoo much a lot of sex? According to experts, the answer is not digital.

The thing is that pleasant sex impacts the brain in the same way to a medicine, which makes activity a lotless casual that we care to think.

"When you have sex with someone, and it's nice, it leads the dopamine system into the brain" renowned organic anthropologistHelen Fisher RecountVox In 2018, "when you orgasm, there is a flood of oxytocin and vasopressin. These neurochemicals are linked to the brain fixing system."

In fact, thebrain scans Love people are even similar to those of cocaine drug addicts. Which means that, as with any other powerful substance, your relationship with sex can become abusive.

"Asking how much sex is too sex, it's like asking how many drinks need to be an alcoholic"Anthony Kouri, M.D., an orthopedic surgeon at the Medical Center of the University of Toledo, saysBetter life. "It's not so much to know how much you drink how it's the way it affects your life. Sex is compulsive when you feel incredible pressure to have sex and you feel exhausted and exhausted and unsatisfied when it's over. Simply put, if sex begins to take over your day and your thoughts, interferes with relationships or work, so you have reached the point of "too much sex".

Natalie Burttenshaw, a social worker approved at theLahacienda treatment center In Hunt, in Texas, recommends that you ask the following questions to determine if you encounter sex for the right reasons or not, "Do I want to feel closer to my partner? Give and receive love ? To express my desire? To express my desire? To express my desire? Recognize? After a period of absence?Or, do I want to avoid my feelings and not think of this thing that bothers me? Am I looking for a rush that goesdisconnect me reality? "

As Burtenshaw says, the last "line of thought can be very similar to how some people use drugs and alcohol to temporarily forget their problems".

Katie Ziskind, a marriage and a family therapist toWISDOM TO TIPS In Niantic, Connecticut, encourages people to listen to their bodies when it comes to defining "too much sex". "If you get pain or infections, it means that you exceed it," she says. "For women, the vagina can not restore the pH, which could then lead toYeast infections, which can be a sign that you have too much sex. "

Of course, any quantity of sex is too much if you do it because youPress or forced in any way, which makes act both physically and psychologically abusive.

"For most couples of long-term relationships, having sex two to three times a week are considered healthy, but that does not mean that they can not have more sex if the two partners take advantage of it or even Go for weeks.without having sex If they are not mood, "saysSonya Schwartz, an expert and relationship expert who directs the blogHis aspiration. "Sex is too important when damage occurs, such as pain during sex, or when, when, or partners, believe that sex is arope Rather than pleasure. "

So, while it may not be the most satisfying answer, the healthiest quantity of sex is all that feels good for you and your partner and has the most positive impact on your overall mood, Your well-being and your quality of life.

And for more tips on how to improve your sex life, check Why couples who practice mindfulness have a better sex .

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