The only thing you should do less in bed right now, the doctor says

You can always get intimate during the pandemic, make sure you are not too kissed.

Pandemic coronavirus has brought a much more complicated and distant basic socialization. So when it comes time for a good old-fashioned intimacy, health experts have struggled to findDating and sexual guidelines which are realistic. Fortunately, doctors sayYou can always passion with someone-Simply make sure you kiss yourself much less in bed to avoid potential exposure to Covid.

In a press conference of September 2, the Chief Medical Officer of Canada,THERESA TAM, MD, said: "Like other activities of Covid-19 involving physical proximity, there are things you can do to minimize the risk of being infected and spreading the virus." In addition to explaining that abstain from locking the lips during sex could help you protect yourself from the Roman Coronavirus, TAM has advisedWear a mask as another safety precaution, as well as monitor you and the symptoms of your partner before engaging in sexual activity.

senior asian woman smiling with senior asian man underneath white comforter
Shutterstock / Blue Planet Studio

However, Tam added: "The lowest risk sexual activity during COVID-19 implies alone."

She also discussed how,In addition to physical intimacy, the act of sex itself does not open other avenues for the transmission of Covid. "Current evidence indicates that there is a very low probability of contracting the new coronavirus through sperm or vaginal fluids," Tam said. "However, even if the people involved have no symptoms,Sexual activity with new partners Increases your risk of getting or going to COVID-19 in close contact, such as kissing. "

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But TAM boards are far from the first time that public health officials have weighed on the means of security ofhave sex during the coronavirus pandemic. In June, New York City's health officials made titles when they published a list of incredibly detailed - otherwise outright explicit-donations and not to make for the bedroom. "Do it a little kinky," suggested the guidelines. "Be creative with sexual positions and physical barriers, such as walls, which allow sexual contact while preventing the near facing face."

If intimacy without kissing is a step too far,health experts MAYO clinic recommendsgo on a virtual date, writing letters or poetry of love, to share music or get dressed for each other. And for more information on how the coronavirus has changed relationships, checkThe pandemic made this change of much more common life.

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Categories: Sex
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