27 health experts really think about coffee

Good, bad, and buzzie.

This is the secular question: drink coffee or do not drink coffee?

For some, it's not even a question; They consider Joe's morning cup a key ritualistic with health benefits to start. Others say that it is acid and contributes to an increased amount of stress and cardiac palpitations. Most people, however, are somewhere between us, letting us ask what is the real agreement with this caffeinated infusion. The answer is neither black nor white; There are good and bad things to say about the American staple - here is a look at what experts have to say.

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Coffee could be from the fountain of youth


Stacy Goldberg, MPH, Rn, BSN and founder of Savor, stresses that a recent study inNew England Journal of Medicine He showed that the consumption of two to three cups of coffee a day was associated with a 10% death risk for men at any age and a 13% death risk for women at any age.


Do not make coffee a dessert

"Do not make your coffee a dessert, which means not getting too many things things," says Amy Shapiro, MS, RD, CDN and founder of the true NYC nutrition. "Coffee is supposed to try you do not fill you then stop with sugar, cream, syrups, whipped cream and chocolate chips and enjoy coffee for what it is a strong drink that will give you from PEP. " Shapiro adds that she found that most of her clients do not even know what coffee has tasted softness. She recommends starting by cutting your usual routine in half and clean it slowly from there. "It will take a week or two to adjust but you will be happy that you did it." It does not mean you have to drink your black coffee. If you want to add something to cut the flavor, coconut or almond milk are excellent options. And if it's a dessert, you want, try these25 means approved by the nutritionist to satisfy your sweet tooth!


Coffee is high in antioxidants


"The coffee is raised in antioxidants and, like many Americans drink it, it is one of our greatest sources of antioxidants (up to 50 to 70% of the total antioxidant intake of the AMERICAN ADVANTAGE!), "Says Shaproo. "It means that the coffee helps to fight the disease." That said she warns that three cups of eight ounces are the limit to what will do your body. After that, research points to not be as beneficial.


Coffee can improve your sports performance


Depending on the search, Shapiro says that coffee, in moderate quantities, can improve sports performance, especially for endurance sports, so you must drink it before your workout for an extra small energy. In fact, even Olympic athletes and other elite competitors use it to (legally!) Boost their performance. DiscoverWhat happens to your body when you drink coffee With our exclusive report!


Coffee can help fight the disease


According to research, it has been shown that coffee increases the metabolic rate and improves fat metabolism, reducing the risk of type 2 diabetes, reduce the risk and appearance of Alzheimer's disease and Parkinson syndrome. and reduce liver and hepatic diseases such as cirrhosis. Coffee can also protect against heart disease and colon cancer and can also help prevent depression because it stimulates certain areas of the brain.




All the coffee is not created equally. "I recommend that the purchase of a healthy and sustainable coffee that is an organic and equitable business," the naturopathic doctor and the author ofThe Rockstar Remedy, Dr. Gabrielle Francis. Coffee crops that are not organic are one of the most chemically treated crops. Sorry, it means skipping instant coffee filled with chemicals and additives (think about the rapid caffe cafe food). "It is also important to note that light roasted coffee is higher in antioxidants and higher incaffeineDark roasted beans. "


Pay attention to the brewing style


The finer the coffee is finely solicious, the higher the antioxidant level, according to Dr. Francis. "Cold breasted coffee has fewer acids and less caffeine than hot breasted coffee.


Coffee is high in acidity

"Coffee is very acidic and can possibly disrupt the digestive pH, especially when consumed on a first hour stomach in the morning," says Miami Clinical Nutritionist Dr. Michael Forman. "My recommendation is to drink coffee while or after a meal. This plays harmful acidic properties and can actually help digestion."


Coffee is high in vitamins and minerals

The coffee contains important minerals such as magnesium, calcium, manganese, potassium and vitamins of chromium and b, such as folic acid, riboflavin and pantothenic acid. If you do not know much about the magnesium and why everyone talks about it, then catch up19 magnesium tips that you did not know you needed.


Eat protein with your coffee


According to Dr. Francis, eating protein when coffee consumption will reduce secreted cortisol. This is useful because cortisol can reduce the ability of your body to release fat from its grease shops. It can also have an impact on stress and sleep. The good protein options include nuts or walnut butters, seeds, Greek yogurt and chia pudding.


Size questions

When you talk about how coffee affects people, it's important to remember that coffee feels different for everyone. "Some people feel great, alerts and happy other people may feel anxious, embarrassing and unable to focus," says Shapiro. "Do your boundaries and boundaries can be genetic. Some people metabolize coffee faster than others so that it leaves their blood more quickly." Shapiro also adds that the similar to alcohol, a great man will probably better keep their coffee better than a small woman. So do not always like what he has. "Get what's right for you.


Do you really need it?

Just because you are used to drinking coffee in the morning or helping you overcome the subsidy of the afternoon does not mean that you really haveneed this. Try to take a few days from your coffee routine and see how you react. As anything, coffee should be something you do not like something you depend on. "Our bodies can be dependent on stimulating things like peristalsis (intestinal movements) and energy," explains Dr. Forman. "If you ask someone what happened after the headdress arrested, do not be surprising enough enough weaning symptoms." If you need mid-day energy, make your hands on them.22 high protein and low carbohydrate snacks to fight 3 m. Marasmus.


Decaf is not necessarily better

While the DECAF route is a solid option if you try to reduce caffeine, it is important to be aware that Café Decaf has more toxins than ordinary coffee, because caffeine stops the growth of certain mussels producing producers. Toxin. It is also important to search for decafferated beans processed by water (against chemically treated) in the process of elimination of caffeine.


Drink water with your coffee


"Too much caffeine can lead to dehydration, so make sure your drink a lot of water all day staying at the top of your hydration is imperative," says Jennifer Keirstead. For each cup of coffee, make sure to drink at least two glasses of extra water or evenwater.


Coffee can affect your joints


"There is a controversy over the relationship between caffeine and common health," said Founder of Pop-doc.com and NYC orthopedist, Dr. David Neuman. "The important thing to know is that caffeine increases blood flow to small vessels, which can help temporarily increase traffic to the joints."


Coffee can have an impact on your sleep


"Coffee underlines the adrenal glands that can cause sleep model disturbances," says Dr. Forman. "Indeed, the levels of irregular cortisol tend to disrupt normal sleep habits. When you sleep, if your body produces cortisol, it can prevent you from getting a deep sleep to wake you up tired, even after a night of sleep . "


Add spices to reduce acidity


The addition of cafe spices reduces acidity. "The acidity can decompose the lining of the intestines and the leaching minerals of the body such as calcium and magnesium and iron," says Dr. Francis, who recommends adding spices such as ginger, cinnamon, vanilla , Cardamom, curcuma, nutmeg and chicory to make your coffee not only taste is better, but healthier. Try these12 D.I. Flavors to stimulate your coffee at home, too much.


Coffee can affect your pancreas


"Coffee is a direct stimulus of pancreas sugar," says Dr. Forman. "This is because coffee can stimulate the higher pancreatic activity than the body's need and this can lead to long-term pancreatic insufficiency." Why is it a problem? According to Dr. Forman, it weakens the ability of the pancreas to repair when digestive stress appears and causes a variety of symptoms to appear that we do not engage with coffee consumption.


Coffee can affect your mood for the worst


Coffee can cause nervousness and irritability. According to Dr. Forman, however, it usually comes to consuming excess coffee, which is considered more than three cups a day.


Coffee can affect intestines

"The coffee is irritating for the intestines, especially when it is taken on an empty stomach. Milk, cream or alternative treatments help soothe some of the irritating effects," says Dr. Forman. Speaking of your belly, discover the15 best foods to mitigate stomach ache!


Coffee can affect the absorption of minerals

According to Dr. Forman Coffee can prevent the absorption of essential minerals, so be careful not to drink too often too often. "Malabsorption symptoms of minerals will appear in a way that you can not understand coffee consumption, but this can result."


Coffee can affect cardiac health


"Coffee can create high blood homocystein levels that makes it a risk of cardiovascular stress," says Dr. Forman. "This is one of the most potentially harmful effects of coffee. In an article of theAmerica Journal of Clinical NutritionCoffee caffeine has been cited as responsible for rising hazardous homocystein levels in the body. So, if you have concerns about heart disease, limit coffee consumption. "


Coffee is not for children


"Caffeine can interfere with sleep and sleep plays a crucial role in learning," says Goldberg, who explains that some laboratory research suggests that caffeine interferes with sleep and learning between teenage rodents, which Prevents normal neurological development that is perceptible to adulthood. "It is important to curb coffee consumption among teenagers and check the labels of products, including water, energy bars, tea drinks, ice cream and other places where caffeine is hiding before. give them to the children. "


Metabolism counts


People genetically vary in the way they can treat caffeine and coffee. The "slow" metabolizers of caffeine do not effectively deal with caffeine. "They are people who are negatively affected by caffeine, get the jitters and are wired up to nine o'clock after consumption," says Goldberg. "This can greatly affect your sleep habits. The slow metabolizers must stop consuming caffeine within 11 years to ensure a good night's sleep." Others, she said, simply get a thumbs up of energy and vigilance for a few hours; They are considered "fast" metabolizers of caffeine. Most people want a faster metabolism; find55 best ways to stimulate your metabolism!


Butter coffee may not be as big as you think


Butter coffee, popularized by Dave Asprey, is one of the biggest trends in well-being. It is used as a breakfast meal replacement. "The problem with it is that it is marketed as adding healthy fat from the coffee to provide a healthy brain fuel. Although this is true and it is a healthy alternative to sugar and cream, it is not Not a replacement for a full breakfast, "says Goldberg. It is better that ordinary coffee as a meal replacement, but it is always recommended to have a healthy breakfast including protein, healthy fats, fruits / vegetables and sources of healthy carbohydrates such as oats , quinoa or other grains. "


Try coffee flavored products


Coffee is a popular flavor for many products. Goldberg tells its customers to try products like Warrior Warrior Chia and Kay's Moka Espresso bites if they try to reduce their coffee consumption. They work not only to curb the habit of coffee but also offer nutrients.


Coffee can affect blood pressure


The coffee can have a negative effect on high blood pressure. "If you have high blood pressure, consider sweeter forms of stimulants such as tea; often times people get a similar effect and no impact on blood pressure," says Dr. Forman. And for another way of 'Get your buzz on-but turn off your grease genes while you're on that - do not miss these23 incredible ways to melt fat with tea!

Categories: Healthy Eating
Tags: coffee
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