If you wear that, people think you're a cheater, a new study says
The research found that people have a negative perception of men who wear that.

We all know that you should never judge a book by its blanket, but unfortunately, everyone has not internalized this message. People are constantly judged for theirTheir external appearance, including clothes and accessories they wear. The clothes you choose each morning change the way others perceive you, until some wild assumptions about your personal life. A recent study has determined that wearing a particular thing can lead people to think that you are a cheater, even if you have never failed. Read it to know if you send the wrong message and that your clothes could help you,Wear this color makes you instantly less attractive, search shows.
Men who wear shirts with large logos of luxury brands are considered cheats.

A study published on April 15 in the newspaper ofPersonality Bulletin and Social Psychology stressed howMen's clothes are perceived by women. Study investigatorDaniel Kruger, PhD, a psychologist from the University of Michigan, had 376 participantsassess Wear a Polo Ralph Lauren with an important logo or a small logo for a series of relationship factors. The factors included "Fires often" "" knowingly hits the partner of someone else "" well to take care of children "and" devotes most resources to support the family ". Participants perceived men who carried large luxury logos as more promiscuous and more likely to cheat. In fact, these men were noted "lower on interest in long-term relationships" and "more interest in brief sexual business ", according to the study. And for real signs of cheat,If your partner has these 4 qualities, they are more likely to be deceived.
They are also considered less invested to become a parent.

Kruger had initially moved that large luxury logos would be more attractive to women because it could be considered as a signifier of wealth and power, two important features for the reproduction and construction of a family. However, Kruger has indeed noted that women see men who wear these types of shirts as individuals invest more in couplings than to become a parent. "Rather than being a reliable and honest signal of future paternal investments, luxury product displays can sometimes represent investments in the attraction of Mate, which is at theFUTURE INVESTMENT EXPENSES In offspring, "he explained in a statement. And for more useful information delivered directly into your inbox,Sign up for our daily newsletter.
Smaller luxury logos have made more trustworthy men.

According to Kruger, the large luxury logos "reinforce the social competitiveness and attraction of the mate", but the small luxury logos had the opposite effect. The researcher said that small luxury logos "reinforce the perception of reliability and reliability". And men can achieve that too. Kruger also asked the participants if he would prefer to wear important or small logos in a series of scenarios. Mapping respondents stated that they would be more likely to wear shirts with smaller logos when involving a hiring interview or meet the parents of their partner for the first time, two situations where it is important to seem trustworthy. But in situations where they were more concerned about the affirmation of social dominance - as in a leadership role or when they attract a companion, they said they were more likely to wear shirts with great logos. And for more subtle messages than you send,Do this with your hands makes people do not trust you, experts say.
In general, men are more likely to cheat than women.

Although Kruger's study was based solely on the perception that men wearing important logos are more likely to cheat, men are more likely to cheat than women in general. According to a vast study of 2003 published inAARP the magazine, 46% of menallowed to cheaton a partner in the past compared to only 21% of women. Another report from the Institute of Family Studies (IFS) revealed that married men were almost twice as likely Cheat on their spouse that married women were. According to this report, 20% of men admitted sex with someone other than their spouse, compared with 13% of women. And to cheat signs, you need to know, If your partner ask you this question, they could be cheating .

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