15 signs that your wife is deceiving you

The definitive profile of an unfaithful woman.

Worried your wife can deceive you? Unfortunately, it might not be paranoia. AReport from Indiana University have found that nearly one-fifth of the women interviewed had admitted to deceiving their current partners, while a study published in theJournal of Couple & Count Therapy found that up to 55% of married women "engage in an extramarital sex at one time or another during their marriage."

If you are worried, your wife could have something on the side, here are the main warning signs you should be aware. And if you want to stop a connection before you start, here is the10 Secrets to keep your wife happy.

It is in thirty.

Wife Cheating

Infidelity rates are starting to increase in women in the mid-1930s after their marriage for 7 years, according to experts in infidelity. If you feel like your wedding entered a rocky territory, read them7 ways to make your wedding last forever.

She works.

Wife at Work Cheating

Women who work are more likely to cheat than moms at home. And they are more likely to cheat with a colleague, according to Shirley's fire, Ph.D., which was an expert in female infidelity. Idem with men who cheat. It is one thing part the possibility; We tend to love those with whom, according to the search for Cindy Hazan, Ph.D., Associate Professor of Human Development in Cornell. But it also reflects the reality of today's office life, where intense work side by side becomes in-depth connections. But as you know, it's not just women who cheat them20 the most stupid ways men have been broken cheating.

She is more than $ 75,000 a year.

Successful Woman Cheating

Same thing for men. The highly paid is more likely to cheat, depending on the data from the National Opinion Center, obviously because they can afford the bar tab. Also, be sure to read onThe secrets of the best relations.

She was married before.

woman removes wedding ring Cheating

"Second weddings are higher in divorce and adultery as the first weddings", according to the wedding, Bonnie Eaker Weil, Ph.D.

One of his parents was dealing.

Sad Woman Cheating

Children of cheat trees are more likely to repeat the family's history, explains Weil. And for more daily relationships that can be considered cheat, check out these20 social media habits that technically cheat.

She is not satisfied with you.

Unhappy Couple Cheating

The women who say they are "not too happy" in their weddings are almost four times more likely to have an affair that women who say that their marriage is "very happy", according to a sampling of 544 adulterous adulters interviewed by The National Research Center (NORC). And almost half of women think that a case is perfectly acceptable if the marriage PUE; She keeps him right for children.

She has a 1 year old child.

Woman with Daughter Cheating

Two-thirds of the wives report a significant decline in marital satisfaction at that time, according to a 6-year study of the University of Washington couples of newlyweds.

It is not going to church or synagogue.

Husband Calling Cheating

Women who never assign religious services are 2.5 times more likely to cheat than those who would attend more than once a week, depending on the data from the NORC survey.

She looks at "The Bachelorette" while you're at poker night.

Fighting Couple Cheating

Couples who enter into a therapy after a relationship that they spent less time together that typical married couples, according to a study by David C. Atkins, Ph.D., a clinical psychologist at the Institute of Research Travis in Pasadena, California. Men like to think that once they are married, they have "covered it". Then, their wives are eager with someone who makes them feel loved again.

She has a small self-esteem.

Woman with Low Self Esteem Cheating

A major advantage of a case, says that women who are missing, are the boost of the ego, according to a study by the University of Texas Psychologist Scalable David M. Bus, Ph.D.

She is a little hazel ...

Sexy Woman Cheating

A number of studies suggest that women who tend to be narcissistic and need sexual variety and enthusiasm are more likely to skip ships than women with less neurotic personality traits. In addition, friendly and extroverted women are the most proposed, according to a study by David P. Schmitt, Ph.D., Associate Professor of Psychology in Bradley University of Peoria, Illinois.

She is hot.

Beautiful Woman Cheating

In this case, do it again: it gets a lot of probes. "These people get used to being worshiped," says Wedding Therapist Pepper Schwartz, Ph.D., in his bookAll you know about love and sex is wrong.

And become warmer.

Woman Doing Makeup Cheating

Does she work in Bally? Change sound salons? Buy new clothes? The improvement of its physical appearance is a top tactic of "mate poachers", according to studies of psychologists bus and Schmitt.

She wants you to wear this harness.

Sexy Woman on Bed Cheating

If your wife introduces sex toys or has a preferred new position that seems outside his usual repertoire, she may have learned from a substitution teacher, says Don-David Lusterman, Ph.D., author of Infidelity: a survival guide.

She is ovulated.

Couple Flirting Cheating

New research by Steven Gangested, Ph.D., at the University of New Mexico, reveals that the sexual fantasies of other men almost double double during their maximum fertility days. In other words, she thinks of her boss the same day he could become the father of her next child. Not that you are worried. And for more relational advice, here is Fifteen ways to impress any woman.

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Categories: Relationships
Tags: Cheating / Marriage
By: tim-liu
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