7 risks for the long-term health of coronaviruses that you need to know

Lung and kidney damage is possible long-term effects associated with COVID-19.

Sincecoronavirus Covid-19 is a relatively new virus that is always sought after and tested, it will take years to know exactly how this virus will affect the health of long-term people. However, some troubling effects are already observed in CIVID-19 patients who give scientists and health professionals from sustainable health problems that could be in-store for those infected. Cutaneous damage to blood clots that can lead to stroke or heart attacks, it is the risks of long-term coronaviruses for health that experts predict. And to monitor your own health, make sure you are aware of these6 new symptoms of coronavirus the CDC wants you to know.

Lung damage

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Since Covid-19 is abreathing illness, Pulmonary function is one of the main things affected even after the virus has left the body.

"Researchers have discovered that long-term healing of thelungs, known asfibrosis, can be a problem, which could cause various levels of long-term respiratory deficiency, "saysAri Bernstein, MD, advisor forFruit health andCOVIDMD. In fact, Hong Kong doctors told theSouth China morning position that some survivors of coronaviruses have a "20 to 30% drop in lung function"After recovering, who can make them" Halls "if they walk too fast. And to stay healthy, learn these13 safety precautions that you should take every day to prevent coronavirus.

Blood clots

Shot of an unrecongizable man holding his chest in pain indoors

Covid-19 survivors have a high risk of developing blood clots in the future, which is extremely dangerous because blood clots canTrain traits or cardiac crises.James Giordano, PhD, Professor of Neurology and Biochemistry at the Georgetown University Medical Center, said "global inflammatory effects produced by high cytokines can increase blood coagulation". These high levels of cytokines are the result of serious cases of CVIV-19 triggeringcytokine storms, which is where the immune system begins to attack the body's own cells rather than the virus.

Chronic fatigue

Lonely sad woman deep in thoughts sitting daydreaming or waiting for someone in the living room with a serious expression, she is pensive and suffering from insomnia sitting on couch

You can feel more tired as a whole if you have coronavirus, but that this feeling can linger. Giordano says that extreme chronic fatigue is likely to be a long-term effect of COVID-19. Many experts believe that other viruses, such as the Epstein-Barr virus,Trigger Chronic Fatigue Syndrome (CFS) -aso called myalgic encephalomyelitis - patients recovered, because many people develop CSFs after a viral infection. And for more about what it's like to know how to have Covid-19, read a person's account:I am a good 28-year-old health that got coronavirus. This is what it was like.

Rein damage

Senior man with a painful back-kidney on a medical exam.

Covid-19 has already affectedRenal functions among those who have contracted the virus. A study of April 2020 published in theInternational kidney Journal has made autopsies on 26 people in China who died of coronavirus. In their study, they found that nine patients showedClinical signs of kidney damage As a result of an increase in serum creatinine levels and an unusually high amount of protein in urine.

Nervous damage to the system

Shot of a mature woman experiencing a headache

A study of April 2020 published inJama Neurology showed that a large number of coronavirus patients had neurological signs and symptoms that emphasizedDysfunction of the nervous system. Of the 214 patients studied, these symptoms were observed in 78 of them, which represent nearly 40%. The reported symptoms include vertigo and headaches, as well as taste and odor degradations. And for the long-term societal effects of the pandemic, discover10 strange ways life will be different after coronavirus locking.

Liver damage

Cropped of girl holding her side, suffering from acute liver pain, grey background

Another organ the new coronavirus can affect long-term, is the liver, saysChris Norris, MD, approvedPhysiotherapist and neurologist Work with sleep standards.

"In some places, the results of disturbing tests suggest that patients apparently recovered continued to have altogetherliverfunction. This was the case even after two tests for the living virus be negative, and the patients were released to be unloaded, "he says.Liver damage Also were the result of two previous coronaviruses, the crown of acute respiratory syndrome (SARS) in 2003 and the respiratory syndrome of the Middle East Coronavirus (seas) in 2012.

Psychological problems

Portrait of a pensive senior man sitting on the bench, in the public park, outdoors. Old man relaxing outdoors and looking away. Portrait of senior man looking thoughtful

All persistent effects of COVID-19 will not be physically visible.Leann Poston, MD,medical expert With medical guest, indicates that, although it is difficult to know with certainty what will be the risks of coronaviruses in the long term coronavirus, we can draw comparisons from other viruses and conclude that there will be new psychological problems in many patients recovered.

"Admission to the hospital without supporting the family, the admission to the UIC and the possibility of needing a fan to survive can traumatize anyone," she says. "Patients can find that the initial threat is resolved and their health begins to return to anxiety, depression and disorder of post-traumatic stress. The stress of respiratory symptoms, the cytokine storm and the drugs used for Treat Covid can all contribute to long-term psychological changes. "And if you are afraid to get sick, here's10 mental health tips for high-risk people for COVID-19.

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