5 things that smart men never say to a naked woman
Avoid turning your love night into a persistent nightmare.

Communication is the key to having mutually satisfactorysex. It is true that it is an opening party with a new partner or that you unleash a Sunday in bed with the woman you have been conscientious to tolerate for years. But right now, we will not discuss what to say to the woman standing in front of you, but whatnot to say. Why? Because we are at our most vulnerable when we are naked, and a misconstired comment at that time can quickly climb in a big bowl of bad. Of course, because if you drag and tell the bad thing, be ready, andFind out how smart men apologize for women.
1 "Do not you craze?"
Look now: the 4 sexiest things you can tell a woman:
It is perfectly acceptable to have a preference in the hair of the body. If you can express it empathically, it's good to pass this information. But when you do, do not expect your preference for pubic hair replaces hers. Expect her to have an opinion on your body grooming plan and be ready, ready and capable of adapting it. But whatever you do, do not criticize his manual work - or do not miss you, when you are at the moment. You will make it feel distracted and self-conscious. Studies have shown that women with a more positive body image are fully present at the moment and are more likely to undergo greater sexual satisfaction and a greater frequency of orgasms. And if it's your goal (it's) Make sure to check theSexual Positions She wants you to try-tonight.
2 "SoWhat Do you do at the gym? "
Once again, talking about the naked body of a woman in a way that demonstrates a lack of enthusiasm is like throwing an orgasm - destroy the grenade in his brain. When you are naked or you are sexual is not the time to confront what you can perceive to be a lack of muscle tone. So do not do it. Thread compliment what you like from his body. She will feel good about these parties and be more motivated to do you her best. Meanwhile, make an effort to look at your best naked. Diree for example, although gently. For a good routine, you could do worse thansteal the secrets of a male template to stay in perfect shape.
3 "So I have this important meeting tomorrow ..."
Whether your 20 year old wife or someone you just met in Tinder, who you are naked, you could be naked with someone else than you. You should show him an appropriate amount of respect when she is standing there in her birthday costume. A good way to decrease the moment is to speak literally something else. You know you know that when you expose a kindness to a stranger and do not recognize it? Well, that's like that, but a hundred times worse: a) you are not a stranger; and b) give someone that the gift of a Lawd eye is much more special who holding an elevator door for three seconds. Although if you really have a meeting, learn the14 ways to conquer business meetings once and for all.
4 "Uh ... what are you doing?"
We have all been there. A partner tries a sex you move on you and its effect on your excitement is precisely opposite to that (you hope) it is Gunning. Maybe she had a partner who was crazy for ...no matter It is. Maybe she read about it inCosmo. Just say, whatever she does, she makes you feel good. Think about it when you ask him to undo yourself. "Can I show you something that I really like?" is a good way to quickly transform all unwanted maneuvers into something more usable.
5 "Not this evening"
So, you are with someone whose libido can go beyond yours. Mazel Tov! Does this mean that you have to resurrect every time she wants sex? In a word, no. You absolutely have the right to be tired or even a mood, once in a while. But when you refuse his offer from Hanky Panky, be sure to elaborate what you feel. A raw "No thanks" can make him think that it has something to do with her. Provided this is just a temporary EBB in your desire, explain that it is not his fault and that you will be more than happy to go to the minute of your lust. If it's more than temporary, however, you may want to examineThe best sex boosters of everyday men.
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