This great city has issued a stay at home order

"The choices are between us ... yes, between life and death."

With coronavirus deaths exceeding 2,700 yesterday at the national level, and some overflowing hospitals, states and cities take things in their hands and instituting mitigation measures - one in high ways. "It's time to cancel everything," the mayor of Los Angeles saidEric Garcettiyesterday. "The data is nothing less than alarm in the last month only. Since early November, our hospitalizations have tripled, our hospitalizations have more than tripled and are at a new peak and our deaths have almost doubled and they continue to increase . These numbers do not reflect the record numbers of last week. They do not yet reflect the effect of Thanksgiving time spent with families. When many people gathered and travel in the challenge of public health warnings and here in Our golden state, unfortunately. "

He mentioned the coming health crisis. "If cases continue on this path, if they continue to increase the rhythm we have seen, the county expects us to miss hospital beds here in Los Angeles at the Christmas period. The state of public health of our city is as unpleasant. As he was in March in the first days of this pandemic. "Read on to learn more about the residence order at home and to ensure your health and health of others, do not miss these Without signs that you have already had coronavirus.

The mayor called the order of stay at home a choice between life and death

The new order is not so different from the old command. "The city of Los Angeles has published aStay at home modifiedOrder Wednesday night that reflects L.A. County rules that came into effect Monday, "reports theLos Angeles Times. "The order of the city prohibits gatherings from people outside the immediate households, with certain exceptions such as religious services and events. While the order says to peoplestay at homeIt also allows retail businesses to remain open "after the implementation of the Los Angeles County Public Health Department for retail establishments for in-person purchases".

"California has one of the fewer hospital beds per capita, compared to other states," the mayor declared. "The choices between us are stable between health and illness, between care and apathy and, yes, between life and death. For too many people we love. My message could not be simpler", A-T -he declares. "It's time to go down. It's time to cancel everything. And if it's not essential, do not do it. Do not encounter other people outside your household. Do not hide a gathering, n 'Do not get together and follow our security goal at home. If you are able to stay at home, stay at home, be just intelligent and staying. "

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Los Angeles is at a "tipping point"

Here is a part of the Order of Los Angeles:

The coronavirus is widespread in our community and the latest data from the Public Health Department of Los Angeles County, more Angeenos are infected by Covid-19 than ever before. Our city is now close to a devastating tipping point, beyond which the number of hospitalized patients would begin to overwhelm our hospital system, in turn, unnecessary suffering and death. These unfortunate facts about the propagation of COVID-19 in our city mean that we must resume some of the more restrictive measures we have instituted in the spring. The means of preventing this redoubted scenario is clear.

We must refrain from gathering with people outside our household as far as possible. Angelenos has shown what is possible when we cooperate, listen and protect our family, friends, neighbors and favorite businesses. This new surge of COVID-19 cases presents an opportunity to work together, once again to reduce its propagation and flatten the curve. We must minimize contact with others as much as possible.

Even if you believe that the virus does not show you a particular threat to you, consider the impact your choices have on others. Since Covid-19 can be transmitted by a person who ignores that she does, a person could be unconsciously infected with many people if she is not cautious. The now we are staying separately, the sooner we will be able to come back together. Under the provisions of Article 231 (i) of the Charter of the City of Los Angeles and Chapter 3, section 8.27 of the Los Angeles Administrative Code, I hereby declare that the safer order of June 1, 2020 (has been revised later), is temporarily removed. and replaced by this order, which is necessary for the protection of life and property in the city of Los Angeles and is in effect immediately:

I. Subject to the exceptions described in this order, all persons living in the city of Los Angeles are sorted from staying in their homes. Residents of the city of Los Angeles who are homeless are exempt from this requirement. The city works, as well as partner government agencies and non-governmental organizations, to make more emergency shelters available for UNHOUSE residents of our city. City of Los Angeles officials and contractual partnerships responsible for homelessness must make every reasonable efforts to persuade residents to accept, if it is offered, temporary housing or shelter, such as the health worker. Los Angeles County recommends that people who are home to help reduce the spread of the virus and protect the individual against potential exposure by allowing individual access to sanitation tools. Persons at high risk of COVID-19 serious illness and people who are sick are invited to stay in their residence as far as possible, unless necessary for medical care.

II. Subject to only the exceptions provided for in this paragraph and paragraph v below, all companies in the City of Los Angeles are the order to cease operations that require workers at a workplace present in person. To the extent that commercial operations can be maintained by teleworking or any other remote means, while allowing all individuals to maintain a shelter in their residences, this decree is applicable to not limit these activities.

III. All public and private meetings of any number of people over a household are prohibited, with the exception of external faith services described in paragraph 5 and participated in an outdoor event in person, while carrying a coating of Face, maintaining social distancing and observation The Los Angeles County Protocol for public demonstrations. This provision does not concern gatherings of people who live in single household or unity of life. For the purposes of this Ordinance, and in relation to private meetings, a "household" does not include the living situations of institutional groups such as dormitories, fraternities, sakers, monasteries, convents, or care facilities, or include These modes of life commercial group like pensions, hotels or motels. Private meetings are defined as social situations that bring together people from different households at the same time in one space or a place.

Iv. All trips, including, but not limited to, traveling, bike, scooter, motorcycle, automobile or public transit is prohibited, subject to the exceptions provided for in paragraph

V.Exceptions. People can legally leave their residence while this Order is in force only to perform the following activities. All companies operating in one of the following exemptions must comply with all applicable protocols established by the State of California and the Los Angeles County Department of Public Health. A. exempt essential activities. Some commercial operations and activities are exempted from the provisions of this order, on the grounds that they provide services that are recognized as essential to the health and well-being of the city. The persons engaged in any of these core activities are necessary to maintain reasonable social distancing practices and wear facial coverings. This includes maintaining a distance of at least six feet of others, washing hands frequently with soap and water for at least twenty seconds or using a hand sanitizer, covering coughs or sneezes (in the sleeve or elbow, not your hands), regular cleaning high -TOUCH surfaces without shaking hands and wearing a face cloth covering each time it is or may be in contact with other people who are members of household in both public and private places. Children (under 2); those at risk of choking and people with certain disabilities are not required to wear a face covering. Notwithstanding the above exceptions, all persons aged over 16 trips in the city of Los Angeles from another state or country must complete and submit an online travel form on arrival, recognizing that they read and understand the travel advice of the State California. Failure to submit the form is liable to a fine of up to $ 500. Journey form and travel advice are available

For the complete order, appointmenthere.

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How to survive the pandemic no matter where you live

Help stop this surge, no matter where you live payfacial mask , the social distance, avoid the big crowds, do not go inside with people that you are not shelter with, practice good hand hygiene and protect your life and the lives of others, and do not visit any of those 35 places you are most likely to catch Covid .

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