Pope Frances marries a couple of aircraft ceremony surprise - photos

After all, he is the "Pope of the People".

Sometimes the best miracle of everything is not a burning bush or water turning into wine (even if we would not do the descent of the latter). It is a nice gesture and a coincidence so small but so romantic that it makes you believe in destiny.

Carlos Cauffardi Elorriga, 41, andPaula Podest Ruiz39, who are both onboard agents, encountered 8 years ago and now share two children. The two Catholics, they wanted to marry in their local church in Chile, but when it was destroyed by the 2010 earthquake, they had to choose a civilian ceremony.

Thursday, Pope Francis has just been in a flying aircraft from Santiago, Chile, to an outdoor mass taking place in the north coastal town of Iquiq (Sidenote: Did anyone have known the popeone of these celebrities who maculates him in the trade? People are under the impression that he has his own plane, called "Shepherd One", but apparently, this is only the name of the code for any commercial plan that he is at the 'era. It apparently makes its own row in the business class, however).

Anyway, when the couple met his holiness on the plane, they asked if he would bless their marriage. Because this pope is very great, however, he did it better and marinate them personally at the front of the plane, an airline and a Chilean bishop serving as witnesses.

Vatican spokesmansays ABC that it is the first example of a papal wedding in an airplane. So it's going to be one to tell children!

As for the couple, they had a clear message to the journalists on the flight on how this extraordinary event made them feel:

"The marriage works ... We hope it will promote the wedding."

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Tags: Marriage / News
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