Countries with the best and worst lovers

Some nationalities are better in the bag-according to this survey.

This is one of the most strongly debated questions in the world: what nationalityreally Is the best in bed? Are the answers different for women than in men? Are certain nationalities more compatible with each other in the bag than others?

To determine the answer,Online dating site surveyed 22,753 of their members and obtained the following results:

worlds best and worst lovers
Infographic with courtesy

According to the survey, the best lovers of men stand out from Australia, South Africa and the United States, while the best female enthusiasts are from Canada, France, Italy and states. -United.

Now, granted, because this meeting website is American, we have to take the results with a grain of salt, because most of its users are probably Americans who have slept mainly with other Americans. It is also probably why the Americans were determined to be the sexually compatible with other Americans. But, hey, we will take it!

Some of the other interesting conclusions of the investigation were that men and women were also difficult to give himself a "0" note for "the worst love never", but women were more likely to give their male partners a " 10 "For" lover never. "On average, women seemed more satisfied with their sexual partners, with a few" 8 "s for" very good "where most men did only their partners a" 7 "for "good". Does this mean that American women get more sexual satisfaction to do dirty as their male counterparts, or just they are more generous judges?

Just for reasons of comparison (and you know, "science"),The Love and Meeting site Tontango Is a similar inquiry last winter on the distance of men from all over the world, and their results were quite different.

On the list of the top 10 lovers of "best lovers" were Spain, Brazil, Italy, France, Ireland, South Africa, Australia, New Zealand, Denmark, the Canada. WHEREAS the "List of Worst Lovers" was surmounted by Germans to be "too smelly", "English to be" too lazy ", Swedes to be" too fast "and Danish to be" too much dominant ".

Unfortunately, the Americans made number 5 to be "too rough". Some others who made the cup were the Greeks ("TOO Lovey Dovey"), the Welsh ("too selfish"), Scots ("too strong"), Turkish guys ("too sweaty ") and Russians (" too hairy ")).

Well, if nothing else, at least we learned a little about what womennot want to bed.

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