20 things you should never do at a summer fair

Learn how clear the games become. (All but three.)

Is there something more American than eating fried food on a stick, losing some tricks of a rigged match and take a ride on the ferris wheel? For more than a century, children and adults have built many sunny weekends to enjoy everything life has to offer in a few kilometers of terrain living room - and it's a good bet you're going to follow a Combination at some point this summer. .

To make sure you get the most out of your summer experience, we highlighted some elements to avoid rules and a few thumb rules to keep in mind. Keep this guide practical when riding through oily food cabins and tilt-a-whirl inclination rows. And for more information on these wonderful American age-old institutions, see these40 crazy facts on summer fairs.

Make fun of employees and performers

Carnival Worker Summer Fair

This is the cardinal rule. You never want to tease or make fun of a carnival worker. To begin, you will probably not want to achieve it as "carnies". This derogatory term does not hesitate that negativity and strengthens the unjustified stigma - the most common they are that carnival workers are nothing more than a group of tattooed seniors with criminal past. (As it turns out, your mistrust is completely unjustified. Most equitable workers have been in the company for generations and those who do not need to pass a detailed background check before making the cup.) And For more than the Balmy season, check these30 best things about summer.

Fit in completely summary rides

Cyclone Roller Coasters

Although it is true that each path is carefully checked before each fair, there is still reported dead in the hands of these rusty beasts each year. In fact, since 2010, the US Consumer Product Safety Commission reports that at least 22 people died on carnival rides, while thousands of others reported minor injuries. A good rule is to use common sense; If the journey appears rusted and you are one of the only people online, do not drive it. If you are looking for certified certified driving, check these20 terrifying roller reels in America.

Choose a tour occupied by an inexperienced guide

Carnival Ride Zipper Summer Fair

Similar to the direction of the apparently dangerous carnival rides, avoiding the carnival rides inhabited by children of 16-year-old dissatisfied with an approach based on your safety, it's probably the best. According to the United States Product Safety Board, driving assistants can be blamed for almost all accidents related to driving at fairs. If the escort does not come and check that the safety harness or seat belt of all passengers - or if they are too busy looking at their phone to pay attention - immediately exit the walk.

Stay for the local coverage band

Band Playing at Summer Fair

Ah, the beautiful season. Finally, a moment when the brilliant local talent can have its shot in the limonist ... or their chance to ruin an apparently idyllic day at the fair. Although it is understandable to catch a few minutes of the local law while eating your next fried cake, it's probably not a good idea to make these acts a major putop on your itinerary to have fun at the fair. For more information on why you may want to wait for the tapes to reach the second year status, simply check the30 worst names for your favorite groups.


Drunk Women Summer Fair

Do not be slosh at your local living room. Not only is it dangerous to be intoxicated under the hot heat of the sun, you could also manage in prison for public intoxication. Most county and state fairs have their own security staff, as well as local police officers who keep an eye on drunk or disordered got. Most fairs do not allow you to bring your own alcohol - this policy, as well as steep prices, should be sufficiently incentive to stay sober. For more summer health errors, check these15 the biggest health mistakes people do in summer.

Try your hand at any game

Balloon Darts Summer Fair

Yes, you probably already guessed-These games are rigged. These games are not only designed to take your money, they are a guaranteed way to takeall your money. The only games you really have a chance to beat are balloon darts (hard throws), a milk milk draw (aim at the bottom of the bottle, not the top) and the water pistol set (align your shot early fire).

Pet animals

Boy at Petting Zoo Summer Fair

Well, to clarify, you can stroke any animal you would like - just ask for the permission of the owner first. Most animals at the Parc des Expositions are not domestic animals; They are animals grown in its own right with an important goal of serving. Therefore, they can bite or hit or make any unexpected things to your expenses. In addition, many owners will not want to hire their animals in any distraction before showing them at the county fair.

In addition, many epidemics of diseases such as E. coli and Salmonella have been linked to animals at fairs across the country. Young children are often those who have touched most because they do not seem to seem to resist a trip to the small zoo.

Eat your weight in the fries

Woman Eating Fried Oreos Summer Fair

NewsFlash: Food Food is bad for you. In fact, the cake of the funnel, the most standard of equitable tickets, packs 760 calories in a plate of sweet delight. If you are always looking to indulge, you simply stick to a fried essential, like a fried edge.


Woman Smoking Summer Fair

Maybe the slightest thing you can do during an outdoor event is submissive to all others to your bad habit. It seems that local equitable organizations and the state begin to feel in the same way, because many fairgrounds around the country leave only smokers from a small grass parcel to the puff between carnival rides. .

Bring your dog

Dog Summer Fair

Sorry, pet lovers. Most exhibitions do not allow pets, unless they are a service animal of a kind. If you are looking for a way to bring your puppy for the festivities, you can find festivals and specific fairs - like the Aloha pet festival in Honolulu or West Fest in Chicago, who will take care of your friend Fur.

Forget to take note of where you are parked

Man with Car Keys in Hand Summer Fair

After a long hot day in the summer sun, there is no worst feeling than losing your car in a sea of ​​flat grass and hundreds of cars that exactly look like the same thing. To avoid a merger of the end of the day, take pictures of all landmarks nearby or line numbers. If you want to make sure you never lose your car again, get something like the bravo trackr ($ 89.99; Thetrackr.com) In addition to an application, it allows you to track your car via any Apple or Android device.


Dramamine Summer Fair

Dramamine: For that moment, after the fourth rotation, when you realize that you are no longer 13. Do not be only 40-something that runs a trash can at noon on a Sunday. Take a dose 30 minutes before embarking on spinning strawberries, then every four to six hours later, if you are a real warrior.

Arrive late

Summer Fair

If you are a fan of fairs, but the thought of hundreds of small children scream and run around call you early. Not only are you going to miss most of the Kiddie Chaos, you first get to a large parking lot of food and optimal.

Take action

Couple at State Summer Fair

It is always wise to arm yourself with an action plan before arriving at events, especially because they promise to be overcrowded and hyper-stimulants. For example, if you are headed to a festival or theme festival, you may want to make sure you leave this event knowing exactly what makes it a unique and unique unique experience.

Forget to bring money

Woman with Cash Summer Fair

Many fairs have a special type of novelty that can make us feel as if we are standing in time. Unfortunately, the disadvantage of this type of vintage amusement means that your debit card can only get you so far. In order to make the most of your just experience, bring money.


Woman with Heels on Summer Fair

If you separate into the fair in high heels, there is a good chance that you have never been in one of these things before. The fairs are normally muddy and elevating-two elements that talent, especially designers, are not equipped. Ditch the Stilettos and opt for comfortable shoes that do not bother you to dirty.


Woman at Summer Fair

Pack light. Most fairs and festivals retain a long list of items that are not allowed inside, such as external food, beverages, firearms (DUH) and other items, such as pepper spraying , which can inflict bodily injury. Instead, pack a fanny pack and fill it with essentials, such as bandages and feed bars.

Spend all day

County Fair at Night Summer Fair

Yes, we know there are so many exciting things to eat ... and eat ... and eat at your local living room. There is a reason why most fairs are open several days - because spending more than a few hours in the sunbeat will only be exhausted.

Rock the trolleys on the ferris wheel

Ferris Wheel Summer Fair

If you have more than 12 years, it should not even be something in your mind. Just like a reminder, you, human helpless, are hundreds of feet in the air with a thin metal of metal between you and the roadway. If not for yourself, always stay for others on the trip that may not be as brave.

Forget to wash your hands

healthy man washing hands Summer Fair

We should not have to remind you of this fact, but any place where hundreds of people sweat and eat nearby, it will be infested with germs. Add some farm animals to this equation and you should really,reallyWash hands after each break from the bathroom and before any food enters your lips. It may be even a good idea to bring your own disinfectant, in case the animated living room bathrooms lack soap by hand.

According to the Mayo Clinic, the washing of your hands is particularly important if Porta Potties is involved. These fair facilities are filled with germs that can even turn into diseases such as Salmonella, Norovirus and hepatitis A. Although these diseases seem frightening, your immune system is built to protect you from external bacteria. Just make sure you wash your hands. For some summer madness, check these 20 Fool summer camps that really exist .

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