40 Questions Every man should ask his doctor after 40 years

It's time to have honest answers.

As for the doctor's appointments, many of us have a goal: to enter and go out as quickly as possible. But once youturn 40It's high time to change that. After all, for eachhealthy change youknow you could do, there are countless more you will never know volteunless you ask. Now that you have 40 years, you and your doctor should have a frank discussion. This means a detailed discussion about your family health back and lifestyle, where you do not hide the truth in the name of shame.

But, in order to have these conversations, you might need to do them yourself. If you are a man over 40, the next time you head at the doctor's office, make sure you ask the following 40questions. Get answers and personalization of your care - make sure you feel your best in your 50s, 60, and beyond.

"Why am I forget things? »

confused older asian man, alzheimer's, dementia, health issues over 50
Shutterstock / 9nong

While minor forgetting, as forgetting names, bad objects, or with word recovery problems, frequently occur that people age, if you are regularly forgotten the details or important if your oblivion has an impact Negative on your life, it's time to consult your doctor.

"The main difference between the loss of memory-related memory and dementia is that in normal aging, forgetting do not interfere with your ability to pursue normal daily activities," saysVERNA R. Wear, MD, Neurologist and Director of the Alzheimer Health Program at the Saint John Providence Health Center in Santa Monica, California. "On the other hand, dementia is characterized by brand, persistent, and deactivation decreases by two or more intellectual capacities, such as the memory, language, judgment or abstract reasoning, substantially affecting and disrupting your normal daily activities. »

"Am I good enough health to maintain my current exercise routine? »

40-something couple running, health questions over 40

If you are passionateexerciser, The thought of renouncing your favorite workout routine that you get older may seem like a depressive perspective. But it is wise to discuss your routine with your doctor and see if it needs modification. After all, if you are injured during the exercise, things will not be worse. According to a 2013 study published inBmj openIn a group of nearly 170 seniors, 14 percent reported injuries related to exercise.

"Can I still have children? »

grandfather reading to granddaughter, health questions over 40
Shutterstock / Lightfield Images

If you have more than 40 years and are always interested inhave a baby, Talk to your doctor about your options, but remember that time is gasoline in reproductive health. "As long as you produce sperm, it is still possible to still have children, but you get older the quality of the sperm decreases," saysDr. Janette Nesheiwat. "Have children later in life can sometimes lead to more problems in your offspring because your body can produce defective spermatozoa, which can lead to mutations in the DNA. »

"How is my blood pressure? »

heart attack after 40

Your chance to developHypertension Increases as you get older due to changes in your vascular systems. So, once you reach your 40s, it's a good idea to ask your doctor how you do. If you do not keep your blood pressure under control thanks to a healthy and life diet, theNational Institute on Aging (NIA) says it could take a shot, heart disease, eye problems, and renal insufficiency, as well as other health problems.

Nesheiwat also recommends talking with your doctor about ways to keep your blood pressure in a healthy fork: "Smoking [avoid], monitor your salt consumption, avoid excessive alcohol, exercise, [and] to manage the stress, "she suggests.

"My heart is healthy? »

man in hospital, health questions after 40

It's never too early to be looking foryour heartAnd ask your doctor to this simple question is a great place to start. According toAmerican Heart Association, data show that risk factorsheart disease(Including arterial hypertension, hypercholesterolemia, high body mass index, diabetes and smoking) that are present in your 40s can predict your health later in life.

People who do not have risk factors in their 40s not only lived longer, but also lived years without heart disease or chronic diseases. So even if you are not concerned about heart problems now, taking care of yourself can help make sure it is not a problem on the line.

"What can I do to preserve my hearing? »

hearing aid for man, health questions after 40

If you have more than 40 years, it's time to have a conversation with your doctor about your auditory loss, even if it's only a minor problem for you the moment. In fact, participation in the issue can now prevent future cognitive decline: according to a 2014 review of published research inAGING AND MENTAL HEALTHThere is an important link between untreated hearing loss and the development of dementia.

"Does my family story in Factory in my health?"

walking is the best exercise

When you wereyoungerYou did not have to worry about so many about your family history, especially if you were relatively healthy. But as many health problems, such as heart disease, cancer and diabetes, tend to run in families, you will want to start paying attention to it in your forties. Ask your doctor this issue in order to have a discussion about your family history. This will help it be better able to manage your health, which it means to make more frequent projections or to end any risk lifestyle habits.

"What screening do I need?"

patient and doctor looking at test results, health questions after 40

The types of tests you need (and the frequency with which you will do it) will change as you get older. Ask your doctor about this question of knowing exactly what screening you should have done to stay over things. This could be as simple as regularly checking your blood pressure or cholesterol.

"How can I improve my intestine health?"

Man Holding His Stomach in Pain, health questions after 40

Your health plays a bigger role in your overall health that you might think, which means you may want to ask your doctor ofTest your intestinal function. "These tests make sure your body is in an anti-aging state and anti-aging", explainsMaggie Berghoff, a family practitioner nurse. "You may need to see a functional or integrated practitioner because they are much more detailed than the traditional sangle. It does not matter, let yourself know your interest in this area so you can be guided in the right direction."

"What can I do to maintain my vision?"

older man with new glasses at the eye doctor, health questions over 40
Shutterstock / Robert Kneschke

According toNational Health Interview Survey, more than 26.9 million Americans suffer from loss of vision and the percentage of those affected people increases with age, so it's important to talk to your doctor about how to maintain your eye health like you AGING.

However, all you have heard from your health is true. "While vitamin A-thinks that carrots - is essential for the maintenance of health and eye view, too many carrots make you orange and too much vitamin A will produce increased intracranial pressure and can cause blindness," ExplainHoward R. Krauss, MD, surgical neuro-ophthalmologist at the Saint John Providence Health Center.

Instead, Krauss recommends talking to your doctor and ensuring that your B-1 and B-12 levels are in a healthy beach because a disability in one or the other can affect your vision.

"How do I treat my dry eye?"

middle aged man rubbing eyes, health questions after 40
Shutterstock / Fizkes

Chronic dry eye is a common complaint for individuals as they get older, but that does not mean you must continue to suffer. In addition to using drops to help preserve moisture in your eyes, you can try "omega-3 fatty acids and / or greasy supplementation," says Krauss.

"Are my testosterone levels normal?"

man getting bad news at a doctor checkup {priorities after 50}

It is important that men have tested their testosterone levels, especially after the arrival of their 40th anniversary.Inna Lukyanovsky, PharMD, says that the symptoms of low testosterone can start becoming small and quickly become serious. "Men at low testosterone could undergo cardiovascular risks," she says.

According to a 2017 study published in theMethodist newspaper Debakey cardiovascular, low levels of testosterone can even increase the risk of developing coronary artery disease, metabolic syndrome and type 2 diabetes.

"Am I at risk of teeth loss?"

Older Man at the Dentist Getting His Gums Checked, health questions after 40

If you want to keep your smile healthy and bright during your aging, it is important to discuss the possibility of dental caries, loss and periodontal disease with your dentist. According toNational Institute for Dental Research and CraniofacialWhile adults aged 20 to 34 are between 20 and 34 years old have an average of 26.9 teeth, this number falls to only 22.3 in adults between 50 and 64 years old. Fortunately, the sooner you deal with these problems with your teeth, the sooner you can work to preserve thissmile.

"Do I need cholesterol screening?"

dyslipidemia test, health questions over 40

Dyslipidemia occurs when there is an abnormallylarge amount of lipids-AKA cholesterol or fat in the blood, often due to diet and lifestyle choices. Because it's related to heart disease and brain stroke of the best kilkers in the United States - it is important to test your cholesterol levels.

TheWorking Group on American Preventive Services Recommends men aged 35 and over have a projection of lipid disorders. If you are already at an increased risk of coronary heart disease, it is particularly important for your health.

"What should my diet look like?"

group of friends and family eating dinner at a table, health questions after 40

Yourdietplays a huge role in your health. As you enter in your forties, you can start with health problems because of what you put on your plate all these years. Ask your doctor what to look like your diet. If youneed to control your blood glucoseWe could tell you to eat more fruits, vegetables and whole grains. And if you need to improve your cholesterol, you will probably wonder to avoid high foods in unhealthy fats.

"My blood glucose is it in a healthy beach?"

woman checking her blood sugar levels

While four percent of Americans between 18 and 44 haveDiabetes, this number increases considerably in your 40s, according to theDisease and Prevention Control Centers (CDC). For Americans aged 45 to 64, this rate increases to 17%. Because of that, theAmerican Association of Diabetes Recommends screening for type 2 diabetics every three years after the age of 45 - and it is essential to know your prediabet status too.

"If you have prediations, it's important to take action now," says Nesheiwat. "Otherwise, then in the 10 years, you will develop blood sugar levels, which can lead to erectile dysfunction, heart attacks, blindness, renal impairment, features, numbness and tingling in your feet, Sometimes leading to amputation, fatigue and more. "Many people living with diabetes do not even know they have it, which can put their health and their lives in danger.

"What can I do with my slowdown metabolism?"

Asian man sits up in bed late at night with plate of noodles, health questions after 40

If you have noticed yourmetabolism Slow down in your 40s, it's normal. Experts say that your metabolism decreases every decade after early adulthood, making it more difficult to stay at a healthy weight. To make sure you always feel your best despite changes in your body, your doctor can help you recommend things you can do to combat your slowdown metabolism, whether it's a healthier diet or exercise more regularly.

"Do I weigh too much?"

reasons you're tired

And speaking of these metabolic deficits, according to theCDCNearly 40% of American adults are obese. And although it's never fun to ask if you weigh more than you should, ask your weight is about more than vanity - it's about your health. If you are at a unhealthy weight, you risk threatening living conditions such as heart disease, a stroke, type 2 diabetes, and even types of cancer, so it's always a smart topic to address.

"Why do I win weight?"

hilarious words

It's not just easier toto gain weight In your forties, it is also more difficult to lose it if you do it. Neither men nor women are safe from a slowdown metabolism, muscle loss, under-active muscle loss and less active loss - all that can affect the number on the scale . If a change of your weight bothers you or becoming unhealthy, your doctor can give you an action plan to combat extra books. Sudden weight gain can also be a symptom of hormonal imbalances, kidney problems, or even heart failure, so it is essential that you ask your doctor if your weight continues to crawl.

"How often should I be projected for prostate cancer?"

prostate cancer, health questions after 40

Once you have reached your 40th birthday, it's time to ask your doctor how often you need to be riddled for prostate cancer, especially if you have a family history of the disease or African Americans. Since a man on nine years is diagnosed withProstate cancer During their lives, thePROSTATE CANCER FOUNDATION Says it is recommended that all men get a basic PSA (prostate-specific antigen), a test that identifies those at a higher risk.

"Do I have to follow a std test?"

worst things about being 40

Sexually transmitted diseases (STDs) are considered the problem of a young person. But the STD rate in older adults is also high, mainly due to not be projected or treated, as well as a change in the immune system. "You can catch sexually transmitted infections at any age, or 70 years," says Nesheiwat.

According toHARVARD MEDICAL SCHOOLThe levels of chlamydia, gonorrhea and syphilis are the highest in adults aged 45 to 54 years. Make sure you are on your next appointment, especially if dating and do not use protection.

"Is my anxiety normal?"

anxious, sad, or depressed man sitting on a couch, depression, depressed, anxiety, stress, worried, worry, health questions after 40

Anxiety that occurs in your forties is not uncommon. According toThe center of treatment of anxiety and mood disorders, the anxiety of the midlife can come for many different reasons, whether linked to your work, having not satisfied with your relationship, or the second guidance of the life decisions you made in your early years. If you meetsymptomsAnxiety, including unexplained anger or embarrassment, bad sleep, change in your eating habits, or feeling trapped, it's a good idea to put your doctor to see what can help.

"Do I need a colonoscopy?"

over 40

If you do not have an inflammatory bowel disease or personal or family history of colorectal cancer, you want to start regular projections at 45 colonoscopy years, depending on theAmerican Cancer Society. (And if you do it, you should start earlier - which is something your doctor will be able to help you.) Of course, it is not fun to have a colonoscopy, but for most people, It is recommended only once every 10 years.

"Are my stomach burns a problem?"

Man Having a Heart Attack

There is nothing worse than living a bad case of stomach burns. And if you have settled the problem in the past, it will probably become more frequent with age. According toCleveland ClinicThis is due to the fact that your muscles weaken over time, including your lower oesophageal sphincter, which controls the opening between your esophagus and your stomach.

If you want to end stomach burns for good, your doctor can prescribe medications and give you suggestions for other life changes that can also help you, such as changing your sleep position or Adjust your feed schedule.

"Do I have nutritional deficiencies?"


The more you get, the more vulnerable you are to have nutritional deficiencies. According toWorld Health OrganizationAging affects your nutrient needs and if you do not encounter these, your health could suffer from the long list of diseases affected by your diet. Getting that blood work is done can allow your doctor to see what you are low and make sure to stay your healthier.

"What supplements should I take?"

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Even if you eatsuper healthyYou could still need to take a surcharge here and there to give your health a boost. Ask your doctor if there is something you miss. Maybe you are low in vitamin D or you could use antioxidants to help keep your immune system strong.

"The golden standard would be to have your doctor draw your levels of nutrients to find out what you can or may not need for your body," says Berghoff. "You really should not follow a one-size-fits-all supplement plan, as our body all ages differently and are biochemically unique. »

"What's new with my sleep schedule?"

middle-aged man napping on yellow couch, health questions after 40

TheNational Sleep Foundation says it's completely normal to go throughSleep changes As you get older, if you suddenly have trouble falling asleep or getting up more often all night. Discuss with your doctor about your sleep schedule and highlight any habits that negatively affect the amount you get, such as snoring, agitated leg syndrome, or even stress and anxiety.

"Why do I feel more pain than usual?"

man with back pain sitting on a bed

When you are in your 20 years, you can sleep on the ground without being even painful. Now, this is not the case. If you are afraid to have more property pain than normal, ask your doctor. While theCleveland Clinic says it is quite normal to notice more the pain you get older, chronic pain should certainly be examined to make sure it receives the attention it deserves and is well managed.

"Do I have to cut alcohol?"

clinking glasses and eating by the fireplace

It's always goodhave a drink or two you get older. That being said, it is also important to ask your doctor about your consumption habits to make sure you are not exaggerating things, especially because you get older, your ability to metabolize alcohol decreases.

According toHARVARD MEDICAL SCHOOLEven if you drink the same amount of alcohol you have used, you will begin to have a higher alcohol concentration in your 40s and beyond. Because of these changes, you might feel more intoxicated with smaller quantities of alcohol, which could put you at night.

"Do I need a bone density screening?"

osteoporosis, health questions after 40

It might seem too early to be concerned about your bones: you are still in your forties, after all. However, given mentwice as likely to die from a hip fracture Like their female counterpart, it is essential that you know your bone health status earlier than later.

A bone density test can allow you to know the strength of your bones are, especially if you have a family history of bone deterioration. The results can also help determine if you should do something differently with your diet to keep them robust.

"What is this weird place on my skin? »

Skin Cancer, health questions after 40

If you do not pay attention to thehealthFrom your skin, it's the perfect time to start. It's because, according to theSkin cancer fund, more Americans are diagnosed withskin cancer Every year, all other types of combined cancer. In addition, men aged 49 and under have a higher probability of developing melanoma than any other cancer. If you have had more than five sunburn in your life, your risk of dual melanoma, so there is no reason not to get a full body's skin examination done regularly.

"What's new with my decrease in libido?"

angry couple laying in bed, health questions over 40

Yoursex drive can take a 40 year old. For men, this can be the result of a natural aging or an underlying state of health, such as depression or stress, says theMAYO Clinic. Some medications can also cause a decrease in your libido. If you encounter problems such as that, you can discuss many options with your doctor to make sure you feel again.

"Is there anything I can do on hair loss?"

things women don't understand about men {priorities after 50}

Men usually expect hair loss as they get older and at age 40, there is a good chance that it is already as complete as possible. In fact, at age 50, 85% of the guys will have known a thinning, according to theAmerican Association of Hair Loss. If you notice changes inyour hairIt's something you can bring to your doctor.

"Why do I have to pee all the time?"

open toilet strange house noises

A hyperactive bladder can really get in the path of your day. According toUrology Care FoundationThis becomes more of a problem than you have age-30% older men have a hyperactive bladder. This condition requires not only frequent tours of the bathroom during the day, but can also wake you at night. So it's a good idea to bring it to your doctor to know how to handle it before it starts to interfere with your well-being.

"Are my vaccines up to date?"

conspiracy theories

When you're younger, it's probably like youto get vaccinated All the time. This is not something you can just ditch at your age, though. According toCDCAdults aged 27 to 60 should have an annual influenza vaccine, had an anti-TDAP vaccine (which protects against crested coughs) and a TD booster shot (which covers tetanus and diphtheria) all 10 years. Check with your doctor to make sure all your blows are up to date to avoid any health problems.

"Do I have to worry about food allergies?"

best skin

Most people assume if they did not havefood allergy As a child, they will never do it. Unfortunately, it is not the case. TheMAYO Clinic Said that even though most allergies start in childhood, they can grow at any time in your life. Sometimes it means having serious problems such as anaphylaxis, swelling of the face, hives or breathing difficulties, but it could also cause digestive problems. Certainfood Start giving you problems, your doctor can help you find the culprit.

"Do I have to worry about stress?"

older man with face in hands, health questions after 40
Shutterstock / Mrmocock

Stress can take a toll at any age and it is particularly important to know in your quarantower if you feel the effects. You are both your life when you try to juggle a lot: a crazy schedule, a relationship, children, work ... The list continues and on. If you leave your stress get the best of you, theCleveland Clinic Says it can negatively affect your health, resulting in high blood pressure, high blood pressure, thoracic pain and mental health problems such as depression and anxiety. And for masterful means of banning anxiety, see these30 easy ways to combat stress.

"Why do I feel an inflammation?"

man with knee pain, health questions over 40

Inflammation is always something to conscience - it's basically yourThe response of the immune system to an irritating, so external or internal. In some cases, inflammation can be useful if you have a cup and your body tries to cure it.

But in other cases, this can harm your health. Sometimes your immune system accidentally fights against the cells of your body, leading to problems such as rheumatoid arthritis, psoriasis and inflammatory intestinal disease. That's why, if you encounter inflammation, it's intelligent to bring it to the attention of your doctor.

"Should I worry about my back pain?"

man with back pain, health questions after 40

Back ache is not always just back pain. Although it is more and more common to experiment as you get older, especially because of normal wear and tear can also be a sign of an underlying condition, including infections, inflammatory diseases , tumors and renal calculations, according to theNational Institute of Neurological Disorders and Cerebral Vascular Accidents. Ask your doctor of your back pain to go to the root of the cause. Even if it's not something serious, it can help you manage your pain.

"How often should I be controls?"

man on couch at doctor's office - male health concerns

It's hard to locate exactly how many times you should go to the doctor, so it's always better to ask. In general, most healthy people in quarantine shouldVisit the doctor Once every other year, according toDUKE HEALTH. "It's important to see your doctor not just when you are sick, but for your routine physics to attract the disease to its debut," says Nesheiwat.

If you requireprescription drugs Or have risk factors - including a family history of certain diseases, being a smoker or being overweight - you will probably need to go to the doctor more frequently. If you approach the subject, your doctor will be able to help you offer a personalized plan. And for more ways to help with your health, here is here40 things you should never lie to your doctor after 40 years.

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