Here's why your days play hard to get should be numbered

In doing so today can freeze the passion of a potential flame.

We have all heard that men "like hunting". Virtually any dating book a woman chooses to tell her that, in order to "hang" a man, she must present himself as a challenge and play a bit difficult to get. It's exhausting and inauthentic (not too much sexist), and most women hate to engage in these cat and mouse games. Unfortunately, however, they also tend to work and the dating schemes is safeguarded by some sociologists who argue that men are looking for a boost of the women's ego by needing "win" to a series of obstacles. It sets up.

"From an evolutionary perspective, the continuation of sex stimulates the reward center in our brain",Ian Kerner, author ofDSI: Date of investigation on the stage,Recently told "Pursue a woman by buying business or flirting increases dopamine levels, a good chemical that is released when we do something nice, like eating or having sex. Many men thrive this feeling, so it's easy to see why they do it so often. "

In the same interview,Dr. Helen Fisher, author ofWhy we love: the nature and chemistry of romantic love, said "Some men like hunting, and others are deactivated," depending on whether they are driven by dopamine, the hormone that stimulates the need for an adventure or serotonin, the one that confills comfort and security .

Is it possible, however, that gender norms change have made less desirable hunting? After all, we live today in a world in which women are (at least in theories) more autonomous and encouraged to assume more dating initiatives, and the effects of this cultural change are reflected in some new research . A study found, for example,that women are no longer interested in flashy men, since the increase in financial independence has decreased the desire for the evolution of assessing men based on their resources. Anotherrecent study revealed that women now prefer men With more sensitive facial features for long-term relationships and looking for men who have more traditional male characteristics for brief sexual fires. ASurvey of an application of meetings on jobs Keeping by more attractive women for men was surprised to find that many high-power jobs, such as lawyer and entrepreneur, at the top of the list. Could it be that we will enter a world where (Hall!) Women do not need to transform a man seventeen to loving him like her?

ANew study of researchers the interdisciplinary center based Israeli Herzliya and the University of Rochester, published inComputers in human behavior, would claim that we are. Here's how it goes down. And guys, if you want other sage relationship tips, learn the50 easy ways of being a more romantic man (a lot).

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In one of the studies of the document, 51 women and 50 men aged 19 to 31 who have been identified as heterosexuals were informed that they participated in an online discussion with someone in another room to whom they could send a message. In reality, they were simply shown simply a picture of the same person of the opposite sex. Some of the participants were informed that their "partner" replied, while others were informed that they had not responded yet. Participants were then invited to assess the sexual opportunity of their potential partner on a scale of 1 (not desirable) to 5 (very desirable). Those who said they had had a waiting message gave the partner an average score of 3.15, while those who had not heard of speaking gave an average score of 2.73, indicating that the lack of interest of the partner has reduced their sexual appeal.

The researchers conducted three other studies in which participants engaged online interactions with a clear or vague person on his level of interest. According to the abstract, "the results have shown that relational uncertainty had adverse effects on the confederats" called only when they were perceived as non-interested among participants. In addition, explicit expressions of romantic interest have favored the certainty of the behavioral intentions of the Confederates, thus reinforcing their appeal. "And for some ways to raise your own note, learn the15 genius tips to appear more attractive.

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In two other studies, researchers have replied a similar study with those who were in established relationships and achieved similar results. In fact, the researchers have found that the elimination of remoteness had mostly devastating effects on an already well established relationship because it is less common than people play close to the expense, in the last stages of dating. beginning, and he spoils with the need of the brain of safety and comfort.

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The authors of the study make the claim convincing claim that the reason for our interest in a person is mitigated by our need for reciprocity comes from our need to protect autonomously.

"People can protect themselves from the possibility of painful rejection by distinguishing potentially rejected partners", co-studyHarry Reis, Professor of Psychology and Professor of Dean in Arts, Science & Engineering of the University of Rochester,said in a press release. "People have higher levels of sexual desire when they feel confident for the interest and acceptance of a partner."

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GURIT BIRNBAUM, Social Psychologist and Associate Professor of Psychology at IDC Herzliya and a co-author of the study, said the results suggest that the sexual desire as a whole can serve as a "intestinal feeling indicator of Mate adequacy that motivates people to pursue romantic relationships. With a reliable and precious partner, "and that, conversely," the desire for inhibition can serve as a mechanism to protect the self to invest in a relationship in which the future is uncertain. "

Of course, no matter what, there will always be men (and women) who are addicted to the thrill of hunting. But this research suggests that these people could be safer or somewhat masochistic, in which case you'd better stay away and find someone who is excited by the perspective of someone who excites her.

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Tags: dating
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