Ideas of $ 21 billion that have been tears

Do you know what's colder than a million dollars? The idea of ​​someone else.

This last decade alone, many multibillion dollar companies, such as Facebook and Uber, have been wrapping implemented in the IP scandal after the IP scandal after the IP scandal, constantly testing the power of original ideas - and if any inventor has Really true in the first place. Although, with a small help on the Internet (and decades of research), we begin to discover that the most famous inventors of all time, some credits to invent major technological advances such as ampoules and radio signals, have simply stole their ideas. Other people - and good luck finding these forgotten inventors in your history books.

Telescope to the world of Galileo at Epic Epic Game game,FortifThese are the billions of dollars that were certainly not original. And for more historical big blunders, checkThe 40 most durable myths in American history.


Monopoly Ideas That Were Rip-Offs

Similar to many other inventions or famous discoveries over the years (nuclear fission, for example), the famous game of board and the good American hobby, monopoly, likereported throughThe Guardian, was really invented by a woman. In fact, it was invented by a bold and progressive woman, Elizabeth magic, in 1903.

At the time, it was called the owner's game, "demonstrating the tragic effects of land seizure." Even if its history is widely known, many always cite Charles Darrow as a legitimate inventor, even though it was only buffering his name on something that did not belong to him. And for more information on board games we like to hate, discover these30 games Hilariously Bad Board.

The sewing machine

The Sewing Machine Ideas That Were Rip-Offs

When you think of the sewing machine, the first company that comes to you in mind is probably the singer corporation, mainly because they are still, to this day, a force as powerful in the industry. Although,according to Cambridge HistoryDespite this company in the sewing machine industry, the ISAAC singer and the Singer Corporation flew the idea of ​​this machine from Inventor Elias Howe, which finally continued the company to the right to receive royalties. Howe won.


Old Television Set Ideas That Were Rip-Offs

Although your textbooks can tell you that the first television was created by Vladimir Zworykin for the RCA electronic company, according toTechnological reviewwas actuallyinvented By Philo Taylor Farnsworth, an American inventor with 165 patents in his name.

Upon arrival, Farnsworth invented television in 1927, at the age of 21 and three years later, Zworykin visited his laboratory to see this invention (he had also tried to create) and finished lifting his Ideas. After a battle of the decade yard, RCA finally lost both the initial court of the Court and the appeal, which means that Farnsworth should receive royalties for the invention, even if he does not have still received recognition. And for more amazing inventions, see these30 products if mute they could be brilliant.

The phone

Telephone Ideas That Were Rip-Offs

In the late 1800s, a breed to make the first successful phone was underway - and the two main preendons of this breed were Alexander Graham Bell and Elisha Gray. If you have never heard of the inventor Elisha Gray, it's probably because you've been taught at the school that Alexander Graham Bell was the genius that invented the device that could transmit intelligible sounds of one place to another.

As shown on February 14, 1876, the two men submitted their patents, although it was discovered that Bell really corrupted the patent office to find out what gray invention really looked like. Due to this deception, Elisha Gray is often the most credible inventor of the phone, although he has never received credit.

Intermittent wipers

Windshield Wipers Ideas That Were Rip-Offs

In this case of stolen ideas, it was in fact three major companies that committed the flight Thievery. In 1964, as indicated in theNew Yorker, it wasRobert Kearns Who invented intermittent ice towels to fight the only speed as the blades previously worked at, describing the blades as moving at too fast speeds for the human eye.

Unfortunately for Kearns, after taking its new invention to the three General Motor Motors, Ford and Chrysler, they immediately rejected its invention, but started selling cars with very similar windshield wipers. After the outlet kearns learned from that, he continued Chrysler and Ford steal his invention, winning $ 30 million and the recognition he deserved. And for more inventions that have changed our lives, check these23 clothing items that have changed our culture.


Cat with Laser Ideas That Were Rip-Offs

As a graduate student at Columbia University in 1957, Gordon Gould invented what he has named the laser or light amplification by stimulated radiation emission. And, although he had just created something important that he wanted to highlight, Gould thought he would need to perfect his laser design before filing a patent.

Unfortunately for Gould,The Washington Post reports that this bad step has allowed two of his colleagues ofsteal His idea and patent him two years later, in 1959. Finally, after 30 years of the battles of the Court, Gould was able to rightly put his name on this invention and to claim several millions of dollars of royalties.

The steamboat

Steamboat Ideas That Were Rip-Offs

When the steamboat was invented at the end of the eighteenth century, it had to increase the speed of water transport, which has long been a problem in the United States. In 1787, according to the inventors, an organization related toThe New York Times, ex-soldierJohn Fitch Become the first person throwing a steamboat in the Delaware River, helped by oars on each side. Since the patent system was not as sophisticated at that time, Fitch's patent received in 1791 for his invention did not give him a monopoly, leaving his free creation to use by a more efficient inventor, Robert Fulton , able to create a better, more successful version of the boat. The legal struggles of these steam boats manufacturers were partially why the government adopted the Patent Act, requiring stricter guidelines for patents.


Radio Ideas That Were Rip-Offs

During the last decade of the nineteenth century, the inventor Nikola Tesla found that he could use his tesla coils electronically charged to broadcast messages over long distances, and his patent for this design was accepted in 1900. During 1900. This time, a young inventor named Marconi temptations also to invent something similar by using many patents of Tesla, and when he finally found the success of 1904 with the creation of a radio transmission, it was recognized for the Creation of the radio, and Tesla was furious with this false development. And,according to A PBS report, he never had the financial means to continue Marconi, although the invention was finally credited to him after his death in 1943.


iPhone Ideas That Were Rip-Offs

As it turns out, likereported throughTelegraph, our popular pocket devices may have been created by a man in Florida. From now on, this man,Thomas S. Ross, pursues a giant of a technology for $ 10 billion, claiming that he filed the patent for a "electronic reading device" in 1992.

Jack Daniels

Jack Daniel's Ideas That Were Rip-Offs

For years,according to The New York Times, This Tennessee whiskey distillery claimed that while Slaves had helped to form the recipe, they had not designed the exact process that made Jack Daniel whiskey so delectable - this distinction belonged to Founder Jack Daniel.

But in a radical movement in 2016, the company holding the Distillery of Jack Daniel, Foreman brown, made titles when they decided to finally give credit where it is due in the last century and half to 'slave it really created the whiskey, the nearest green.


Facebook Ideas That Were Rip-Offs

When Mark Zuckerberg 19 years old launched Facebookas a second year in Harvard In 2004, asreported throughInternal business communityHe would have done it without the consent of three of his classmates who helped him develop the idea, Cameron and Tyler Winklevoss and Divya Narendra. Finally, in 2007, the three students received a Facebook settlement to mitigate the tensions between the former classmates. (Throughout the process of the court, however, no one has ever admitted no wrongdoing, somehow.)


oreos Ideas That Were Rip-Offs

The Oreos are so rooted in our culture we often forget that the mark behind the name, Nabisco,according to CNN, did not really invented the sandwich biscuit - they just did a great job for marketing the delicious product. The original sandwich cookie was created by Sunshine cookies and called "Hydrox" biscuits. They have been incredibly successful for four years, until 1912, when Oreo's production started. In fact, Oreos has become so popular that sun cookies have finally been sold and the products have been distributed by other brands. Now, a judicial case alleging this thief would only grow.

"Bobs" of Skechers

Skechers Bobs Ideas That Were Rip-Offs

In the case maybe the most obvious case of expensive stolen ideas, the shoe brand skechers have noticed how profitable and looking for (literally) copy every detail of their marketing strategy,said Fast business. In this marketing strategy, the CEO of Toms, Blake Mycoskie, sought to give a pair of shoes to a person in need of each pair of shoes sold. Although it is a risky strategy, it is a strategy that draws on the hearts of consumers seeking good (and while seeming to do it). However, unlike other inventors who have had their stolen ideas, Mycoskie had actually hoped that her philanthropic business would be copied to help those who need good Skechers things were just with bobs.

PixarThe world of Nemo

Finding Nemo Ideas That Were Rip-Offs

Although it did not technically touched one billion dollars - it just won a short term: legendary 940 million dollars-pixarThe world of Nemo Always managed to become a cultural icon around the world. And, although the French author Franck The Calvez was able to try to leave Disney with his million dollar trial, say that his ideas were stolen and used in the popular film,The world of Nemo, seem very credible.

According to Calvez, the illustrations and the scenario he created in his child's book on Pierrot The Clownfish, published in 2002,according to theBBCare strangely similar to those of the film, which were created in 2003. Unfortunately for Calvez, it was not a match for Disney, who claimed to have already left the illustrations for the movie in 2000 quickly and quickly prompts Calvez, for Damage to Disney.


Post-It Notes Ideas That Were Rip-Offs

Manufacturers in the paper version of the small engine that could, the post-it note, are pursued by Inventor Alan Amron which states that it was the first to invent the product in 1973, four years before the company started to produce them ,said Industry Week. The company behind the post-it note, 3M, is always difficult the Prosecution of Amron, despite a previous trial in which the inventor has received money for his part in the popularity of the product of the paper.


Legos Ideas That Were Rip-Offs

From the 1940s, Kiddicraft started making "Kidicraft self-locking" building bricks, a toy that looks strangely similar to Lego toy. This toy, originally patented by Hilary Harry Fisher Page, was finally copied by Kirk Kristiansen, founder of Lego, who did not know that the page had a patent for this type of toy. Although lucky for him, the page died before realizing that Kristiansen had stolen his idea and claimed it like his. Finally, after, after Lego acquired Kiddicraft, Tyco, the brand that distributes Legos, attempted to pursue the Kiddicraffes and lose, allowing the brand to continue to sell the product,said Curia.


lightbulbs against a yellow background Ideas That Were Rip-Offs

The history of the Lightbulb displays the often complicated process of invention - and how, most often, credit is not given to those who deserve it most. While Thomas Edison is indeed a brilliant inventor, he did not invent the bulb, saidThis article throughAmerican news. Rather, with some other inventors that you probably have never heard, Heinrich Goebel was probably the one who invented the Lightbulb, who tried to sell the device to Edison in 1854, although the famous inventor is not used for that . Then, shortly after Goebel's death, he bought the patent of his widow at a ridiculously low price and credited with the invention.


Wright Brothers First in Flight Ideas That Were Rip-Offs

Unfortunately, the brothers who have become the pride and joy of Dayton, Ohio, were in fact not the first in flight-by a long shot. On December 17, 1903, Orville and Wilbur Wright successfully completed the first plane collaborated in Kill Hills, North Carolina. However, now according to new evidencepresented by Internal business communityIt seems that this first flight distinction really belongs to Whitehead of German immigrants and resident of Connecticut, who, according to the business initiate, stolen for a height of 50 feet on August 14, 1901-two years before the brothers. Wright never did it.

Graphical user interface

Ideas That Were Rip-Offs Apple Phone

In 1988,according to Mac, Apple continued Microsoft and Hewlett-Packard for firing their idea of ​​using visual graphics user interface elements very similar to those. Although the Court finally governed that "Apple can not obtain protection against patents for the idea of ​​a graphical user interface, or the idea of ​​a desktop metaphor [under the law on the law of The author] ... ", It is widely understood that the two companies have made copies the idea of ​​Apple after seeing how much it worked.

The telescope

Telescope Ideas That Were Rip-Offs

Similar to other inventions on the list, the real inventor of the telescope has never spoken. In this case, the real inventor of this Stargazing device is actually Dutchman Hans Lippershey, who created his first prototype in 1608, but was denied a patent for reasons that still remain unknown. And unfortunately for Lippershey, the Galileo Galileo Italian astronomer,according to RiftAfter stumbled upon the creation of Holletchman, the creation of his telescope in the same way and in the same way that always receives a credit to invent this revolutionary product - despite never receiving a patent for that.

The moving image

Film Projector Ideas That Were Rip-Offs

For our last deep dive in the most expensive cases of stolen ideas, we look again in the dark past of the inventor Thomas Edison. Still,according to Business Career Guide, Edison claimed all the credit to invent a product that he stole from someone else - in this case, the invention of the Francis Jenkins video projector. After Jenkins separated with his partner of his invention, Thomas Armat, he lost all recognition while Armat started working with Edison, who essentially stole Jenkins Monumental invention. And for more greater lies of history, check these33 common myths We are all obsessed with.

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