That's why we will "drop a bullet" on the New Year's Eve

It's a strange custom, when we think about it.

Almost all cities, country and community have its own way of celebrating the new year, fromBreaking dishes in DenmarkcarryLucky underwear in Brazil.But no way to transform the calendar page is just as famous and emblematic as theBalloon balloon New Year In Times Square.

Everything December 31, for decades, the eyes of the country and the world are turning to the city of New York to watch a giant ball, climb to the top of one of the highest buildings in the city, let down a few feet on a pole. It iskind of strange customwhen you think about it, and has a surprisingly long story. So why thebullet fall start in the first place? And why do we still do today?

You can creditThe New York Times. The newspaper moved to 42ndStreet and Broadway in 1904, changing the name of Place LongueCre to Times Square. To mark the opportunity, the owner of the paper, Adolph Ochs, wanted to put an end to the year with a bang. The OCHS has organized a massive display of artifice artifice, which has come to replace the chiming bells of the Trinity Church that had been the place instead to celebrate the New Year until this point. More than 200,000 people have shown for theTimesFireworks - It was clear that the city was impatient of a new tradition.

But Ochs was not a man to rest on his laurels. For the celebration of the New Year of 1908, he hired Designer Artkraft Strauss, who would continue to create many of the traces of emblematic Times Square, to surpass the fireworks. Strauss has built a wooden ball of 700 pounds of wood and five feet in diameter and lit with dozens of 25 watts bulbs. As many raised his eyes on the roof of a square era,the ball slowly descended a mast to the fun of the crowd that gathered. The first onebullet fall Was a success and a new tradition was born.

(The roots of the tradition of the ball may become much further, however.The new YorkTimespoints outMay the New Year's Eve recalled the daily life from 1:00 barely. Lowering a ballat the Royal Observatory in Greenwich, England, This contributed to the captains "synchronize their chronmeters" since 1833.)

The festivities continued to center for about a square period, even if the newspaper himself moved his headquarters.. The same ball has continued to be used for years, until 1920, when a new design has been introduced: theSecond new year bullet Was also five feet wide, but it was made of wrought iron. At 400 pounds, it was lighter than the original.

In 1955, the wrought iron bullet was replaced by aaluminum ball which weighed only 200 pounds. The same bullet continued to be used for 44 years, with some modifications: In 1981, the lights were modified in red and a green stem was added to reflect the "great apple" in coordination with the "INew York advertising campaign "Six years later, in 1987, the white lights once again replaced the reds. Then, in 1991, these became red, white and blue lights as a sign of support for troops of the shield desert operation.

To accommodate in 2000, a new millennial bullet was introduced. Six feet in diameter and weighing more than 1,000 pounds, it has incorporated 600 halogen bulbs to more than 500 triangle-shaped panels and was built in Waterford crystal. (Three years later, theseThe triangles would be enrolled with names of countries and organizations affected by the attacks of September 11th.)

The heaviestCentenary ball took over the Millennium Ball in 2007 and two years later, an even greater ball of 12 feet in diameter and weighing nearly 12,000 pounds - becomes the jewel of the Crown of the New Year's Eve. containing 2,688 Crystals panels From Waterford, the ball is now located at the top of the single square building throughout the year. It seems that these celebration made what a shame would have for such a spectacular object only one day of the year. And for more than the last night of the year, learn everythingThe best and the worst and worst of the new year EVE Party Label.

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