Here's why 2018 was a record year for women-led films

"Female protagonists are no longer just in romantic comedies."

Given the controversy in recent years on the Oscars being #Sowhite and #somale, it encourages note that the prices of this year's Academy have a much more diverse range of candidates than ever before. Although there are still critics that the candidates for the best director are always men - as well as the fact that women still represent only 25% of nominated in non-gender-specific categories - he n There is no debate that while progression can be slow, it seems to happen.

But at the end of the day, the rewards of the Academy are only one representation of what is happening in the film industry and the one whose skillrity sinks more and more. What is worth celebrating even more is the fact that,According to a new study From the center of the study of women on television and film of San Diego State State State University, 2018 saw a record number of female protagonists in the first 100 domestic films of the year. Although the percentage of women in the roles of lead in these films in 2018 was still 31%, it is a noticeable jump of the 24% represented in 2017.

"Frankly, 2017 was a bad year for women's protagonists"Martha Lauzen, Professor and Executive Director of the SDSU center for the study of women on television and cinema,RecountBoth. "" Last year's films] have been a rich record since I've been doing this research since 2002. The protagonists are extremely important because it is their point of view that the story is told, it is So wonderful to see more women in these roles. "

Asian actors had a particularly good year year thanks to the success of the filmCrazy Rich Asian, which is now the most successful home studio Rom-Com in virtually a decade. While the film can fail on theBechdel TestIt has become a cultural milestone for the implementation of the Asian majority and several women in first speech roles.

But one of the best conclusions of the study is that female actors are also increasingly launched in a more diverse body of genres. Although comedies always have the most feminine protagonists (32%), there is also a more remarkable amount of them in dramas (29%), horror films (19%), science characteristics. -Fiction (10%) and action characteristics (7%). ,

"Female protagonists are no longer just in romantic comedies," Lauzen said. "In fact, they were pretty well presented through the genres. It's a positive problem because, if a gender temporarily falls - like genres sometimes do so, the way the romantic comedy had been doing for a while - we will not see not a dramatic decrease of digits on the screen. "

And this seems to be all the recent discussion surrounding the need for more female directors was not for nothing. According to the study, women accounted for 57% of the protagonists of the films in which at least one director or writer was a woman. Although it should be noted that one of the most acclaimed films of the year on women -The favourite, which focuses on two women who compete for the favor of a fragile and cantalnent queen in the eighteenth century, England - was led by a man (Yorgos Lanthimos)

In terms of race and ethnic group, the percentage of black female protagonists increased by 16% in 2017 to 21% in 2018 and the protagonists of the Asian women increased by 7% in 2017 to 10% in 2018. However, the Percentage of Latinas has really decreased by 7% in 2017 to 4% in 2018.

"Latinas remain the most under-represented group, especially when considering the representation of this group in the American population," Lauzen said. "It requires work."

And if you are looking for more films from last year, this offers a diversified set of actors, see theThe 7 best movies of 2018 that you have not seen - according to famous directors.

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