Genius ice cube tray hacks you have to try

From coffee at home homemade babies, there is more than one ice cube tray than jelly water.

When you think of an ice cube tray, well, the concept of creating ice in yourdrinks Is all that comes to my mind. However, your practical and reusable cube manufacturer can be used for so many more hacks than just water cooling.

"Gelagant things in this way in an ice cullet tray are a great way to use pieces of remains and bobs and to be part of them for the future. You can leave the cubes securely solid, at least one night, Then open them and store them in a zipper bag if you want to use your tray for something else, "says Hannah Crowley, headwriter of tastings and testers atTest cuisine of America in Brookline, Massachusetts.

So yes, there are tons ofHacks ice cube That you might be surprised to discover how many trays can do! Try these 13 tricks to get the most out of your ice cube tray and create a food filled with flash flash. And for more hacks, do not miss these52 hacks of changing cooking of life that will be happy to cook again.


Cool coffee without watering it

Coffee ice cubes ready for iced coffee

"Cooked coffee with ordinary ice cubes can lead to a diluted product. Fanged coffee brewed in ice cube trays allows you to add that" ice ", but as it melts, it's a continuous dose of coffee," Declare Chanel Hayes, Executive Make a Chief toAuguste Escoffier School of Culinary Arts.

If you prefer your coffee with a splash of dairy products, geuel of milk cubes, suggests Burt Cho, chief atKatsuya In Hollywood, California.

RELATED: Sign up for our newsletter for daily recipes and new foods in your inbox!


Preserve the remains of the wine

Ice cube tray

Have Beaujolais bonus? Pour it into small portions for easy access later.

"I like to store the wine in an ice cube tray," Crowley said. "It's a good way to use the last bottle of a bottle, especially after a party, then I have the next time I want to make a panoramic sauce or some soup. In this way, I have not Not to use one of the whatever I drink tonight! "

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To safeguard

Soup ice cubes

If you have crossed the effort to simmer a pot ofStock or broth homemade, you want to get the most out, and that's where the ice tray has entered.

"I like to make a lot of stock and store the remains in ice trays. This allows you to choose the amount you need, so you do not have to thaw large portions," says Hayes .

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Prolong the life of herbs

Herb ice cubes

Store the herbs in the broth, melted butter or oil - the possibilities are really endless! Dice herbs and coverage with a liquid substance, then freeze to preserve the best of the summer to use all year round. Try cubes of fondered herbs in soups, sauces or swirls, or simply melt a tape at the top of a grilled steak.


Baby your baby baby diy

Baby food ice cubes

Instead of entering a pot, defrost two cubes.

"I like to make my child's food - and knowing that it was made from scratch with fresh ingredients," explains Hayes. It devotes a day to the preparation of meals some different items (such as soft potatoes, squash and carrots), the puree, then freeze each in a separate ice cube tray.

"In this way, my child can have a variety of items in one day and they are all fast to warm up," she says.

And when you do not have time to make it homemade, hereThe best brands of baby food to buy, according to nutritionists.


Make the most of the fruit

Berry ice cubes

Bays and bananas can go wrong before knowing it, so gelez them in cubes is a way to make them last much longer than otherwise.

"Puree and freeze fresh fruit at its peak, then try them as a replacement of frozen fruits purchased at the store forsmoothies, "Said Hayes.

Or, you can pour the last ounces of your 100% fruit juice in a tray and gelez it for later use on selertzers or colorful and tasty cocktail cocktails.


Build better pancakes with baby stuff

Pancake cubes

A simple typical maidHome pancake recipe Call about 1/3 cup of buttermilk. Too bad it often happens in half-gallon containers, is not it? The solution: Fill the wells of an ounce two-thirds of the full path with the rest of the buttermilk bottle, then defrost four cubes to build a dough for another short battery at any time.

And while you do flapjacks, check these13 current pancake errors - and how to repair them.


Relax more egg whites

Puree food cubes

Use egg yolks for ice cream, ice cream or Dutch? Preserve the whites for another day by filling each ice ice with a white. Then you can thaw as much as you need your recipe in the refrigerator overnight and use them to add a boost of protein to your menu.

Use egg whites like the "glue" for spices on confit nuts, combine them with whole eggs to bring a frieze to stir together, or blur with remnants of vegetables and protein.


Build a better bourbon drink (more rigid)

Bourbon ice cubes

Call all Aficionados de Cocktails: Storebigger Wherespherical Ice cube trays.

"A ball of ice is better than a cube because the area is exposed to hot liquid, the more ice will melt. A sphere of ice will melt slightly more slowly than an ice cube, so you can cool the drink without diluting it quickly, "says Mario Segura, head atUMAMI BURGER In Los Angeles, California.


Create Crystalline Cocktail Coolers

Water ice cubes

If you want your ice to be as clear and cool like your favorite cocktail bar, try the Crowley trick.

"Ice restaurant is without bubble if coming from commercial ice machines that have purifiers and freeze the water very quickly," she says. "You can make cubes similar to the house by boiling distilled water and gelary-la-it freeze - no need to cool first. This makes the ice clear, like all fancy bars now serve, and Clear ice remains frozen longer than ordinary ice, making it perfect for cocktails. "


Frisson of caramelized onions

Caramelized onions

A little hazel, a little sweet, a little tangy-caramelized onions give a delicious flavor with soups, sauces and pasta. What we are not so wild is about 45 minutes, it takes to get them pulply Jammy. Fortunately, they just free if you pack them in ice creams, no other necessary ingredients. Caramelize several onions at a time, then store in a zipper (with as much air as pressed possible) in the freezer that can accommodate up to three months.


Make fast chocolate strawberries

Chocolate covered strawberries

The strawberries covered with chocolate purchased from the bakery can cost more than $ 3 each. Try this ice cube tray of ice to save money.

Combine two cups of chocolate chips with two tablespoons of coconut oil and microwave at 45 seconds at 50% power until melted, stirring between each offset.

Fill each of the 12 ice wells a little more halfway with the chocolate mixture, then press a whole cutter, upper side upward, on the top to coat most of the sides of the bay.

Freezing until the chocolate is solid, then appear and dig.


Make H2O happier with infused ice

Fruit ice cubes

Dress up your daily dose of water with hostile cubes.

"Freeze citrus juice and zests, fresh berries, or even edible flowers in water to make a little more friendly drinking," says Hayes. Who does not like a daily dose of spa water, no needed getaway?

For more, check these108 most popular sodas classified by how toxic they are toxic.

Categories: Healthy Eating
Tags: Drinks / tips
By: liudmyla
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