30 secret messages hidden in the popular logos

Read between lines (or negative space).

Although they are small and relatively simple in the design, many logos of the company are actually quite complex for messaging. If you know how to read between the lines (or in the negative space), you will find thatall-Even the colors of a font or the placement of an arrow-have an intentional sense that connects the main message of the company.

In this document, we have collected some of the wildest and most amazing secret messages hidden in the logos. And for more secret hiding secrets, you may have missed,These are the hidden messages in the official royal wedding portraits.


wendy's logo
Image via Wendy's

Can you see the secret message? Buried in the flywheels of the little girl in the Wendy logo is the word "mom". When the hidden word has been discovered for the first time by users online, the dominant theory was that the company pushed the word to associate their food with the kitchen at the house of Mom. However, Wendy said the word was involuntary and any assumed subliminal message does not really exist (at least not on purpose).

Beats by DRE

Beats by Dre logo
Image via Beats by Dre

At first glance, Dre Logo beats are a bit more than a red circle with the letterb inside it. However, this red circle is also supposed to represent the head of a human and theb Is supposed to be a pair of beating earphones on their ears.


Cisco logo
Image via Wikimedia Commons

If you know what Cisco does, you already know that the lines of their logo are supposed to represent a digital signal. But what you may not know is that the telecommunications company started to embark on San Francisco, so that these lines also had to describe the Golden Gate Bridge of the city. Crazy, right? And for more interesting trivia, consult the50 fun facts about the world that will put a smile on your face.


Amazon logo
Image via Wikimedia Commons

The arrow of the Amazon logo is placed for a very specific purpose in mind. If you look carefully, you will see that the arrow connects the letter.A to the letterZ, meaning that on the website you will find everything you need from A to Z.


gamecube logo
Image via Wikimedia Commons

All players and alumni of the 90s and '00s are familiar with Nintendo Gamecube. And as the name suggests, the logo is nice and simple: it is an encapsulated cube in a larger cube. Law?

Well, if you pay special attention to the negative space between the boxes, you can actually get the letters outg andVS in the same logo. And for the 21st century games to play, check these8 advanced video games that will make you smarter.

The Bronx Zoo

the bronx zoo logo
Image via the Bronx zoo

Seeing that the main exhibitions of Bronx Zoo animals are its many exhibits of animals, it is logical that its logo offers two giraffes and some flying birds. And for this specific zoo, being located in a district of the city of New York is another huge identification factor, so it also makes sense that hidden between the giraffes legs is the emblematic horizon of the city. And for some incredible Chinese anticiens animals, meet the30 adorable animals that are actually fatal.

Goodwill International Industries

Goodwill logo
Image via Wikimedia Commons

This non-profit goal is working hard to improve people's lives and put smiles on their faces, and so it is appropriate for theg In their double logo like a smiling face (twice).

Hershey kisses

hershey's kisses logo
Image via Hershey

Everyone can easily spot the two Giant Hershey kisses presented in evidence in the center of the brand's logo, but what about a third kiss? If you look between the lettersK andIAnd tilt your head left, you will see the extra kiss pressed there.


tostitos logo
Image via Tostitos

Famous for their tortilla chips and their accompanying dip, Tostitos may have one of the best hidden logo messages of all time. The two tinytIn the logo, represent people holding a chip and the point on the letterI serves as a bowl of Salsa.


fedex logo
Image via Fedex

Hidden between the negative space of letterseandX In the FedEx logo is an arrow pointing to the right. AsHead of Lindon, the designer of the logo, explained toFast businessThis arrow "could connote the direction before, speed and precision", but the beauty (and the meaning) is in the eye of the viewer. And for more interesting business trivia,Here's where these famous companies got their famous names.

Baskin Robbins

baskin robbins logo
Image via Baskin-Robbins

Think about the number of ice flavors Baskin-Robbins. (If you do not already know, they serve 31.) With that in mind, take a look at theB andR In the center of the logo of the company and that you should see this very written number in pink.


Gillette logo
Image via Gillette

To demonstrate the accuracy of their product, this razor business decided to cut the tips of the letters.gandI In their logo as if a real razor had done.

Hope for African Children Initiative (HAPC)

HACI logo
Image via the Hope for African Children's Initiative

HOPE for the African Children's Initiative, or HACI, aims to support African communities by improving the lives of children. And in their logo, the two areas they help and that the people they serve are represented, seeing that the negative space of the image helps to create an image of the African continent and a child by looking at a older woman.

Jack in the box

jack in the box logo
Image via Jack in the box

Although no one is quite sure why, the original catch in the logo of the box merged the lettersToandXTogether to create a fish symbol. (A theory: they were really in their fish sandwiches at a founding moment.)


toblerone logo
Image Via Toblerone

Bern, Switzerland, where Toblerone was founded - is often called the city of the bears. Therefore, when the company created its logo, it decided to hide the outline of a bear in the negative space of the Matterhorn mountain. And if you like interesting facts, so check these30 totally accidental change of life inventions.


LG logo
Image via LG

Most people can almost immediately recognize the Winking logo facing the LG telephone company. However, if you look at the logo with a perspicacious eye, you will notice that the iconic face face of society is actually compromised of aTHE (composing the nose) and ag(constituting the shape of the face).

Pittsburgh Zoo & Aquarium

pittsburgh zoo logo
Image via Pittsburgh Zoo & Aquarium

Look at the negative space on each side of the tree of this logo. With just a little focus, you should be able to see a left gorilla and a lion on the right.


Chick-fil-A logo
Image via Wikimedia Commons

The slogan of this fast food chain is "eaten Mor ChiKin", he should therefore come as little surprise as theVSIn their double logo - you guessed it - a chicken.


NBC logo
Image via Wikimedia Commons

The rainbow colors in the NBC logo are far from random. Rather, combined with the negative white space, these colors create a peacock, intended to represent the pride of society in the programs they create and the shows they diffuse.


adidas logo
Image via Wikimedia Commons

Have you ever wondered what these three scratches in the Adidas logo meant? Well, the reason they are fired at an angle are because together they represent a mountain, thus symbolizing the challenges that customers must strive to overcome each day.


Google logo

"There were a lot of different colors [Google logo]," saidRuth Kedar, the graphic designer behind the original logo. "We finished with the primary colors, but instead of having the motive go in order, we put a secondary color on theTHE, which reported the idea that Google does not comply with the rules. And for a deeper insight of this emblematic brand, do not miss these15 things you do not know on Google.

Sun Microsystems

sun microsystems logo
Image via Wikimedia Commons

It might not look like a lot at first glance - but what is cool on the Sun Microsystems logo is that no matter how you look at it, you can always read the wordSun.


apple logo
Image via Wikimedia Commons

Although theApple logo designer Had nothing in mind by creating the emblematic of apple bitten, it is nevertheless succeeded in taking several secret messages over the years thanks to a fanbase ferment. Although many hidden meanings, the most beloved is that the apple is supposed to represent knowledge, like the apple in the story of Adam and Eve.


audi logo
Image via Wikimedia Commons

The four circles that make up the Audi logo represent the four companies composed of self-union consortium in 1932: DKW, Horch, Wanderer and Audi. And you are aficionado automobile, then check the21 worst cars of the 21st century.


carrefour logo
Image via Carrefour

The name of this French supermarket chain means "Carrefour" in English, so it is logical that their logo has arrows pointing in opposite directions. And bonus: If you focus on the negative space of the logo, you will also be able to spot the letter.VS.


subway logo
Image via Wikimedia Commons

The metro logo includes arrows pointing in opposite directions to represent the input and output of a metro station, symbolizing that you can have a delicious fast food restore.

Brewers Milwaukee

Milwaukee Brewers logo
Image via Milwaukee Brewers

From 1978 to 1993, the Brewers Milwaukee used this emblematic logo, which combined the tiny lettersmandbCreate a baseball glove.


Domino's Pizza logo
Image via Domino's

When the first opening of Domino, the founders did not expect the chain of pizza to be as great as that, and so they intended to add a point to the dominoes in the logo whenever A new location has opened its doors. However, the company quickly grew too big to do such a thing, and today today, the three points of the logo represent the three original locations.

Paramount Pictures

paramount pictures logo
Image via Wikimedia Commons

The original Paramount logo had 24 star, symbolizing the number of contractual cinema stars he had at the time of creation of the logo. The logo has only been 22 stars since the 1970s, although no one is quite sure where the other two stars are coming or why.


pinterest logo
Image via Pinterest

The giantp In the Pinterest logo, it is more than to meet the eye. Of course, it's literally the first letter of the brand name, but the way it is drawn is also supposed to look like a push pin (because Pinterest Boards-get it?). And for more fascinating trivia on your favorite brands, learn the15 dictator things forbidden to their businesses.

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Tags: Trivia
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