Expensive just revealed his obsession with "nerdy" fitness and it's amazing

Just ... dance!

Dear 72 years old, and it certainly belongs to our list ofMore than 65 main ladies that look incredible. Legendary music is being honored at a ceremony at the Kennedy Center in just a few months and when you look at the photos of her, she looks literally like a return tour.

SpeakingFor more recently, the pop icon revealed the fitness regime that keeps it so young.

While she is two or three minutes of boards a day and runs on a central plate, the real key to her fabulous appearance is the Zumba.

"It's a little Nerdy, but I love it," she says.

Anyone who has already done Zumba can understand why expensive it would describe it as "Ringard" because it feels a little onyy to burn calories by goshing a group of Latin and African beatings. But it's actually one of the most fun ways to do cardio and estimate that, depending on how you are intense, it is possible to burn 350-650 calories per long time.

And expensive is not the only celebrity that credits his ageless physique to dance.

Recently, a 60 year old videoMadonna Make her "Vogue" emblematic dance in a hospital In Malawi became viral and proved that she still had a lot of movements. And in a recent and deepened profile, aged 58Allison Janney admitted that she she "A favorite way to work is just dancing."

For what it goes,Several studies have confirmed This dance presents significant physical and psychological advantages for the elderly, strengthen cardiovascular health, improve balance and coordination, develop muscles and joints and even offset some effects of aging in the brain.

More, the rush to the endorphin makes it a real mood atmosphere and if there is something we learned fromJane Fonda,It is that the secret to watch young isfeeling Young. So do not hesitate to go dancing the afternoon (or night). And for more great celebrity tips on research and feel younger than ever, discoverThe Age Secrets of Beauty of Jane Seymour.

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