The 50 most respectful city-friendly cities in America

These cities will keep more money in your pockets.

Let's be honest: Nobodyreally likes to pay taxes. Of course, it is satisfying to know that you are helping fund great things like roads and schools, but it still hurts knowing that some of your hard-earned wages evaporate just before seeing it. (Hey, you're only human.)

It only aggravates the pain of knowing that so many people are paying much less tax than you do and just because they live in tax-efficient locations. We know because we have collected tax data on the 200 largest cities in the United States to help identify those who are easiest on your wallet.

Cities in Texas state non-tax expenses on income and retains most of its other low taxes had an advantage, but there are many other major cities that make a pretty impressive demonstration. So read on and see if your hometown made the list. And for more great rankings in the city, check out this collection of50 Hardest Working Towns in America.

OUR METHOD:We analyzed the tax data from the Tax Foundation, the Census of the United States and individual State government websites of the city, including the state and local tax revenue, sales tax and as property tax and other taxes, such as alcohol, tobacco and fuel taxes.

Arlington, TX

Arlington, happiest cities, worst singles scenes, best cities to buy a mansion, rent, property, tax friendly cities

Population: 392,772
State income tax: 0.00%
Tax on local income 0.00%
State sales tax: 6.25%
The local sales tax: 1.75%
State property tax: 1.90%
Average property taxes (county): $ 3746
Tax on cigarettes: $ 1.41
Alcohol tax: $ 2.40
State fuel taxes (cents per gallon): 20.00
The holiday sales tax: Yes
Tax Service: 79.80

Garland, TX

Garland, happiest cities, worst singles scenes, tax friendly cities

Population: 234943
State income tax: 0.00%
Tax on local income 0.00%
State sales tax: 6.25%
The local sales tax: 2.00%
State property tax: 1.90%
Average property taxes (county): $ 3615
Tax on cigarettes: $ 1.41
Alcohol tax: $ 2.40
State fuel taxes (cents per gallon): 20.00
The holiday sales tax: Yes
Tax Service: 79.81

Irving, TX

Irving, happiest cities, worst singles scenes, best cities to buy a mansion, tax friendly cities

Population: 238289
State income tax: 0.00%
Tax on local income 0.00%
State sales tax: 6.25%
The local sales tax: 2.00%
State property tax: 1.90%
Average property taxes (county): $ 3615
Tax on cigarettes: $ 1.41
Alcohol tax: $ 2.40
State fuel taxes (cents per gallon): 20.00
The holiday sales tax: Yes
Tax Service: 79.81

Denton, TX

Denton, old bridge, sunset, longest-living cities, best cities to buy a mansion, tax friendly cities

Population: 133808
State income tax: 0.00%
Tax on local income 0.00%
State sales tax: 6.25%
The local sales tax: 0.00%
State property tax: 1.90%
Average property taxes (county): $ 4513
Tax on cigarettes: $ 1.41
Alcohol tax: $ 2.40
State fuel taxes (cents per gallon): 20.00
The holiday sales tax: Yes
Tax Service: 80.01

Frisco, TX

Frisco, circus, longest-living cities, worst singles scenes, best cities to buy a mansion, longest commutes, commute, tax friendly cities

Population: 163656
State income tax: 0.00%
Tax on local income 0.00%
State sales tax: 6.25%
The local sales tax: 0.00%
State property tax: 1.90%
Average property taxes (county): 4,513
Tax on cigarettes: $ 1.41
Alcohol tax: $ 2.40
State fuel taxes (cents per gallon): 20.00
The holiday sales tax: Yes
Tax Service: 80.01

Miramar, FL

Miramar, palm trees, sunrise, longest-living cities, longest commutes, commute, tax friendly cities

Population: 138449
State income tax: 0.00%
Tax on local income 0.00%
State sales tax: 6.00%
The local sales tax: 0.00%
State property tax: 1.06%
Average property taxes (county): $ 3009
Tax on cigarettes: $ 1.34
Alcohol tax: $ 6.50
State fuel taxes (cents per gallon): 36.80
The holiday sales tax: Yes
Tax Service: 80.08

Hollywood, FL

Hollywood, Florida, drunkest cities, best singles scenes, longest commutes, commute, tax friendly cities

Population: 151,998
State income tax: 0.00%
Tax on local income 0.00
State sales tax: 6.00%
The local sales tax: 0.00%
State property tax: 1.06%
Average property taxes (county): $ 3009
Tax on cigarettes: $ 1.34
Alcohol tax: $ 6.50
State fuel taxes (cents per gallon): 36.80
The holiday sales tax: Yes
Tax Service: 80.08

Pembroke pines, fl

Pembroke Pines, happiest cities, longest-living cities, healthiest cities, longest commutes, commute, tax friendly cities

Population: 168,587
State income tax: 0.00%
Tax on local income 0.00%
State sales tax: 6.00%
The local sales tax: 0.00%
State property tax: 1.06%
Average property taxes (county): $ 3009
Tax on cigarettes: $ 1.34
Alcohol tax: $ 6.50
State fuel taxes (cents per gallon): 36.80
The holiday sales tax: Yes
Tax Service: 80.08

Tampa, FL

Tampa, fittest cities, drunkest cities, healthiest cities, best singles scenes, best cities to buy a mansion, flip a house, tax friendly cities

Population: 377.165
State income tax: 0.00%
Tax on local income 0.00%
State sales tax: 6.00%
Local sales tax: 1.00%
Property Taxation: 1.06%
Average land taxes (county): $ 2387
Cigarette tax: $ 1.34
Alcohol Tax: $ 6.50
Fuel tax status (cents per gallon): 36.80
Holiday sales tax?: Yes
Amiability tax: 80.33

Knoxville, TN

Knoxville, fattest cities, drunkest cities, longest-living cities, best singles scenes, flip a house, tax friendly cities

Population: 186,239
State Income Tax: 5.00
Local Income Tax: 0.00%
State sales tax: 7.00%
Local sales tax: 0.00%
Property Taxation: 0.75%
Average land taxes (county): $ 1344
Cigarette tax: $ 0.6
Alcohol Tax: $ 4.46
Fuel tax status (cents per gallon): 21.40
Holiday sales tax?: Yes
Amiability tax: 80.48

Clarksville, TN

Clarksville, drunkest cities, longest-living cities, worst singles scenes, best cities to buy a mansion, tax friendly cities

Population: 150,287
Income Tax State: 5.00%
Local Income Tax: 0.00%
State sales tax: 7.00%
Local sales tax: 0.00%
Property Taxation: 0.75%
Average property taxes (county): $ 1338
Tax on cigarettes:] $ 0.62
Alcohol Tax: $ 4.46
Fuel tax status (cents per gallon): 21.40
Holiday sales tax?: Yes
Amiability tax: 80.49

Indianapolis, in

Indianapolis, drunkest cities, fattest cities, flip, rent, property, tax friendly cities

Population: 855.164
State Income Tax: 3.23%
Local Income Tax: 1.62%
State sales tax: 7.00%
Local sales tax: 0.00%
Property Taxation: 0.86%
Average land taxes (county): $ 1544
Cigarette Tax: $ 1.00
Alcohol tax: $ 2.68
Fuel tax status (cents per gallon): 33.59
Holiday sales tax?: N
Amiability tax: 80.53

Colorado Springs, Co

Colorado Springs, longest-living cities, drunkest cities, happiest cities, healthiest cities, best cities to buy a mansion, flip a house, rent, property, tax friendly cities

Population: 465,101
State Income Tax: 4.63%
Local Income Tax: 0.00%
State sales tax: 2.90%
Local sales tax: 5.35%
Property Taxation: 0.61%
Average property taxes (county): $ 1378
Cigarette tax: $ 0.84
Alcohol Tax: $ 2.28
Fuel tax status (cents per gallon): 22.00
Holiday sales tax?: N
Amiability tax: 80.63

San Antonio, TX

San Antonio, happiest cities, drunkest cities, fattest cities, best cities to buy a mansion, flip a house, rent, property, tax friendly cities

Population: 1 492 510
Income Tax State: 0.00%
Local Income Tax: 0.00%
State sales tax: 6.25%
Local sales tax: 2.00%
Property Taxation: 1.90%
Average property taxes (county): $ 3202
Cigarette Tax: $ 1.41
Alcohol Tax: $ 2.40
Fuel tax status (cents per gallon): 20.00
Holiday sales tax?: Yes
Amiability tax: 80.64

Savannah, GA

Savannah, drunkest cities, best singles scenes, tax friendly cities

Population: 146,763
State Income Tax: 6.00%
Local Income Tax: 0.00%
State sales tax: 4.00%
Local sales tax: 0.00%
Property Taxation: 0.95%
Average property taxes (county): $ 2114
Cigarette tax: $ 0.37
Alcohol Tax: $ 3.79
Fuel tax status (cents per gallon): 31.09
Holiday sales tax?: N
Amiability tax: 80.66

Peoria, AZ

Peoria, happiest cities, fittest cities, healthiest cities, worst singles scenes, best cities to buy a mansion, tax friendly cities

Income Tax State: 4.54%
Local Income Tax: 0.00%
State sales tax: 5.60%
Local sales tax: 0.00%
Property Taxation: 0.80%
Average land taxes (county): $ 1696
Cigarette tax: 2.00
Alcohol Tax: $ 3.00
Fuel tax status (cents per gallon): 19.00
Holiday sales tax?: N
Amiability tax: 80.67

Tempe, AZ

Tempe, happiest cities, drunkest cities, fittest cities, healthiest cities, tax friendly cities

Population: 182,498
Income Tax State: 4.54%
Local Income Tax: 0.00%
State sales tax: 5.60%
Local sales tax: 0.00%
Property Taxation: 0.80%
Average land taxes (county): $ 1696
Cigarette Tax: $ 2.00
Alcohol Tax: $ 3.00
Fuel tax status (cents per gallon): 19.00
Holiday sales tax?: N
Amiability tax: 80.67

Orlando FL

Orlando, happiest cities, drunkest cities, fittest cities, healthiest cities, best singles scenes, best cities to buy a mansion, flip a house, tax friendly cities

Population: 277,173
Income Tax State: 0.00%
Local Income Tax: 0.00%
State sales tax: 6.00%
Local sales tax: 0.50%
Property Taxation: 1.06%
Average land taxes (county): $ 2426
Cigarette tax: $ 1.34
Alcohol Tax: $ 6.50
Fuel tax status (cents per gallon): 36.80
Holiday sales tax?: Yes
Amiability tax: 80.75

St Petersburg, FL

St. Petersburg, Florida, drunkest cities, longest-living cities, tax friendly cities

Population: 260 999
Income Tax State: 0.00%
Local Income Tax: 0.00%
State sales tax: 6.00%
Local sales tax: 1.00%
Property Taxation: 1.06%
Medium Taxes (county): $ 2086
Cigarette tax: $ 1.34
Alcohol Tax: $ 6.5
Fuel tax status (cents per gallon): 36.80
Holiday sales tax?: Yes
Amiability tax: 80.93

Jacksonville FL

Jacksonville, fattest cities, drunkest cities, flip a house, rent, property, tax friendly cities

Population: 880,619
Income Tax State: 0.00%
Local Income Tax: 0.00%
State sales tax: 6.00%
Local sales tax: 1.00%
Property Taxation: 1.06%
Average land taxes (county): $ 1,979
Cigarette tax: $ 1.34
Alcohol Tax: $ 6.50
Fuel tax status (cents per gallon): 36.80
Holiday sales tax?: Yes
Amiability tax: 81.14

CAPE Coral, FL

Cape Coral, happiest cities, longest-living cities, worst singles scenes, best cities to buy a mansion, flip a house, longest commutes, commute, tax friendly cities

Population 179804
Income Tax State: 0.00%
Local Income Tax: 0.00%
State sales tax: 6.00%
Local sales tax: 0.00%
Property Taxation: 1.06%
Average land taxes (county): $ 2388
Cigarette tax: $ 1.34
Alcohol Tax: $ 6.50
Fuel tax status (cents per gallon): 36.80
Holiday sales tax?: Yes
Amiability tax: 81.32

Macon, ga

macon georgia, most tax-friendly cities

Population: 152 555
State Income Tax: 6.00%
Local Income Tax: 0.00%
State sales tax: 4.00%
Local sales tax: 0.00%
Property Taxation: 0.95%
Average land taxes (county): $ 1736
Cigarette tax: $ 0.37
Alcohol Tax: $ 3.79
Fuel tax status (cents per gallon): 31.09
Holiday sales tax?:
Amiability tax: 81.42


Reno, happiest cities, drunkest cities, fittest cities, best singles scenes, tax friendly cities

Population: 245,255
Income Tax State: 0.00%
Local Income Tax: 0.00%
State sales tax: 6.85%
Local sales tax: 0.88%
Property Taxation: 0.86%
Average property taxes (county): $ 2225
Cigarette tax: $ 1.80
Alcohol Tax: $ 3.60
Fuel tax status (cents per gallon): 33,52
Holiday sales tax?: N
Amiability tax: 81.56

Fort Wayne, in

Fort Wayne, drunkest cities, happiest cities, fattest cities, best cities to buy a mansion, tax friendly cities

Population: 264488
State Income Tax: 3.23%
Local Income Tax: 1.00%
State sales tax: 7.00%
Local sales tax: 0.00%
Property Taxation: 0.86%
Average property taxes (county): $ 1271
Cigarette Tax: $ 1.00
Alcohol tax: $ 2.68
Fuel tax status (cents per gallon): 33.59
Holiday sales tax?: N
Amiability tax: 81.69

Laredo, tx

Laredo, worst singles scenes, tax friendly cities

Population: 257156
Income Tax State: 0.00%
Local Income Tax: 0.00%
State sales tax: 6.25%
Local sales tax: 2.00%
Property Taxation: 1.90%
Average property taxes (county): $ 2673
Cigarette Tax: $ 1.41
Alcohol Tax: $ 2.40
Fuel tax status (cents per gallon): 20.00
Holiday sales tax?: Yes
Amiability tax: 81.69

El Paso, TX

El Paso, happiest cities, drunkest cities, fattest cities, rent, property, tax friendly cities

Population: 683080
Income Tax State: 0.00%
Local Income Tax: 0.00%
State sales tax: 6.25%
Local sales tax: 2.00%
State ownership: 1.90%
Average estate taxes (county): $ 2,671
Cigarette tax: $ 1.41
Alcohol tax: $ 2.40
State fuel tax (cents per gallon): 20:00
Vacation of sales tax?: Y
Tax conviviality: 81.70

Pasadena, TX

Pasadena, TX, worst singles scenes, kayak, tax friendly cities

Population: 153,351
State income tax: 0.00%
Local Income Tax: 0.00%
State sales tax: 6.25%
Local sales tax: 0.00%
State ownership: 1.90%
Taxes of average real estate (county): $ 3,661
Cigarette tax: $ 1.41
Alcohol tax: $ 2.40
State fuel tax (cents per gallon): 20:00
Tax holidays?: Y
Tax conviviality: 81.72

Tallahassee, FL

Tallahassee, longest-living cities, drunkest cities, fittest cities, healthiest cities, best singles scenes, best cities to buy a mansion, tax friendly cities

Population: 190.894
State income tax: 0.00%
Local Income Tax: 0.00%
State sales tax: 6.00%
Local sales tax: 0.00%
State property tax: 1.06%
Average estate taxes (county): $ 2,159
Cigarette tax: $ 1.34
Alcohol tax: $ 6.50
State fuel tax (cents per gallon): 36.80
Vacation of sales tax?: Y
Tax conviviality: 81.78

Mesquite, tx

Mesquite, Texas, suburb, worst singles scenes, tax friendly cities

Population: 143,73
State income tax: 0.00%
Local Income Tax: 0.00%
State sales tax: 6.25%
Local sales tax: 0.00%
State ownership: 1.90%
Average estate taxes (county): $ 3,615
Cigarette tax: $ 1.41
Alcohol tax: $ 2.40
State fuel tax (cents per gallon): 20:00
Vacation of sales tax?: Y
Tax conviviality: 81.81

Grand Prairie, TX

Grand Prairie, happiest cities, worst singles scenes, best cities to buy a mansion, tax friendly cities

Population: 190.682
State income tax: 0.00%
Local Income Tax: 0.00%
State sales tax: 6.25%
Local sales tax: 0.00%
State ownership: 1.90%
Average estate taxes (county): $ 3,615
Cigarette tax: $ 1.41
Alcohol tax: $ 2.40
State fuel tax (cents per gallon): 20:00
Vacation of sales tax?: Y
Tax conviviality: 81.81

North Las Vegas, NV

North Las Vegas, happiest cities, worst singles scenes, tax friendly cities

Population: 238 702
State income tax: 0.00%
Local Income Tax: 0.00%
State sales tax: 6.85%
Local sales tax: 1.30%
State ownership tax: 0,86
Average property taxes (county): $ 1,852
Cigarette tax: $ 1.80
Alcohol tax: $ 3.60
State fuel tax (cents per gallon): 33.52
Vacation of sales tax ?: n
Tax conviviality: 81.89

Henderson, NV

Henderson, happiest cities, drunkest cities, singles scenes, best cities to buy a mansion, tax friendly cities

Population: 292 969
State income tax: 0.00%
Local Income Tax: 0.00%
State sales tax: 6.85%
Local sales tax: 1.30%
State ownership tax: 0.86%
Average property taxes (county): $ 1,852
Cigarette tax: $ 1.80
Alcohol tax: $ 3.60
State fuel tax (cents per gallon): 33.52
Vacation of sales tax ?: n
Tax conviviality: 81.89

Las Vegas, NV

Las Vegas, happiest cities, drunkest cities, flip a house, rent, property, tax friendly cities

Population: 632,912
State income tax: 0.00%
Local Income Tax: 0.00%
State sales tax: 6.85%
Local sales tax: 1.30%
State ownership tax: 0.86%
Average property taxes (county): $ 1,852
Cigarette tax: $ 1.80
Alcohol tax: $ 3.60
State fuel tax (cents per gallon): 33.52
Vacation of sales tax ?: n
Tax conviviality: 81.89

Port St Lucie, FL

port st lucie, best tax friendly cities

Population: 185,13
State income tax: 0.00%
Local Income Tax: 0.00%
State sales tax: 6.00%
Local sales tax: 0.00%
State property tax: 1.06%
Average estate taxes (county): $ 2,081
Cigarette tax: $ 1.34
Alcohol tax: $ 6.50
State fuel tax (cents per gallon): 36.80
Vacation of sales tax?: Y
Tax conviviality: 81.94

Augusta, GA

fattest cities, best singles scenes, tax friendly cities

Population: 197 081
State income tax: 6.00%
Local Income Tax: 0.00%
State sales tax: 4.00%
Local sales tax: 0.00%
State ownership tax: 0.95%
Average property taxes (county): $ 1,304
Cigarette tax: $ 0.37
Alcohol tax: $ 3.79
State fuel tax (cents per gallon): 31.09
Vacation of sales tax ?: n
Tax conviviality: 82.28

Lubbock, tx

Lubbock, happiest cities, drunkest cities, best cities to buy a mansion, tax friendly cities

Population: 252 506
State income tax: 0.00%
Local Income Tax: 0.00%
State sales tax: 6.25%
Local sales tax: 2.00%
State ownership: 1.90%
Middle Property Taxes (County): $ 2,367
Cigarette tax: $ 1.41
Alcohol tax: $ 2.40
State fuel tax (cents per gallon): 20:00
Vacation of sales tax?: Y
Tax conviviality: 82.31

Corpus christi, tx

Corpus Christi, drunkest cities, tax friendly cities

Population: 325,733
State income tax: 0.00%
Local Income Tax: 0.00%
State sales tax: 6.25%
Local sales tax: 2.00%
State ownership: 1.90%
Average estate taxes (county): $ 2,286
Cigarette tax: $ 1.41
Alcohol tax: $ 2.40
State fuel tax (cents per gallon): 20:00
Vacation of sales tax?: Y
Tax conviviality: 82.47

Sioux Falls, SD

Sioux Falls, happiest cities, drunkest cities, longest-living cities, healthiest cities, best singles scenes, tax friendly cities

Population: 174,360
State income tax: 0.00%
Local Income Tax: 0.00%
State sales tax: 4.50%
Local sales tax: 0.00%
State property tax: 1.32%
Average real estate taxes (county): $ 2,320
Cigarette tax: $ 1.53
Alcohol tax: $ 4.63
State fuel tax (cents per gallon): 30.00
Vacation of sales tax ?: n
Tax conviviality: 83.38

Midland, TX

Midland, drunkest cities, best cities to buy a mansion, tax friendly cities

Population: 134,610
State income tax: 0.00%
Local Income Tax: 0.00%
State sales tax: 6.25%
Local sales tax: 0.00%
State ownership: 1.90%
Taxes of average real estate (county): $ 2,715
Cigarette tax: $ 1.41
Alcohol tax: $ 2.40
State fuel tax (cents per gallon): 20:00
Vacation of sales tax?: Y
Tax conviviality: 83.61

Shreveport, the

fattest cities, drunkest cities, best singles scenes, tax friendly cities

Population: 194 920
State income tax: 6.00%
Local Income Tax: 0.00%
State sales tax: 5.00%
Local sales tax: 0.00%
State ownership tax: 0.51%
Taxes of average real estate (county): $ 1,129
Cigarette tax: $ 1.08
Alcohol tax: $ 2.50
State fuel tax (cents per gallon): 20.01
Vacation of sales tax?: Y
Tax conviviality: 83.65

Killeen, TX

killeen texas most tax friendly

Population: 143,400
State income tax: 0.00%
Local Income Tax: 0.00%
State sales tax: 6.25%
Local sales tax: 0.00%
State ownership: 1.90%
Middle Property Taxes (County): $ 2,476
Cigarette tax: $ 1.41
Alcohol tax: $ 2.40
State fuel tax (cents per gallon): 20:00
Vacation of sales tax?: Y
Tax conviviality: 84.09

Waco, TX

Waco, drunkest cities, tax friendly cities

Population: 134,432
State income tax: 0.00%
Local Income Tax: 0.00%
State sales tax: 6.25%
Local sales tax: 0.00%
State ownership: 1.90%
Taxes of average real estate (county): $ 2,325
Cigarette tax: $ 1.41
Alcohol tax: $ 2.40
State fuel tax (cents per gallon): 20:00
Vacation of sales tax?: Y
Tax conviviality: 84.39

Lakewood, CO

Lakewood, drunkest cities, tax friendly cities

Population: 154 393
State income tax: 4.63%
Local Income Tax: 0.00%
State sales tax: 2.90%
Local sales tax: 0.00%
State ownership tax: 0.61%
Average estate taxes (county): $ 2,164
Cigarette tax: $ 0.84
Alcohol tax: $ 2.28
State fuel tax (cents per gallon): 22:00
Vacation of sales tax ?: n
Tax conviviality: 84.41

Fort Collins, CO

Fort Collins, drunkest cities, longest-living cities, best cities to buy a mansion, tax friendly cities

Population: 164,207
State income tax: 4.63%
Local Income Tax: 0.00%
State sales tax: 2.90%
Local sales tax: 0.00%
State ownership tax: 0.61%
Taxes of Middle Real Estate (County): $ 1,882
Cigarette tax: $ 0.84
Alcohol tax: $ 2.28
State fuel tax (cents per gallon): 22:00
Vacation of sales tax ?: n
Tax conviviality: 84.98

Springfield, Mo

springfield, drunkest cities, fittest cities, best singles scenes, tax friendly cities

Population: 167,319
State income tax: 6.00%
Local Income Tax: 0.00%
State sales tax: 4.23%
Local sales tax: 0.00%
State ownership: 1.02%
Average property taxes (county): $ 1,275
Cigarette tax: $ 0.17
Alcohol tax: $ 2.00
State fuel tax (cents per gallon): 17:30
Vacation of sales tax?: Y
Tax conviviality: 85.03

Amarillo, TX

Amarillo, cowboy horse statue, drunkest cities, tax friendly cities

Population: 199 582
State income tax: 0.00%
Local Income Tax: 0.00%
State sales tax: 6.25%
Local sales tax: 0.00%
State ownership: 1.90%
Average property taxes (county): $ 1,995
Cigarette tax: $ 1.41
Alcohol tax: $ 2.40
State fuel tax (cents per gallon): 20:00
Vacation of sales tax?: Y
Tax conviviality: 85.05

McAllen, TX

mcallen texas drunkest cities fattest cities, tax friendly cities

Population: 142,212
State income tax: 0.00%
Local Income Tax: 0.00%
State sales tax: 6.25%
Local sales tax: 0.00%
State ownership: 1.90%
Average property taxes (county): $ 1,948
Cigarette tax: $ 1.41
Alcohol tax: $ 2.40
State fuel tax (cents per gallon): 20:00
Vacation of sales tax?: Y
Tax conviviality: 85.14

Thornton, Co

thornton CO, tax friendly cities

Population: 136 703
State income tax: 4.63%
Local Income Tax: 0.00%
State sales tax: 2.90%
Local sales tax: 0.00%
State ownership tax: 0.61%
Average property taxes (county): $ 1,793
Cigarette tax: $ 0.84
Alcohol tax: $ 2.28
State fuel tax (cents per gallon): 22:00
Vacation of sales tax ?: n
Tax conviviality: 85.15

Brownsville, TX

Brownsville, TX, worst singles scenes, tax friendly cities

Population: 183 823
State income tax: 0.00%
Local Income Tax: 0.00%
State sales tax: 6.25%
Local sales tax: 0.00%
State ownership: 1.90%
Taxes of average real estate (county): $ 1,750
Cigarette tax: $ 1.41
Alcohol tax: $ 2.40
State fuel tax (cents per gallon): 20:00
Vacation of sales tax?: Y
Tax conviviality: 85.54

Dallas, tx

Dallas, happiest cities, drunkest cities, fattest cities, best cities to buy a mansion, flip a house, rent, property, tax friendly cities

Population: 1 317 929
State income tax: 0.00%
Local Income Tax: 0.00%
State sales tax: 6.25%
Local sales tax: 2.00%
State ownership: 1.90%
Tax on average real estate (county): $ 374
Cigarette tax: $ 1.41
Alcohol tax: $ 2.40
State fuel tax (cents per gallon): 20:00
Vacation of sales tax?: Y
Tax conviviality: 86.29

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Categories: Travel
Tags: Cities / Finance
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