Twitter can not stop laughing from your cat to walk on your laptop

Should we just accept our new feline overlords?

Yesyou have a catYou know at least one thing to be true: they like to sit on your laptop. Recently, the Twitter user@alygat Shared a video Her husband took, in which the ear of their cat had become an "key in entrance".

The video quickly returned viral, amissing more than 67.00 retweets and tons of tweets from her chat colleagues who could be related to the fact that the fight is real if you have both a cat and something to type.

Cats work on all the work of their owner.

They can open a pile of tabs on your laptop.

They can keep your keyboard nice and hot.

And you know they will be adorable while doing it.

Like, really adorable.

Basically, we feel everyone's pain from each other.

Should we just accept our new feline overlords?

Can we really win in the battle of laptop against a cat?

(Probably not.) And for more great cat stories, checkThis cat goes viral to be the most dramatic creature of all time.

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